Can you feel the sunshine?

Chapter 1

Warning this contains Blood, gore, strong violence, and scary themes. For years 15 and older.

(Insert can you feel the sunshine acid mix here.)

It was a nice sunny Saturday; a friend came over for a sleep over. We played sonic gems and mega collection's all day. Then at 10:30pm we decided to play Sonic R. But I haven't played sonic R ever since I heard of the Tails doll curse. But I thought that if I avoided playing as the tails doll nothing bad would happen. But playing that game was a big mistake…

Oh and the way my name is Mike, but everyone calls me Mikey, and my friends name is Jaden.

"Ha-ha Mikey I'm beating you." Jaden said in a happy voice.

"That's because I haven't played this game in a while Jaden."

"Yes I won!" Jaden said in a loud voice.

"Quiet Jaden you don't want to wake up mum and dad."

"How about one more tag game before we go to bed okay Mikey."

"But it's my turn."

"How about you be the Tails doll you haven't played him this hole time." Jaden told me

"Um okay." I choose the tails doll hoping that supersonic isn't in it. But he was.

I tagged Medal Sonic, Medal Knuckles. And just when I tagged Supersonic. The lights went out.

"Huh what happened?" Jaden said in a surprised voice.

I was shacking because I knew what was happening.

After 5 minutes the light's turned back on. But the Tails Doll was not here.

"Um must have been a little black out." Jaden concluded

It was now 12 o'clock so we went to bed.

I couldn't fall asleep so I sung the living in the city song to myself…

"Living in the city. You know you have to survive. You gotta keep that dream alive."

After a while I fell asleep. But what happened next was both scary and weird…

To be continued…