Oh man, I really did not see this being one of the most popular fics I ever wrote, especially considering that, ironically enough, I wrote it for a bet XD
Okay, so the way I had it planned was that England and Romano would bond some more, both of them would get the shovel talk from their respective siblings (hello reason I dragged Scotland into this. On reflection Northern Ireland or Wales might have worked better but eh)
Spain would begin to really properly worry that Romano would a) succeed and b) actually like England and c) if Romano wins, then England's influence on what could happen can only be absolutely dire oh dios mio time to scheme.
So soooomehow (I wasn't sure how, I debated getting the entire BTT involved, getting other countries who disliked England involved, getting America involved but could never decide how) basically, England was going to find out about the bet right before he was considering confessing stuff to Romano and essentially making sure he won the bet. He, not surprisingly, feels quite a lot betrayed and pissed off and does a bit of an isolation thing (wasn't sure whether to put public humiliation in this or not)
Romano also gets really pissed at Spain and has to face the fact that he really did like England and he's probably terminally screwed up any chance he had, not to mention that there are a fair few countries mad at him once they find out. (I did ponder having Scotland go through on the shovel talk here, or possibly America. I know I wanted to have Italy just being REALLY disappointed, cos Italy can play Romano's guilt like a harp)
After a bit of a time skip, I was going to get Romano to use the art stuff from the last chapter to at least convince England to hear him out and having him admit his feelings to England. England forgives him at least a bit and it's left kinda open as to how their relationship goes from there (since let's be honest, when it comes to nation relationships nothing lasts)
And that's all I had planned really. Sorry it's not much, if anyone was interested in taking this fic and finishing it properly (or nicking the premise) then go ahead ^^ just please link me to it if anyone does cos I'm interested. I'm sorry if this plan was a bit of a let down and I'm so so grateful for all of the nice replies. I feel so lucky that the majority of you seem to understand ^^
So farewell, you guys and to this fic. I hope you enjoyed what there was.