Author's Note: The idea for this fic came to me when we were driving home from Taunton last week. The sun was just setting and it looked so beautiful that I just HAD to write about it! And who better to write about than our favourite pair of Jinchuriki?

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or the characters 'cause they belong to the brilliant Masashi kishimoto ^-^

He was sitting on a fence, watching the sun sink lower and lower behind the pink tinged clouds. He felt a little frustrated, because he usually preferred to watch this from a high place like a rooftop or a hill but… He looked around him at the vast flatness of the English countryside. The nearest hills were far on the horizon, with nothing but rolling fields, hedgerows and trees in between. He hadn't even been able to climb a tree, as the saplings planted alongside this stretch of motorway were at most, only two metres tall. This fence was the best he could do.

They had been on their way to a county called Devon, his brother and sister had wanted to learn to surf and had dragged him along. He had his suspicions though, that all his siblings really wanted was to flaunt themselves in front of the "sexy surfers." He sighed. As soon as they arrived, he was going to be completely forgotten. He knew enough about his siblings to know that they wouldn't invite him along, they'd only really brought him because they would have felt guilty leaving him behind. They selfishly thought they were doing him a favour, that he would feel less lonely this way. The red haired young man could hardly believe their ignorance.

It had been almost five hours since they passed Bristol, and they were still stuck on the M5, between Bridgewater and Taunton. They'd still have had hours to go even if they were moving. He hadn't even wanted to come, and he felt extremely hard done by.

Still, the sunset was beautiful. Even if it was getting a little chilly. He hugged himself, his crimson shirt providing little warmth in the fading light. He glanced over his shoulder at their car, wondering if he should rummage through his bag for a jacket. He decided no, he'd rather stay here.

There were people getting blankets and camping stoves from their boots, settling down for the night. The blockage further down the motorway, the radio told them, would take a long time to clear, and there was little chance of diverting the traffic already marooned. They'd probably be here all night. Watching the families huddling together to keep warm, he felt an ache in his heart, and put his head in his hands in an attempt to block out the painful sensation just as his body let out a wretched shiver.

A jacket was softly lowered over his shoulders and he instinctively pulled it closer, bunching the material into his face with his fists. It was then that he noticed that the jacket wasn't his. He snapped his head up and saw a blonde haired young man in a white t-shirt climbing over the fence to sit beside him. The stranger saw him looking and smiled.

"You looked cold." He said.

Too shocked by this gesture to say anything, the redhead continued to stare at the newcomer. It had been a long time since anyone had reached out to him in kindness. Even his siblings gave him a relatively wide berth. Yet here was a man he'd never met before in his life, and he was surrendering himself to the cold for his sake.

"You…" He began, struggling to speak past his turbulent thoughts. "I can't…"

"Don't sweat it, I don't feel the cold." The blonde grinned.

He wasn't sure if he believed him, but he gratefully bunched the jacket up to his face again and turned to watch the sun touch the faraway hills.

"Thank you."

The blonde man smiled kindly at him, and his brilliant blue eyes followed his gaze to watch as the sun began to slowly melt into the tree covered horizon. The orange light cast warm shadows across their faces, even as their skin began to prickle with cold. The blonde man moved a little closer to him, until their arms were almost touching. He could feel static building between them and fought the urge to move away, for the warmth from the blonde's body was incredibly comforting.

So, when the blonde put his arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer, he didn't pull away. He turned his face into the man's t-shirt and turned his sea foam eyes up to his face.

"You're shivering." The blonde whispered, answering the question in his eyes.

The redhead looked down, huddling into his companion's chest as if he was afraid that he'd soon vanish with the sun. "Why…"

The blue eyes took on a sad glimmer which reflected the last rays of the sun's light as it finally dipped behind the hills. He brought up his other hand to cradle the shorter man's head and lowered his cheek to rest atop soft red hair. His cheery voice became soft, and yet it belied a strong determination as he said seriously,

"Because you look so damn lonely."

His body stiffened and his eyes flew open. How could he possibly tell? The blonde chuckled at the reaction and the red haired man felt the arms around him squeeze reassuringly. He relaxed a little, although he was visibly shaken.

He felt his hair being stroked, as if he were a cat. His companion hummed, and the vibrations tickled his face.

"What's your name?" The blonde asked quietly.

He wondered why it mattered. His name was a curse. A name he'd never wanted to live up to but… Somehow he'd been given little choice. He didn't want this kind stranger to think it was a name he was proud of, so he was surprised when he heard his soft voice forming the sounds,



The blonde turned, reacting automatically to the female voice booming across the carriageway. Gaara spotted a pink haired girl waving an arm above her head, beckoning his kind stranger away.

"Naruto…" Gaara whispered, testing the new sounds on his tongue.

The blonde, Naruto, grinned at him again and squeezed him tight. Gaara couldn't breathe, and thought he might pass out when he felt soft lips pressing against his forehead.

"You can keep the jacket if you like." Naruto smiled, and Gaara reluctantly let him pull away. The cold hit him like a bus and his breath was knocked out of him. Naruto looked puzzled at this, and then his face cleared and he took Gaara's hands in his own. He opened his mouth to speak, but words seemed to escape him and in the end he simply squeezed Gaara's hands before he climbed back over the fence.


He turned back, and gave Gaara his most beautiful smile. Gaara suddenly found that he couldn't think, his tongue felt thick in his mouth and his full, pale eyes could only watch, mesmerised, as Naruto vanished as softly and silently as he'd come, melting into the dusk between the cars.

Author's Note: Well, there it is :) This is my first fanfiction so I hope it was alright. Thanks for reading! xxx