We're The Same You and Me

Chapter 4


A/N: This is officially my favourite story to write! I hope you like it as much as I do. OK, I'm pretending Callie and Cristina's apartment was a 3 bed because, quite frankly, I love Cristina Yang. On with le chapter! (sneaky français) Please revieww, Emily x

P.S. My laptop fucked up then my memory stick broke (STASSIA'S FAULT) so this is like my third rewrite. It's fucking annoying. And all Stass' fault.


DISCLAIMER: Glee and Grey's aint mine.


"Aphrodisiac elevator strikes again." Callie recognised the voice of her best friend immediately and turned around.

"Addie?" She screamed rushing forward to give the woman a hug.

"Hey, Cal!"

"What are you doing here?" Callie squealed, squeezing the redhead tightly.

"Mark and Derek called me in for a consult!"

"Oh no, he doesn't have another kid does he?" Callie joked.

Addison laughed, "Probably! But that's not the consult."

Callie then remembered Arizona was still there, "Oh! Addie, this is Arizona. Arizona this is my best friend, Addison Montgomery."

"The Addison Montgomery?" Arizona said as she shook the taller woman's hand.

"The one and only!" Callie's pager then went off.

"Oh, Bailey wants my opinion on something. Well, you have to come over later Addie! Santana would want to see you!"

"How is Satan Jr?"

Callie laughed at Addison's name for her sister, "She's doing good. I think she's more upset then she lets on, but that's just Santana for you. Anyways, I'll see you later. Bye, Arizona!" Callie grinned and turned back into the elevator. Arizona smiled awkwardly and headed towards the nurses station. Addison raised a perfectly-arched eyebrow at the pair and laughed, choosing to go to the cafeteria and see who was hanging around.


"I've never been inside the hospital." Brittany said as she walked down the halls with Santana. She was confused as to why Santana had told her to meet here.

"Really? I'm here, like, at least once a week."

Brittany looked at her in shock, "You're not sick are you?"

Santana laughed, "No! My sister's a surgeon."

"Ohh!" Brittany sighed, relieved.

"OK, well we just have to wait ½ an hour until her shift ends, then we can go home."

Brittany nodded, "Alright." They had reached the cafeteria by now; it wasn't very busy, only a couple of worried, sleep-deprived people nursing cups of coffee. Santana felt for these people, those who had loved ones in the hospital, she had been one of them not so long ago. She smiled sadly, asking for coffee and a muffin and waiting patiently for Brittany. Just as the blonde was paying for her green tea and bagel, Santana swooped in front of her, handing the cashier a few notes. She then winked at Brittany as they walked to the nearest free table,

"I couldn't make you pay for horrible hospital food now, could I?" Brittany just smiled.

"Thanks. And I thought we were meant to be cooking at your house."

"Oh, we are. This is just to keep us going until we eat. Because my sister works late we often eat quite late."

"She's not the only one who works late, cut her some slack!" A voice said from behind Santana, who turned around in surprise,

"Addison?" The redhead winked and Santana stood up to hug her, "Oh my God! What are you doing here?"

"Mark and Derek needed my expertise for a consult."

"He doesn't have another kid does he?"

"Haha! Your sister said the same thing! Who's your friend?"

"Oh sorry! Addison, Brittany. Brittany, Addison. Addie is my sister's poor choice of a best friend and practically my aunt." She said, gesturing between the pair.

Addison laughed, "I'm a great best friend! And you wouldn't have it any other way. You love me."

"Your ego's too big, Satan."

"Right back at 'cha, Satan Jr!" They both laughed. "Well, I'm coming over, so I guess we're all just waiting for Callie. Mind if I join you?"

"Yeah." Santana shrugged jokingly, "but I guess you're going to anyway." Addison shook her head and smiled as she sat down; Santana Torres really hadn't changed.


Callie and Cristina's apartment was almost the same as she remembered it from her last visit - the worn couch, the tattered rug, books everywhere - except there were a few of Santana's things added to the mess: an Xbox, a cheerios hoodie, a few school text books and a laptop were only a few of the things that cluttered the living room. Addison chuckled; Callie had clearly given up trying to tidy up after her untidy roommates. Santana led Brittany to her room, shutting the door behind them and kicking off her shoes. Brittany looked around the room, a smile on her face. Most of the walls were covered in posters; there was a large notice board above her bed, covered in photos. She recognised Santana, Quinn, Puck and Callie in many of them. There was one picture that caught her eye. Five smiling faces looked at Brittany from the glossy paper. She knew the two in the front were Santana and Callie, so she assumed that the three other people were their parents and sister.

"That's the last photo taken of my parents." Brittany felt hot breath on her neck and turned around. Santana was standing close behind her, smiling sadly.

"Is that your other sister?"

"Yeah, Aria. We don't really talk much, she's…" Santana sighed, not really wanting to get into the details of her homophobic sibling, "well, she's Aria."

Brittany nodded, sensing Santana's discomfort, and changed the subject, "So, I've met Addison. There any other members of your exclusive surgeon friendship group?"

"Well, Mark. He lives across the hall. He's basically a big brother to me. And Cristina. She's Callie's, and I guess my, roommate. Meredith, Cristina's best friend, to some extent. And there's Cristina's boyfriend, Owen, and Meredith's husband, Derek. They've kept me company at the hospital a few times. There's also Lexie, Mark's better half and Meredith's younger sister. Bailey too, I guess. She won't admit that she likes me though."

"Wow." Brittany whistled. Just as she was about to ask more, there was a voice from the other side of the door,

"If you want my help it's gotta be now! I am on-call you know!" Santana chuckled and the pair headed out into the kitchen.


Addison laughed as she watched Brittany and Santana load the dishwasher, bickering playfully and chatting as if they'd been friends for years.

"Hello?" A male voice boomed from the doorway.


"Hey, Santana is Callie not- Addison?"

"Hey Mark."

"Hi!" He said, pulling her into a tight embrace, "I thought you didn't get in 'till tomorrow!"

"I had a day off, thought I'd surprise everyone."

"And you'd rather hang out with Satan Jr. than your best friend Mark?"

"Callie's my best friend, Mark, you're just that weird kid who follows us round campus."

"Ouch! That hurt Satan!"

Santana laughed, "Eurgh, there's so much sexual tension between you two it's exhausting," she teased.

"What?" Both Mark and Addison exclaimed, turning towards the Latina.

"That's…crazy! I have a girlfriend and-"

"And I've given up on men!"

"Exactly! Me…and Addison? Ha! We were-"



"And we're just friends! I mean, Mark is-"



"We were the couple from hell!"


Santana laughed again and led Brittany back to her room.

"Bullshit," she called over her shoulder as she retreated, grabbing a few of the still-warm cookies as they went.


Callie breathed a sigh of relief as she finally got home, leaving her shoes by the door and padding across her apartment. She was surprised to see her two best friends laughing on the couch.

"What are you two up to?"

"Mark just told me you have a date. With Arizonaaa!" Callie gave Mark a questioning look.


"Excellent." Callie muttered, putting her phone on charge and heading to bed, leaving Addison and Mark giggling like fools on her couch.


IMPORTANT A/N: Mark/Addison or Mark/Lexie? I love both of them and I think in this story maddison is better as friends but what do my lovely beautiful readers think? Maddison is my OTP but as I said I don't think that would be right for this story. Also do you want Addie to stay permanently or only temporarily? Review to let me know pleeeeeeaaaaase! Emily x