A/N- Erm, this is Silent talking about the sequel, you know after I call Ninja out... YEA I'M CALLING YOU OUT NIN-NIN! *bucks all ghetto-like*

I wasn't making fun of rape ;_; AND THAT IS THE SONG! I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE HECK YOU CAME FROM! and no matter how many emo guys (I still hate you for making me see Danny Worsnop's stuff) you put on their won't make any difference, Jessica Alba is hot. end of story. Erm, what else... PFFFFF I'm not wearing Kellan Lutz's jeans... anyways... YOUR CHAPPIE AWAITS YEEWWWW~

Director: TAKE 1!

Percy: Being a demi-god sure takes it out of you, that's why I-

Silent: YOU IDIOT! WRONG SCRIPT! *whacks Percy*


Ninja:... what did I say about behaving?

Silent: Nobody car-

Ninja: *holds up french maid outfit*

Silent: Erm... *jumps out window* WEEE DOON"T OOWWNNN PPJJJAAOOO!

Percy POV

Let me catch you up on my personal Hell, erm Underworld...

For 30 days, I have been tried to woo Annabeth chase, my one and only love, to fall in love with me, or else Aphrodite was going to jack us up, and I couldn't tell anyone either, so fail Aphrodite girl- Alex, and pervy twins Roxy and Taylor tried to help me out, somewhere around the half-way mark, everyone left and I went in a chariot after them, and crashed... painfully... so I was out cold, basically wasting a lot of time, and when I DID wake up Annbeth had told me she wanted to join the Hunters, there was a big fight, a present floated down from Olympus... and guess what?

I don't have any man parts... and... I now have woman parts...

"PERCY FREAKING JACKSON!" Annabeth roared, except now her... you know what I'm just going to say his, except now his voice was deep, I winced and turned around to face him, he looked me up and down and then his cheeks flushed pink, "I...I... WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?"

"I didn't do anything, the question is what did YOU do to Aphrodite? I HAVE BOOBS! BOOBS? DO YOU HERE ME?" I yelled, grabbing my chest and glaring at him, he blushed.

"What do you mean what did I DO? You're the one always pissing off the gods!" she snapped, I stomped my feet, and then my pants fell down, and I had to clutch my boxers to keep them from falling down my now slimmer waist.

"Dang it... I'm a guy..." said a masculent version of Roxy's voice, I whirled around, Alex had slumped to her knees... erm, his knees, and now looked like a pre-pubescent boy, his face was cute, and he had curly red hair and wide brown eyes, the twins, were tall, lean and sexy, with peircing blue eyes and wind-blown, streaked hair, headphones resting on their shou... hold on... did I just say... sexy... twins... guys?

"Percy?.. are you... you look..." but I didn't get to hear the end of Alex's statement because then everything went black.

"Why do I have to carry her?" I heard Annabeth whine.

"Cause we don't want to, Alex is too little and you like her," Roxy sighed, Annabeth was carrying me? And since when was I she...but then the lack of a certain thing in a certain place jarred my memory back into place...

"Well, I'm going straight to Chiron," Annabeth said sharply, whoops passing out again.

When I finally opened my eyes completely I was in Annabeth's arms, before a thoroughly pissed Chiron, I mean he was probably getting thousands of ulcers as we speak, and a vein was throbbing on his forehead just above his left eyebrow.

"So you all... changed... gender... because of Aphrodite?... did anyone else get affected?" he said, rubbing his temple.

"Erm, I think Nico and... Thalia! She got kicked out the Hunters... and... Grover, no never mind... wait yeah, so me, Taylor, Roxy, Annabeth, Percy, Nico, Thalia, and Grover switched genders!" Alex said in a completely peppy voice.

"Okay... you guys just make do... I'll try and figure this out... does anyone know WHY Aphrodite did this?" Chiron mused, keep your mouth shut Percy.

"No, maybe she's on her period," Taylor said shrugging, there was a terrible clap of thunder and the Big House shook, Chiron looked furious and he shot the twins a look.

"Out, out, out, I'll fix this try not to draw attention to yourselves..." Chiron said and ushered us out the door, and Alex began to cry.

"...so what do we do know?..." Roxy sighed, I blinked and nuzzled Annabeth instinctively, he instantly dropped me on my butt.

"Ohohoh, don't get all cuddly with me, I am PISSED at you Percy," she hissed, I wanted to tell her it was all HER fault in the first place, but of course I couldn't...

"Okay... for now let's go to sleep it's 2 in the morning, we can try and figure this out in the morning... or afternoon depending on your sleeping habits... I know I ain't getting up until at least 11 am..." Taylor said, and with that he and Roxy linked arms, which I would have to tell them is NOT acceptable for boys to do, and walked off to their cabin.

I looked out the corner of my eyes at Annabeth, his clothes were extremely tight, showing off an athletic body, and his girl pants were so tight you could see everything, gray eyes were narrowed, and muscular arms were crossed over his chest, and curly blond hair, fell just right in front if his eyes.

"STOP STARING AT ME AND GO TO BED!" he roared, spun on his heels in a totally feminine fashion... I was still miffed by the fact I had boobs now... oh well bed time for me and my new boobies...

Silent: Short and sweet the plot will be explained in the next chappie

Ninja: Until next time~

Silent: KAMEHAMEHA! *blasts Ninja*

Ninja: SUPER FLYING KICK JUTSU! *kicks Silent*

Silent: THUNDERBOLT! *shocks Ninja*

Ninja: SOUL RESONANCE! *uses witch hunt on Silent*

Silent: EPIC-PIMP-SLAP-TO-THE-FACE! *slaps Ninja*


Remember to review or I might forget about this story~