Well this is my second multiple chapter story. It is a SasuNaru, so if you are against the pairing then this is a pointless story for you to read.

I do not own anything

This first chapter is very short because it is a preface. The real first chapter will follow immediately since I've already written it.

The bruise was healing, but that didn't stop the wrenching guilt that flooded through Kyuubi's chest ever time he saw the dark blemish on his brother's shoulder. Naruto was only nine. He hadn't known what to do when his own mother's drunken fist slammed him into a wall, but Kyuubi did. He knew things had to change.

"Two more months," the red-head mumbled to himself, snuggly securing the worn blanket around his brother's sleeping figure. "In two months, I'll be eighteen, and we'll get out of this place."

A crash of glass echoed from the kitchen, causing Kyuubi to wince.

"I'll get you away from her."

No flames

Peace Out