Smooth Criminal


The wizarding worlds best and most dangerous criminal has finally found his way out of his prison after 16 long years with the help of the unknowing golden trio. When he comes out Harry disappears, now Dumbledore must find away to lock him back into his prison or lose his weapon forever. But this criminal is very smart and stubborn, he won't give up with a fight.

Chapter 4-

Harry smiled when he stepped through the floo and into Dumbledore's office, he looked around expecting to find Dumbledore there to greet him. He wanted Hermione and Ron there to see if he was alright, he wanted them to explain why they hadn't asked about him, and he wanted them to explain why it was only Draco that seemed to be worried about him. But no one was there waiting for him, "Hmm, strange, normally when I come here the Headmaster is waiting." Healer Park said from behind Harry.

"Something must have happened." Harry said trying to convince himself that more than Jung Su.

"Yea, that's probably it Harry." Healer Park said and to Harry it sounded as if he was just trying not to hurt Harry with his suspicions. Harry sighed and turned towards the door.

"Well, I better go find everyone to let the know I'm alive." Harry said.

"You do that, I'll wait here until the Headmaster gets back so that I can give him my report and to inform him that I don't want you to do anything strainious for three months, and that I also want you to come to me for a weekly check up. You may have healed but that was a nasty cut on your head and it could have caused some damage that couldn't be detected by our test." Healer Park said.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Harry said then jogged out of the room.

"Okay, be careful Harry!" Healer Park said. Harry sighed again, and looked back at the door leading to the Headmaster's office.

'Maybe I should have told him about the dream I had and then waking up to find my scar bleeding.' Harry thought, he took a step back towards the Headmasters office when Luna and Neville came around the corner.

"Hello Harry, I'm sorry I didn't get to go to the hospital wing when you were there. Hermione was forcing everyone in Gryffindore to help her with her potions project." Neville said giving Harry an apologetic look.

"She's still working on it? Even after four weeks and a day? And she should know that we were suppose to that project alone." Harry said/

"She just finished making it." Neville said, "Oh by the way Harry, don't go to the tower or see Hermione, she's trying to get someone to test the potion to see if she made it right. But no one wants to do test it because no one knows what it is called or what it does."

"Why would she test and unknown potion on someone, and how can she know if she made it right if no one knows what it does?" Harry asked.

"I know, that is why everyone ran out of the tower and is hiding from her." Neville said. Suddenly Luna took ahold of Neville and Harry's arm.

"The Cat is hunting close by, the Dragon and Lisp are looking for their King and Village." Luna said then began to drag the two boys down the hall.

"What did she say?" Neville asked Harry who always seemed to know what Luna was talking about.

"Hermione is looking for people and she was getting close to us, and apparently Draco and Zabini are looking for us." Harry said and let Luna lead him where ever she wanted to. When that girl had you in her grasp and was leading you some where she would not let you go until she got to her detination. Luna took the boys to the Black Lake and sat down.

"I thought she was taking us to Blaize and Malfoy." Neville said looking around.

"If Luna brought us here then that means there was a reason for it." Harry said then sat down next to Luna. Neville sighed and sat down too, after all it was a nice day.

"Glad you could finally grace us with your presents again Mr. Potter." a voice said from the Lake. Neville and Harry looked to see Severus Snape knee deep in the water with Draco and Blaize. They seemed to be getting some water plants, Harry stood up to help them.

"Do you need any more help with that Professor?" Harry asked shocking Neville. Never in Neville's life did he think he would ever see Harry willing to help Professor Snape.

"No, we wouldn't want you to slip and hurt yourself, or heaven forbid faint and split your head open again." Snape said in a sarcastic way, Harry said Draco glare at Snape and Blaize, who was trying not to laugh. "No, you just sit on your worshipped ass and watch us servants do everything." Snape said then went back to picking the water plants he needed.

"What's his problem?" Neville muttered.

"The Prince is just worried about the King." Luna sang loudly, Snape snapped his head up and glared at the girl.

"If your worried about me bending over and straining myself I could just stand there and hold the baskest for you." Harry said.

"The Kings word is law." Luna said.

"It seems Luna is right." Snape snarled and held out the basket for Harry to take, Harry smiled and began to walk over to them, "Just don't manage to hurt yourself standing, I don't want to be blamed."

"I'll be carefull Professor." Harry said carefully taking off his shoes and rolling up pants up so that they wouldn't get wet. When he stepped into the Lake to walk over to Snape to get the basket he stumbled a littled when his foot came in contact with the slipery rocks, Draco's heart nearly stopped when he saw that. "I'm alright, just didn't expect it to be so slipery." Harry said then slowly walked to Snape.

"I heard about the nasty fall you had in the library Potter, what did all the studing make your head hurt?" Blaize asked right before Draco pushed him making him slip and fall, "What the hell man!" Blaize asked.

"Leave Harry alone! He just got out of the Hospital, he doesn't need you to make him feel worse!" Draco said.

"Harry? Since when do you call him Harry?" Blaize asked.

"Since he forgave me." Draco muttered, Harry smiled at Draco.

"So, how did you get ropped into helping Professor Snape?" Harry asked, "Did he blackmail you or something?"

"What would he blackmail us with?" Blaize asked.

"Oh I don't know how about. . .AH!" Harry cried out in pain as his hole head was suddenly engulfed in pain.

"Harry!" was the last thing Harry heard before everything went black. He didn't know who had called his name or how many people had called it, all he knew was that something big was going to happen soon.


Draco watched in shocked horror as Harry grabbed his head in pain and fell into the water. He was about to run over there to pick him up when Harry stood up and shook to water off of him. Draco noticed something off with him when he began to look around like he didn't reconize this place, he then began to look at himself as if checking for injuries. Luna skipped over to the edge of the Lake. "Thank you for visiting us Prisioner."

Thanks to all who reviewd *Cough DarkAngel from Hell13, nanzhela, and scifigeek10 Cough*

DarkAngel from Hell13- Thank you, I'm glad it was good enough to make someone speechless

nanzehla- Luna's rambling are very important, everyone should remember every thing she ever says.

scifigeek10- yup you would be correct.