Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball/Z/GT.

A Challenger Appears! Saiyaman Vs. ?

"Now then class, do your best to remember this equation, because it's going to be useful in our science lesson later this wee-"


The man teaching the class that Gohan and Videl were in at Orange Star High paused, turning around to look at the girl. "Another crisis?" the man asked.

"Sorry sir, but duty calls" Videl apologized, leaping to her feet so she could help with some kind of crime in the city.

Gohan, seeing Videl head off to deal with another dangerous person/event, raised a hand while holding his stomach in a pained manner. The teacher seemed to expect this and asked "Need to use the bathroom again Mr. Son?"

"N-Not this time sir. My stomach's acting up. Could I go to the infirmary?" the Half-Saiyan asked.

"Mixing up the excuses a little. Very well, you may leave" the teacher allowed.

As Gohan followed Videl in leaving the room, Erasa leaned toward Sharpner. "Have you noticed how Gohan always leaves the room whenever Videl gets called out?"

Looking at his friend with annoyance, Gohan not being his favorite subject, Sharpner replied "What about it?"

"I think I know a secret of Gohan's. Why he's always leaving" Erasa announced.

Interested, Sharpner leaned forward, asking "What secret? What do you know?"

Looking around to make sure noone was listening, Erasa whispered "Because he's always leaving when Videl goes to save the day in the city, I think that Gohan is... Videl's fanboy"

Grinding her teeth, Videl pondered what she could possibly do in this situation. She was in front of city hall, watching as a madman held a sword to the mayor's throat. The man was dressed in samurai armor, and claimed to be the Ronin King. Videl remembered him when he fought her dad in the last World Martial Arts Tournament. The man lost to her dad after a quick fight, but claimed that since he was a samurai, he wasn't even at full power without his sword and armor. Tournament rules had forbidden weapons and armor in the ring. The man went on a rampage and was finally subdued.

At least, until today. The man had broken out, apparently getting his weapon and armor back from a man who went to the same sword school as him. The Ronin King then marched toward city hall, took the mayor hostage, and then demanded that he get a rematch with Hercule. Thing is, Videl knew that her dad went to Sunset Beach to have another competition to see who would be the next Hercule Cheerleader, so there was no chance of him showing up.

Looking to the chief of police, she asked "Do we have anyone who has a good shot on the Ronin King?"

"Yes and no Mam!" the man answered, giving a salute to the girl he found to be of higher authority. "We have people who can shoot at him, and actually shot him before he got to the mayor, but that armor is really thick, so we can't hit him in a way that would take him down. Additionally, we are concerned that if he were to be shot now, he may accidently cut the mayor"

"And he won't let the mayor go until he sees my father" Videl mumbled to herself. The situation didn't look too good. Thankfully, noone was panicking, so there was little else that could go wrong.

"Halt you villainous cur! Unhand the mayor before I teach you a lesson!"

And then things got worse. Videl watched as the goofy 'super hero' known as the Great Saiyaman flew in, flipping a few times before landing between her and the Ronin King.

"Who the hell are you! You're not Hercule! Not even that cheating liar would look as ridiculous as that!" the Ronin King shouted, pressing the blade tighter to the mayor's throat.

Almost offended by the man's ignorance as to who he was, Gohan/Great Saiyaman began going through a series of poses as he began to shout "Who am I? I am the defender of justice! The herald of love! I! Am! The Great-"

"Idiot" Videl growled as she grabbed the cape of the costume and began pulling him away. While far stronger, Gohan hadn't been expecting someone to interrupt, leaving him surprised. "I apologize for this, we'll fix it up" Videl apologized to the villain of all things, finding she had to if she didn't want him to feel like he was being offended by the strange man brought before him.

Once Videl let go of his cape behind the police car barricade, the Great Saiyaman spun around and asked "Why'd you do that! I was about to give the big conclusion!"

"The only thing that would have been concluded is the mayor's life if you kept acting like an idiot!" Videl shouted back, causing the hero to step back in surprise at her vigor. Sighing, Videl brushed away some hair that was lose in her face and said "Look, I'll give that you've saved a lot of people, and that when it comes to things like stopping a bus or bank robbery, you're the best there. But this is a hostage situation with a man who's ready to kill at a moment's notice. We need to move subtly, not quickly"

Hearing the seriousness of the situation, and slight compliment, from Videl, the Great Saiyaman crossed his arms and nodded. "Very well. But I won't leave until I can make sure that man won't harm anyone else"

"Just don't act like an idiot and we'll be fine" the teenage girl commanded.

The Great Saiyaman was going to contest that statement, finding nothing about what he's done was idiotic, when he felt something. Something he had only felt when he was fighting true warriors as Gohan.


Spinning around, he began looking around, trying to find the source, when he realized that what he was searching for was in plain sight. Everyone else, including Videl, was staring at an individual who was standing in the same place that the Great Saiyaman had landed before. The man was dressed in black spandex all over his body, except his face. At least, it was assumed that way because he was wearing armor. Armor that none of the people had seen before, besides Gohan. Saiyan Battle Armor.

But it was altered Battle Armor. There was the usual armor over the torso that outlined his pectorals and abs, with the abs themselves covered by a gold padding, along with extended shoulder pads, also golden, while the rest was grey with a white trim. He had grey gloves that reached to the elbows, which had special gold padding there, and grey boots with gold tips that reached to the knees, which were also covered in a special gold padding. Something that was different than the usual Battle Armor was the black cape that was buckled to his torso armor, a cape that spoke of some kind of royal ancestry instead of super hero status that the Great Saiyaman's said. The man's identity was a secret as he had what Gohan knew to be a scouter over his eyes. Both eyes as it had the mechanical piece that covered an ear on both of the man's ears, with the oddly black lens going straight across his face, covering both eyes, with it. The man's light purple hair was able to stay out of the way of the lens surprisingly. The last thing that stood out was what looked to be a brown fur belt around his waist, but Gohan knew as a Saiyan's tail, which had a sheathed sword on it.

"Who are you! You don't look like Hercule either!" the Ronin King demanded.

Tilting his head up as an indication he heard the man, the mysterious individual replied "I am the warrior who shall defeat you"

"You! Don't make me laugh! You wear a sword around your waist, but likely know nothing about swordsmanship!" the Ronin King laughed.

"Truly an insult coming from a man who wields his sword without grace" the mystery man countered.

Now the Ronin King was insulted. He prided himself on his swordsmanship, and now this unknown person was insulting him? This would not stand. "Speak again and I will kill the mayor!"

"If you are a true swordsman" the man stated, ignoring the Ronin King's threat, "Then you would be able to defeat me in one blow. However, I wager that I can defeat you without drawing my sword"

Now the Ronin King was furious. Shoving the mayor aside, he charged forward, his bladed pointed at the armored man. This only made the man grin as he held his hand up. when the Ronin King was close enough, the man caught the blade between his index and middle finger, and quickly turned his hand to snap the blade in half. He quickly jabbed his other hand forward, using only his finger to touch the Ronin King's armor, which shattered upon impact. Then, bringing the blade he had in his hand forward, he angled it so that if the Ronin King moved further any more, he would be impaled on the tip of his own sword.

"Do you concede?" the mystery man asked.

The Ronin King shuddered, finding it unbelievable that he had been so easily defeated, before bowing his head. "I concede"

The police quickly moved in, surrounding the Ronin King and handcuffing him, while the mayor, Videl, and Great Saiyaman approached the man, a camera crew not far behind.

"Sir, I cannot thank you enough for what you have done today! You saved my life and stopped that rampaging behemoth" the mayor announced with gratitutde.

"Indeed, I've never seen anyone move like that before" Videl congratulated.

"What about me!" the Great Saiyaman complained.

"He moves with grace. You move like a spazz" Videl countered.

Ignoring Videl's insult, Gohan turned his attention back to the mystery man. "Who are you fellow day saver? I would greatly like to know"

The man cast a glance at the Great Saiyaman, letting his gaze roll over his form. The camera crew, mayor, and Videl leaned forward, waiting for his response. "I am a member of a race near extinction. A race you have made fun of with your name and appearance" the man stated, the comment alone earning the Great Saiyaman a few looks. "I will not give you my name. You may just call me the Last Saiyan"

His words said, the man flew into the sky, leaving the Great Saiyaman a few questions regarding his race and what a Saiyan was.

Bulma and Vegeta sat in the living room, watching the news. The two were nodding as they saw footage of the Last Saiyan fighting the Ronin King, if you could even call it a fight, and leaving the Great Saiyaman a target for questions when the Last Saiyan said he had insulted the Saiyan race.

"The Last Saiyan? Doesn't really have a super hero ring to it" Bulma muttered.

"It's not supposed to be a super hero name" Vegeta snapped. "It's supposed to be the redemption the Saiyan name needs"

"Whatever you say... I just don't see why you didn't do it yourself if you're the one so focused on this thing" Bulma asked.

"Because this is a battle between sons. I will pit mine against Kakarot's and prove that not just I, but my entire lineage, is superior to his" Vegeta explained.

Just then, the front door opened, and through it came the Last Saiyan. The man walked through the house until he got to the living room where he looked at Vegeta and Bulma. Removing his scouter, he revealed himself to be Trunks, if it was any surprise. "Hey guys, did I already show up on TV?"

Author's Note: Short little chapter. Basically just the introduction of Trunks in his super hero identity... that's it.