We're the same, you and me

Chapter 1


A/N: This is something I've been thinking about doing for quite a while, so I finally decided to go ahead and write it. Please tell me what you think!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Glee or Grey's Anatomy (but if I did, faberry and slexie would totally be on).



"Hey Mer! How's it going?" Santana smiled as she walked into Seattle Grace Hospital on Saturday afternoon. She had just been watching TV and decided to go and hang out in the hospital. Apart from Joe's, the hospital was her favorite place in Seattle.

"Good! You coming to Joe's tonight?"

"Naah, me and Cal are staying in tonight. Speak of the devil," Right on cue, Callie turned the corner and smiled at her sister.

"Alright, San? I don't finish for another 2 hours yet. What do you want?" Callie knew her sister too well.

"The car. I'm going ahead to school to try out the track."

"Back by seven and please, don't total my car." Santana rolled her eyes and took the keys from her older sister.


Santana shoved her bag into one of the lockers and wandered outside. She stretched and then began to jog around the running track at a steady pace, iPod blaring. As she ran, she thought about how she got to where she was. She thought about her parents and the crash. She thought about their funeral. She didn't cry, neither did Callie. The Torres sisters didn't cry. She thought about leaving Ohio and moving to Seattle to live with her sister. She thought about the summer and how she had spent most of it running, with Quinn or at the hospital. Santana ran faster now, trying to drown out her mind. It was whirring into overdrive, random moments from the past year flashing through her vision. So wrapped up in her thoughts, Santana tripped and fell, landing awkwardly on her wrist. She brushed it off, making a mental note to get Callie to look at it later. Standing up and dusting herself off, Santana walked back to the car and drove to her best friend's house. Quinn answered the door and hugged Santana before ushering her in.

"Don't go mushy on me, Fabray."

"Get your shit together, Torres, you love it." Quinn punched Santana's arm playfully.


"You alright, S? You seem distant."

"Yeah it's just," Santana sighed, "I thought about them again."

"That's OK, San. You're allowed to think about them."

"I know, but..." Santana thought for a second, trying to find the right way to say it, "I don't feel sad. I don't feel angry or depressed or...anything."

"San, that's OK too-"

"I don't feel anything! Quinn, my parents died in a car crash and I can't even fucking cry!"

"That's just who you are! You and Callie, you're the strongest people I've ever met!"


Santana left Quinn's at 6:00 after Quinn told Santana all about McKinley, the school she would be attending her senior year. She had laughed as Quinn talked about Rachel Berry and Jacob Ben Israel and cringed at stories of Mr. Shuester and Ms. Pillsbury. She drove to the apartment she shared with her older sister. It was just across the street from the hospital so Callie was probably already home. Surely enough, Santana walked in to the smell of cooking and loud music. She managed to sneak in unnoticed and stood leaning on the counter until Callie turned around. The older woman jumped and almost spilled pasta sauce everywhere.

"Ay dios mio, Santana!"

"Hi, Cal!" Santana smirked and turned to the fridge. She poured two diet cokes and slid one down to her sister.

"So, how's McKinley?"

"How's Erica?" Santana smirked at her sister, but the way Callie's smile faltered didn't go unnoticed.

"She's...good." Santana didn't pry. They spent the next few minutes in silence until Callie shrieked,



"You've dislocated your wrist!"

"What? How- how'd you know?"

"I'm the best orthopedic surgeon in the state; I can tell by the way you're holding it, and the way that the bone is sticking out of your wrist." Santana looked down and, sure enough, her bone was sticking out of her left wrist. Callie grabbed her sister's good wrist and pulled her out of the apartment.


"We're going to reset the bone and get you a cast." Santana winced, but allowed her sister to lead her across the street to the hospital. Santana bit her lip hard as her sister reset her radius, muttering Spanish curses under her breath. The Torres sisters didn't cry.


Callie's relationship wasn't working, but Erica refused to see it. When Callie had tried to talk about it, Erica had slapped her and slept on the couch for a week. Callie Torres didn't get scared, but she was afraid of talking to Erica. The blonde stubbornly refused to admit anything, instead carrying on as if everything was OK. But it wasn't OK, they both knew that. Everyone who knew them could see it too, and Callie hated to show weakness in front of her friends. She loved respect. She walked tall; everyone respected Callie Torres. She was badass; she was hardcore. Of course, her closest friends knew that she also had a soft side. That was the thing with the Torres'; they had a hard exterior but a soft centre. Like a gobstopper, you just had to work to get to the gooey bit.

"Callie? Callie?" Mark, literally, shook her out of her thoughts. Callie smiled at him. Mark. He was one of the few people who Callie considered a proper friend. Everyone else was merely an acquaintance.

"We have Torres!" Mark cheered, clearly drunk already.


"Excuse me? Did you just challenge me to a drinking game, Torres?"

"Think I did, Sloan." The rest of the night was forgotten.


"Your sister's funny hungover!" Quinn nodded towards Callie's still sleeping form on the couch. The Latina hadn't shown any signs of movement all morning. Or afternoon.

"You should see Aria, girl can't take her liquor!"

"I have yet to meet the elusive eldest sister."

"Yeah, well. She's…narrow-minded."

"Oooooooohhh! You mean about the lesbian thing?"

"Nice work, Fabray, you sure you don't wanna be a detective?"

"Very funny, Torres."

"Harruummpphh!" Callie grumbled, catching both girls' attentions. After a few seconds her eyes fluttered open. They soon shut, however.

"So. Bright." Santana smirked,

"You went to Joe's with Mark. I picked you both up off of the bar floor at 3 this morning."

"Harruuuuuuummpphhhh!" Quinn returned from the kitchen with a mug of coffee.

"Here you go, Stu Price."

"Thanks, Quinn."


After 3 cups of coffee and a long shower, Callie's hangover was just a light headache. She had got dressed and she was currently being dragged around the mall with Quinn and Santana, who were looking for suitable outfits to wear on their first day of the semester. Callie didn't even attempt to argue; she just followed with a cup of coffee in her hand and her credit card in her purse. She had hoped to spend her day off either sleeping or cooking dinner in preparation for that evening when everyone was coming over to watch Meredith's mom's old surgery tapes.

"Callie? Callie? Calliope!" Santana snapped her fingers infront of Callie's face, waking her up from her trance.


"Your phone just beeped." Callie took out her iPhone and, sure enough, she had a new text from Erica.

Looking forward to tonight. x

Callie felt a mix of anger, fear and dread rush through her. She hadn't even invited Erica. Suddenly, Callie was beginning to dread the night she had been looking forward to for weeks.