As the New Year's Day celebrations wound down, a Spaniard and an Italian sat on the roof of the Spaniard's house, an empty bottle lay on the floor as they discussed their respective countries attributes
"It's well documented Roma! Spain is the land of passion after all!"
"Yeah well, Italians can persuade anyone to love them"
Spain stared at Romano, he'd heard a lot of unexpected facts from him, but this one he felt needed backing up
"I somehow doubt that, mi amigo! You're cute, but I've never seen you be exactly…friendly"
"S-shut up, bastard! I can be when I want to be"
"I have never seen this."
"So? I don't see you like that, pervert!"
"OK, OK then, prove it"
"How do you mean?"
"I'll name a country, and then, you have to make them love you"
Romano paused, and then frowned. How had they even got onto this subject? But he couldn't exactly back down now.
"F-fine, I can do it!"
Spain had a rather scary look in his eyes now…
"Yeah, get on with it!"
Romano felt his stomach drop to the floor. England? That tea sucking bastard was so frigid, not to mention that he'd barely spoken to him except when they had switched sides towards the end of WWII.
"What's the matter, Romano? Is that too difficult for you?"
"N-no, just…England? Why him?"
"Hmm, I don't know. You can't back out now though!"
"I wasn't going to!"
"And…you have to do it before the end of the year"
Romano choked "What? You…you can't rush these things, bastard!"
"I think 12 months is plenty of time, mi tomatito. All you have to do is make him say he loves you before the end of the year. Surely that should be easy, if you are such a master of amor?"
"Che! But if-when I win, you have to do something for me"
"Oh?" This was looking like fun for Spain
"Nothing like that, you bastard! For that, I'm not going to tell you until I do win" Romano actually had no idea what the hell he was going to ask for, but he wasn't about to let Spain know that.
Besides, it could be useful later; a year could be a long time after all. And how hard could it be to persuade a stupid Englishman to like him anyway?
So this is an idea Samstar1990 and I had whilst hyped on sugar. This is just an intro, but I plan to write more, but reviews may cause this to happen quicker ^_^
So yeah, opinions please!