Summary: Seth Clearwater is finally has made it through high school, no more newborn armies, no more Volturi. He has even found his mate, now if she would only see him as a man instead of a child things would be absolutely perfect. Citrusy fluff, so hence the M rating. Supernatural, beyond the wolves and vampires so beware.

Disclaimer: I don't own the wolves or the vampires, those belong to SM. I am just borrowing them for a bit of fun.

A/N: For those of you who have not read Dreaming at Dawn, many characters from that story will be returning here but this is not an attempt to do a sequel and I will try my best for this story to be a standalone. But it might give you a better explanation as to who the family actually is and their background. Now that all that is over let us get to Seth, my favorite wolf by far.

Chapter 1: On the brink

The word edge can be used as both a noun and a verb, currently in my mind it was a noun. It was easy for me to see that ledge, I had approached it many times in the past few years but never managed to cross. The edge was just a metaphor regarding the line that was the division between a child and an adult. I desperately wanted to go over the edge, but circumstances kept holding me back.

Some people might argue that I had no reason to complain about my life. Here I was a kid from a small reservation who only had one parent left and I was going to college on a "full ride". I got to live with my sister and her boyfriend, Phil, at his really awesome house. It was so cool that there was even a housekeeper that kept the fridge stocked and the house relatively picked up. I also had my school completely paid for, which was more than awesome. All I had to do was the occasional load of laundry and take classes - I have to admit any way you looked at it this was a really sweet deal.

Embry, Quil, Leah and Jake were the only ones who could even begin to understand my discontent. It was not that they could relate, it was simply a matter of being a part of the pack and when we all shifted they could hear what was going on in my head.

So here I was sitting on the brink between childhood and adulthood, currently I was in a no man's land - I had seen too much to retain the innocence of a child but according to the number I was barely eighteen and should be too young to make any major life altering decisions. The wolf genes made it so that I looked close to twenty five years old, but everyone around me seemed to be determined to keep me in the role of a child: my mother, my sister, and worst of all... my mate.

She is the one who hurt me the most, I don't think she meant any harm and had told me numerous times that she just wanted me to have more time to be carefree before I had to take on the role of an adult. But shit, I was a werewolf, and had been since I was fourteen, my father had died and I had faced certain death - how the hell was I supposed to retain my innocence? I was not a pessimist by any means, quite the opposite it was usually easy for me to see the silver lining in any cloud but currently it was getting a little harder than usual to make the best of things. It was not that I wanted to have a job, with car and house payments - what I really wanted more than anything else was a relationship, Josefine had put me in the 'you are too young category' and thus treated me like a child when all I wanted was to be hers...her man. I also wanted to get to freaking first base... but those were the teenage hormones talking.

Since I was a wolf I had imprinted on her the moment I saw her, I had no choice but to want to be her everything. Over time I had come to know the woman that fate had chosen for me and I had fallen completely and irrevocably in love. Even if I had not imprinted it would have been hard not to fall for her. At first she glance gave the impression of being cold and calculating, but the heart beating underneath that tough exterior was pure gold. She was the eldest grandchild in a very powerful family, all her life she had been taught to go to any lengths to protect her family and that is exactly what she did. All her decisions were influenced by this, her need to protect and take care of her family as well as the people around shaped all her actions. It also did not help that she was not exactly human; when she went all out to protect her family it went beyond what most "people" would do.

My mother had been somewhat intimidated by Sassy, and had cautioned me about trying to start a relationship with her. Sassy had never had made me feel inferior, she had always treated me like an equal little brother whose opinions matter, but one that is too young to engage in a romantic relationship.

I gave a sigh, twelve days... Sassy had been gone for nearly two weeks now. She was currently somewhere in China, adding the finishing touches on some contract she was helping write between two companies. If you ever suffered from a bout of insomnia I knew just the cure, simply start reading the contract between two companies wanting to do business together. You will either end up with a massive headache or passed out from boredom.

I never realized there were that many specialties of lawyers, before meeting Sassy I thought the only kind of lawyers that existed were the trial lawyers - the usual defense attorneys or prosecutors. I had been quickly corrected, there were lawyers out there that practically never saw the inside of a courtroom. Sassy's or Josefine if you asked her real name specialized in international law, which translated to a lot of contracts and a great deal of traveling. It also did not help that she was new to the firm, spoke several languages fluently and was willing to go the extra mile to do her job - so she was always on the go and not at home.

When I had been living at home I had spent many an evening with Sassy and her cousin Kendrick in the cabin in the middle of the woods. It was just a few minutes run from the Rez, my mother had allowed it because my grades had shot up all of a sudden after I had started to go there - it was amazing how much difference completing your homework and turning it in made in your grade. At first I had not met Sassy, she has some psychic abilities and had known I was going to imprint on her. So she had avoided being seen so that I could lead a more "normal life" and have more choices.

I had gone there to apologize for a something stupid I had done after finding my then girlfriend making out with another guy, it was Kendrick's fault that he had offered me food. He was a good cook and so I had come back for more, and that was when he started asking me about my homework; we made a deal, he would cook for me while I did my homework. After a few months of this teachers had been suspicious and had accused me of cheating, until Kendrick paid them a visit and gave them a piece of his mind - there was not mention of cheating after that.

Circumstances made it so that Sassy could not avoid being seen by me and I finally imprinted on her. Things did not change much after that, I still went to the cabin to be fed and to do my homework but this time Sassy would be there too. She had managed to rearrange her schedule so that she would always be home in the afternoons, but that had changed when she had picked up more work. It also had not helped that one of the partners figured out what a freaking awesome lawyer she was and gave her some of the toughest clients. Since Sassy was now living in Seattle I really did not have to think too hard about where I wanted to go to college.

At first my mother had been hesitant to see me move into a house with my mate, but I had pointed out that my entire pack, including my sister also lived here. Esme Cullen, the sweet motherly vampire, had spent a great deal of effort expanding Phil's house to accommodate all the werewolves that were moving in. Quil, Embry and Jake had already settled in and were already going to school. I was the last one to join the pack in Seattle.

Sam had been a little hesitant when we all up and left but after the craziness of the Volturi's visit settled down it became very obvious that two alphas living in close proximity to each other was not a good thing. I had moved in just a few weeks ago, my mother had been determined to keep her "baby" around as long as possible. It also helped that she needed someone to do the hard and messy job of cleaning the boats, she had kept the family boat renting business running all by herself after father had died. That meant that I was always guaranteed a job whenever I needed it and sometimes even when I did not want to work.

The first few days had been awesome with Sassy spending most of the nights hanging out with me, but then she had left and now I only got to talk to her on the phone. I needed my mate fix, and as the days had gone by I had become increasingly more grumpy.

"Hey Seth, are you coming? I think everyone is sitting down for lunch," Jake asked me sticking his head in the door of our bedroom.

"Oh yeah sure," I mumbled looking away from the rain splattered window overlooking the perfect landscaping outside. I did not bring any furniture when I had come here, the extra bed had already been in place for when I would come down and visit Leah. When I had first started to come more to visit my sister more regularity someone had added a dresser and had even gone so far as to fill the closet with some clothes for me. Based on the slight scent of lavender and gardenias on the clothes I was going to guess that Sassy had something to do with my expanding wardrobe. I noticed that she had pretty much stuck to long sleeve tshirts and jeans, I was somewhat surprised at first considering as far as I knew Sassy only ever wore suits. I should not have been shocked, she was a very thoughtful woman who paid attention to details and would know what type of clothes would be comfortable for me. I sighed again and headed down the hall to the large kitchen/dining room.

"Hey Seth, do you need to borrow some Midol?" my sister asked as I joined everyone for lunch. "It should help with some of your PMS symptoms."

"Just say no Seth, we don't know what would happen if Leah stopped taking her meds," Embry was already sitting at the table trying to take a bite out of a sandwich that was bigger than his head.

"What the hell Embry? Did you use an entire loaf of bread to make that?" I know as wolves we were supposed to have a higher metabolism but that was seriously disgusting.

"Back off Seth, get your own damn sandwich. This one is my masterpiece." Embry even made a small growl in my direction before going back to staring at his sandwich with what looked like a mixture of adoration and lust. Some people loved their food a little too much.

"Relax, I concede that the sandwich is your kill," making the pretense of backing away slowly and carefully, I headed to the kitchen to kill my own bread and sliced meat.

"Phil says to not touch the fresh mozzarella, he has plans and will kick our asses if it gone by the time he gets home from work tonight." Leah called as I walked past the counter and headed to the fridge. She was not kidding, there was a large note written with that exact same message on the fridge, we were also supposed to leave the cherry tomatoes alone.

I made my own sandwich, it was not as big as Embry's and I had tried to add extra cut up veggies onto my plate. Sassy was a vegetarian by culture and if I was going to visit her country I was going to have to learn to eat a lot less meat. Kendrick had explained that they were not totally strict about it, the vegetarian lifestyle was simply a function of grains to feed livestock being very expensive to grow and people having learned to make do without meat. It was actually pretty awesome when they made their "traditional" foods, everything was beyond delicious. But I guess when you make your traditional food for other people you don't pull out the 'tuna surprise and cauliflower casserole' recipe and instead do something like pizza and root beer. Hmm, tomatoes and mozzarella - I wonder if Phil was going to make his homemade pizza for dinner.

In order to try to fit in with Sassy and her traditions I had come to a compromise with myself, I would try to eat more veggies and cut out some of the meat. Sometimes it was a hard thing to do considering someone else tended to cook the meals, but when I had the choice between more green versus more meat I would pick the more green - unless we were talking about bacon. But even Sassy ate bacon on occasion, she was not one of those hard core vegans. She also was in complete love with my father's fish fry, she had given me a heart attack when she had flipped me off for pointing out that fish was still technically a meat.

Three more days and she would be home again, maybe I could go buy some fresh fish and make her some fish fry when she came back.

Angus was sitting at the table eating some sort of soup, he gave me a nod when I sat down next to him. Angus was Phil's adopted cousin or something like that, he was extremely tall even next to us wolves, his height gave the illusion of being thin but I had seen him in action and knew there were a lot of very useful muscles hidden beneath his long button down shirt and khaki pants. If it were not for the fact that he was so pale, his dark eyes and hair would have made him appear to be a native american at first glance.

He was kind of cool, some sort of private investigator that was doing freelance work. Though technically I think he had an engineering degree in electronics. Phil had referred to him as a 'peeping Tom' since Angus specialized in making surveillance equipment. "So you ready for freshman orientation?" Angus asked me between spoonfuls of his soup.

"Yeah it is going to be awesome!" Embry answered for me with a large burp, Leah reached over and smacked him on the back of the head. I was somewhat surprised that he did not retaliate but seemed to accept the reprimand with a small apology sent in her direction.

Angus noticed my surprise, and gave me a small smirk, "the women of my family have decided your pack members are going to learn some manners even if it has to be beaten into them. I think your sister has been left to hold down the fort in their absence."

"Yeah Sassy and Stefi have left me explicit instructions, we are working on table manners this week," Leah explained with a small laugh.

"I don't know, it is kind of scary and exciting all at the same time," I answered Angus' question.

"What kind of soup is that?" Quil asked eyeing the bowl in front of Angus.

"Minestrone, and there is some left in the fridge if you want to try it," Angus replied giving Quil a dirty look. Quil seemed to perk up and even gave a hopeful look towards the fridge until Angus continued, "it is of course vegetarian Minestrone."

Quil made a face and sat back down in his chair grabbing the bag of chips and dumping the remainder of the bag on his plate.

Angus gave a small smile, "hey guys, how can you tell who is a vegan at a party?"

"I don't know why don't you tell us," I asked since no one else seemed to be helping him with the joke.

"Don't worry, they will tell you," Angus finished his joke with a hearty laugh. I did not think it was that funny but I tried to laugh a little.

"Great now you are going to encourage him," Leah mumbled under her breath.

I shrugged my shoulders, Angus usually told pretty funny jokes. Though they usually tended to be totally perverted.

"What, you did not like that one?" he started again after thinking for a minute. "All right here goes another one: A man and a woman started to have sex in the middle of a dark forest. After about 15 minutes of it, the man finally gets up and says, 'Damn, I wish I had a flashlight!'... The woman says, 'Me too, you've been eating grass for the past ten minutes!'..." Angus finished his joke with another laugh, this time the rest of us joined in.

It took me only a moment to get the joke, something about being a virgin gave you plenty of time to get well informed about all the various ways to have sex. You had nothing better to do, or something along those lines. Considering the fact that I had only ever kissed a girl I had come up with some pretty elaborate scenarios involving Sassy and me.

Jake had mentioned one time that Edward Cullen had been a virgin until he married Bella, if you take into consideration that he was over one hundred years old that must have amounted to a lot of jacking off. Ok the picture of Edward Cullen masturbating needed to leave my head, right now. Not that I was one to speak, I was a teenage boy with no girlfriend, it did not take a genius to figure what I did on my spare time.

It had been tolerable in the past - think of sex, get boner, think of something nonsexual and loose boner or if the time was convenient take care of it. Then Leah and Phil had given me my graduation present - a trip to Hawaii, Phil's family have a house on a private beach there that I got to stay at for over two weeks. I had been so excited at the time, little did I know that it would be my own personal heaven and hell.

How can you possibly be in heaven and hell at the same time? Sassy in a bikini, all that glorious skin exposed and you can't touch. Just thinking about it gave me instant wood.

A/N: So what do you gals think? Is it weird hearing this story from a virgin teenage boy's perspective? Next up will be a flashback to Seth's heaven and hell experience.

Reviews make Seth have a higher chance of getting to first base with Sassy. :D