Worst Day EVER
Chapter One: Of all people, why him?

A/N: I'm back! :D I've got horrible writers block for Ice Maiden, so I wrote this to pass the time. Enjoy.


Speaking: Inner

Speaking: Often the author, or emphasis.

Speaking: Thoughts

"Speaking": Normal

It's official. I'm going crazy. Gritting my teeth, I snuck a glance at the pale, dark haired boy sitting beside me, eyes staring out the window in boredom. My hands twitched, and I was extremely tempted to jump up and start screaming at him.

Why, of all people, did I have to get stuck in a freaking room with this idiot? I ranted, eyes narrowing as I trembled slightly. Well, it seem like it was more than just slightly, since he turned around to stare at me with dark eyes.

"What the hell are you shivering for?" he asked, arms crossed. "It's not cold in here, they've made sure of that." He said, glancing at the ceiling with the corners of his mouth twitching….oh hell no. He'd better not. I'll freaking kill him if he-

Fuck, there it is. That damn sexy smirk of his! How dare he pull that out in a situation like this? Seeming to sense my irritation, he turned to look at me, smirk still in place.

"What's wrong….Sakura?" he whispered, leaning closer. Damn….! The bastard! Now that he knows about Itachi, all he's thinking about is rebuilding his clan! And he thinks he can do it with me! Oh….this bastard is so dead.

"Do not. EVER. Use my name in such an informal way!" I screeched, rushing forward. My hands curled around his neck and shook him back and forth, a loud screech coming from my throat. "Die, Sasuke!"

…Oh! I should probably explain how I got into this situation, right? Most of you are probably wondering why Sakura Haruno, apprentice to the Godaime Hokage, best friend to Naruto Uzumaki(he's the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki for those of you who are new), and devoted medic of Konoha somehow ended up locked in a room with Sasuke Uchiha, last of the Uchihas and traitor of Konoha, correct?

Well, the story is confusing as hell, and most of you probably wouldn't get it, but I'll tell you anyway.

It all started on that day. That stupid morning when my alarm clock didn't go off because of freaking daylight savings time.

Mmnn….warm, floaty, comfy…..I love waking up in the morning and feeling like this. I rarely ever do, because I only feel like this when I get a total twelve hours of sleep, and…..wait. Twelve hours of sleep?

I immediately shot up, eyes wild as I snatched my alarm clock off the table.

4:43 pm

The numbers screamed at me from the clock, making my body stiffen and making my hands clench the clock tightly. I had overslept. By FOUR FREAKING HOURS!

Cursing under my breath, I threw my alarm clock down onto my pillow, scrambled off my bed and dashed to my closet. Quickly selecting a random assortment of clothes, I began stripping my tank top off, hopping on one foot to put a sock on as I traveled to the bathroom.

By the time I got in there, I had my socks, a fresh bra and panties, and a new t-shirt on my body, and one pant leg on. Grabbing my toothbrush, I squeezed an ample amount of the mint flavored stuff onto my toothbrush, starting to rapidly-though thoroughly-brush my teeth while filling a plastic cup with water, all the while forcing my other leg into my pants.

Finishing in three minutes, record time for me, I rinsed with water before wiping my mouth on a towel and placing my cleaned toothbrush back in its cup. Dashing out, I hurriedly brushed the tangles and snarls from my hair, making it into a soft river of bubblegum pink down my head and resting on my shoulders. I shoved my feet into my shoes, jamming a bagel into my mouth

I reached the door with all my shinobi gear on, the final touches of lip-gloss on my lips, and finished swallowing the last bite of bagel. The door nearly flew off the hinges, what with me yanking it open and racing out, barely remembering to pull the door closed behind me.

Dammit all, Tsunade-shishou is gonna kill me! I thought, giving a shriek-like groan as I ran over to the Hokage tower. Wait….maybe I'll catch her in a good mood! Then maybe all I'll get is a hard assignment!

Yeah. Shishou in a good mood. Saku-chi, you sure messed this up!

Shut up! I already know all this! I thought, wincing as another curse word came from my mentor's lips. "Tsu-Tsunade-shishou, I'm very sorry…I explained to you the situation, and I swear I'll-!" I stuttered, coming to a clear halt when Tsunade held up a finger.

"Shut it, Sakura. This was the worst possible day for you to sleep in.," she said, voice serious and weary. "We had five ANBU squads come in, all critically injured. I had to step in myself to save three of them."

I knew my eyes had widened. I hadn't heard about that part yet. "Shishou, I'm so sorry, if I'd known I would've been here!" I whispered, suddenly worried. What if it had been Naruto on one of those squads? Or any of her other friends? Tsunade saw her apprentice's worried face, and her expression softened slightly.

"Don't worry Sakura. None of the Konoha 11 are hurt." She said, laughing at the sudden relief I'm sure appeared on my face. "However…."

My smile instantly fell. However almost always led to bad news. "However what, Shishou?"

Tsunade bit her lip, looking away. "Kakashi, Gai, and Kurenai were on the ANBU squad, along with Sai and Konohamaru." She said quietly. "They were the first squad I helped, and right now, Sai and Kono-kun are resting in the hospital." The Godaime said, not meeting my eyes. I just knew something happened.

"What about Kakashi-sensei and the others?" I asked, my voice strained. Tsunade clenched her fists.

"…..Gone. I healed them, but the moment I turned my back to heal the other two, they had left. I've gotten a report from the three of them, something about a lead on Orochimaru. They wouldn't let it get away." Tsunade sighed, looking up at me. "And that's partially the reason why I wanted you there. If you had been there, maybe they wouldn't have gone."

My head snapped up instantly. "What does my being there have to do with them not leaving?" I demanded, knowing I'd get in trouble for my tone later. Tsunade raised a brow.

"Do you really need to ask that question? You're Kakashi's little hime-sama, and Gai and Kurenai are both fond of you. They've become parent figures to you, at least in the shinobi world, correct?" Tsunade queried, watching in amusement as realization dawned on my face, followed quickly by a light blush.

"Well, what do you want me to do? I'll do whatever it takes to make up for being gone this morning." I said, standing straighter. However, I nearly sweatdropped at the sudden gleam in my mentor's eyes, and had to command every fiber of my body to stop trying to scramble away from my approaching mentor. "Shishou…?"

Then Tsunade was nearly on top of me, staring down at me with gleaming eyes. This time, I squeaked as her hand came down, barely missing my ear. "Sakura….I want you to travel to Kaze no Kuni. Make your way to Sunagakure and speak with Gaara. He'll know where they are, especially since Suna is a checkpoint on the way to their destination." She said, making me stiffen as she glared down at me. "Repeat it."

Hesitantly, I repeated the information, only to have Tsunade bark at me to repeat it again. This time, I didn't hesitate and barked the information back at her. Tsunade seemed satisfied, because she nodded and moved up slightly.

"Once in Suna, follow Gaara's instructions to the last exhalation of breath, understood?" Tsunade said, staring down at me with a look that would've made Sai piss his pants and run away screaming like a girl. Not that I've ever heard Sai scream like a girl….or scream at all, actually. Oh well. I nodded, watching my mentor get off me and point at the door. "Then go! I don't want to hear a single word from anyone that you're still in the village after two minutes, understood?"

"Hai, Tsunade-Shishou!"

With that, I left the tower. However, I was completely unaware of the fact that three people had just entered through the window, looking at the Godaime with faces varying from amused to just outright pissed off.

"Tsunade, how could you do this to Sakura? You know nothing good will come from this!" The angry one. The only female.

"Come now, my youthful companion! Just imagine, if we get this to go right, we could end up having the happiest and most youthful couple in our village, and the world would have one less psycho maniac killer." This one was ecstatic, his dark, bowl-shaped hair contrasting greatly with his other male companion.

"…..You're all stupid, you know that?" This one was indifferent, at least on the outside. Inside….well, all you fangirls out there, just imagine the object of your fangirl love is in front of you and is smiling and talking to you. That's how this one felt.

Tsunade simply chuckled, crossing her arms. "Now, now. Kurenai, Gai, and Kakashi….this is all for Sakura. Remember that." She said, leaning back in her chair. "She'll thank us….one day."

Kurenai scoffed. "Yeah, in about fifty years."

"Still, she'll forgive us. Even if it takes fifty years. Always think positive, my youthful friend!"


"Yes, my eternal rival?"

"Shut up."

(2 minutes later, on the way to Suna…)

Hmmm….I wonder what the Kazekage knows about this. It must be important that I get them back, otherwise Shishou would've just sent ANBU. I though, smiling and crossing my arms. Well, in three days, I'll be there. And in three days, I can get back home to work at the hospital more. Yay~!

…..And there you have it. My story of why I'm in this situation with…..him. I shuddered, turning to glare at Sasuke. Then I blinked, looking at the ceiling. I'm forgetting something, I know it…..

Oh! You want to hear about what happened in Suna too? Well, too bad. You have to wait till the next chapter. Chances are, you're probably glaring at me, right? Well, suck it up! Jeez….I'm leaving and letting the author deal with you guys.

o.o Well, I've just been issued reader duty….anyways, I'll try and update in a week, so that way, you guys aren't left in the dark.

Sakura: :( Don't make promises you don't intend to keep! It'll take you at least two weeks!

Me: -_-U Nice encouragement Sakura. Really. Well, bye everyone~!