The house in front of them was quiet in the warm summer evening. The two men, one tall and thin with black hair and onyx eyes, and the other though he was tall stood shorter than his companion with his tawny hair and amber eyes. As they stood watching the house the sound of a scream caused them to move forward, the shorter of the two reaching the house first, he stiffened as the scent of blood hit his sensitive nose. He watched as his companion raced up the stairs and he followed, reaching the top of the stairs in time to see the dark man kick in the door to the bedroom and he froze.
Severus Snape stood in the doorway of the extremely bare bedroom his eyes taking in the small cot like bed and the blood stains on the floor and walls, he was brought out of his observation as his eyes landed on the small figure currently being pinned to the wall. His shirt off as his overly large uncle raised his belt ready to strike, as he felt Remus push past him and place his body protectively around Harry in order to stop the assault on the already marred flesh his blood ran cold and he charged at the obese man, his fist connecting with the man's face as he hit the ground with a grunt.
Severus's head snapped up suddenly as he heard the desperate plea of the small body still being held by Remus as he struggled to get free.
"Let him go Remus" he said softly moving forward as Remus reluctantly let the boy go Severus was ready and grabbed Harry Gently by his arms making him look into his eyes as he tried to break free.
"Calm down" Severus whispered gently and was prepared for the assault he knew would come. Harry didn't disappoint as the small body attempted to push past him. Severus was having none of that and grabbed the much to thin teen around his waist hoisting him up as he pinned his arms to his side. Harry screamed and started struggling to get free from the taller body behind him.
"Harry" Remus said coming to stand in front of Severus he gently grabbed Harry by his chin and when the green eyes opened to look at him he started speaking again. "Your safe" he whispered into the quiet room "Arabella called Albus when she noticed she hadn't seen you in a few days and we came to get you" he finished.
With a cry Harry flung himself forward into the willing arms in front of him. He wrapped his small legs around Remus's waist while his arms clasped around his neck and he buried his face in Remus's neck and cried while Remus ran his fingers lightly through his hair.
Remus's eyes met the dark eyes of Severus and with a nod the two men and one teenager exited the room they were not expecting to run into Petunia on their way down the stairs. Remus let loose an Animalistic growl as he pulled Harry closer to himself and Severus stood protectively in front of both of them his teeth bared in a silent growl.
"What are you doing" Petunia hissed her eyes flashing as she took in the small body that had stiffened in Remus's arms
"We are taking Harry away from you" Severus said as he continued to walk down the stairs his arm holding Remus and Harry close to himself as he neared the irate woman.
"You can't just take him" she said moving forward and attempting to remove Harry from Remus she stepped back in shock as Harry cried out and tightened his hold on Remus who in turn bared his teeth in a snarl worthy of a werewolf.
"Don't touch my cub" he snarled and not even realizing it he made a move towards her only stopping when a strong hand grabbed his shoulder and steered him out of the house.
"Not today Moony" Severus whispered into his ear "we need to get him back to headquarters so I can heal him" with that they started down the street and once they reached a safe place Severus wrapped his arms around Remus and Harry and with one thought he disappeared with a soft pop.
The moment they landed in the kitchen of headquarters Severus swiftly grabbed Harry from Remus and ignoring the boy's body tensing strode quickly up the stairs Remus following behind him they came to sudden stop as they heard a voice from behind them.
"Remus, Severus, what the hell happened" the irate voice of Sirius Black made them turn to stare at him
"Not now Sirius" Severus growled and started walking towards the end of the hall, he turned as he felt someone grab his arm and he met the angry grey eyes of Sirius.
"Yes now Severus" he began only to stop at the small whimper he heard from the small bundle in Severus's arms as the body shifted and curled into Severus in an attempt to get away from the angry voice. "Is that" Sirius began only to stop at the lump in his throat.
"Yes now if you will move I will attempt to heal him" Severus said before pushing past the stunned man and striding into the room that Remus had opened for him.
Severus laid the boy gently on the bed and began to remove his clothing gently unclasping the cloak that Remus had wrapped around him instead of hurting him more by putting a shirt on him. He stopped suddenly his breath catching in a cross between a growl and a gasp as he took in the boys form.
He was thin that was for sure you could see each rib. His chest was covered in bruises and healing scars. As his eyes took in the bruised body he stiffened as he noticed the bruises on the small protruding hip bones and he quickly removed Harry's boxers and swore at the bruising he noticed on the boys genitals.
He spun around as he heard a gasp behind and he growled lowly " Weasley, Granger, what are you doing in here get out"
"But sir Harry" Hermione began only to stop at the whimper she heard from the bed she made to move forwards but Ron grabbed her arm
"Come on Hermione he wouldn't want us to see him like this" Ron whispered as he moved them both out of the room shutting the door behind him as they went.
Once the door was closed Severus turned back to Harry. He grabbed a jar of healing salve off of the bedside table and sat gently on the bed next to the teenager
"I know you don't trust me" he began softly "but I need to rub this cream into all of your bruises" he stopped as the body next to him stiffened at the implication of what he was saying sunk in
"I." Harry began stopping to swallow the lump in his throat "I trust you" was the last thing he said before he passed out due to the pain. Severus was surprised he had lasted that long.
He heard the door open and a soft hand was placed on his shoulder "did he say anything" Remus's soft tenor voice reached his ears
Severus scooped a generous amount of the cream onto his hands before he answered "I told him that I have to rub the cream into all of his bruises and he told me he trusted me not to hurt him" Severus said before moving his hands and gently applying the salve to the boys chest as he moved lower he felt the boy stiffen and when his hands reached the boys genitals his eyes flew open the green orbs hazy with fear as he tried to move.
" Harry" Remus said and Harry turned his face to look at him "look at me while Severus does this you can trust that he won't hurt you" Harry nodded and although he didn't relax he stopped struggling to get away from the gentle hands that were working the salve into his bruised skin.
"We need to see your back Harry" Severus said once he was done rubbing the salve down Harry's legs and arms "Remus will stay by your head so just try to relax"
Harry nodded stiffly as he was gently lifted and placed back on the bed. His head shot up as he heard the sharp intake of breath.
"It is ok Harry" Remus said moving to sit next to him on the bed his fingers automatically running through Harry's hair. He was stiff at first as he felt the first cool touch of the salve on his back but as the fingers gently worked the healing cream into his skin he relaxed and eventually he drifted off again.
Once Severus knew Harry was asleep he began speaking "he cannot stay here" he said softly "Sirius won't know how to deal with this kind of damage"
Remus nodded his hand reaching out to clasp Severus's "Then we take him home with us" was the answer Remus gave
"Are you sure about that" Severus said clasping his right hand around Remus's left and smiling at the cool metal of the wedding band there.
"Yes I am sure he needs to be with us in order to heal we will adopt him and make Sirius his godfather again now that he is free that should work for him." Remus said softly lifting his face towards Severus who had leaned down to kiss his husband gently on the mouth.
"You want to WHAT" was the first thing Harry heard when he woke up a few hours later he stood on shaky legs noticing that he was in a pair of flannel pajama pants and a light yellow t shirt he moved to the door and headed down the stairs stopping at the bottom as he heard the voices in the living room.
"Severus and I want to adopt him Sirius and take him home with us" Harry heard Remus's soft voice he flinched back at the hard tone in Sirius's voice
"You can't take him away from me I will take care of him" Sirius growled he stopped as he saw Harry standing in the doorway pale and shaking " Harry" he said loudly moving forward far too quickly for Harry's liking as he took a step back. He was almost to his godson when Harry was grabbed gently by his shoulder and propelled behind a black clad body.
"You're scaring him Sirius" Remus said watching as Severus pulled Harry towards himself and wrapped his arms around the small body that was shaking in his arms.
"I won't let you take him" Sirius said harshly and ignoring the warning from Remus he moved forward and attempted to pry Harry away from Severus. Harry was having none of that and held on tighter to the older wizard feeling safe with the man who had saved him. At that moment Ron and Hermione walked out of the kitchen and seeing Sirius moving to take Harry away from Severus Ron rushed forward pushing himself in between the irate man and his best friend.
"Now hold on just a minute" he said coldly looking at Sirius "You can't grab him like that trust me he hates physical contact from all men except for Me, Remus, and Neville. If you grab him he will have a panic attack and Hermione and Remus are the only ones who can calm him down." Ron finished he growled as Sirius moved to go past him and he grabbed the man by his robes and pulled him forwards until they were almost nose to nose "I am warning you Sirius if you touch him I will not be held responsible for my actions, the last person who tried to grab him was Dean Thomas and he ended up in the hospital wing after I punched him in the face." That made Severus look up at him in both surprise and respect.
Hermione on the other hand was standing behind Ron a look of pride in her eyes as she stood in front of Harry and Severus her wand out in case it was needed.
Sirius took a step back and looked at the scene in front of him. Remus had moved to stand with Severus, grasping his arm while his other hand went to rest on Harry's shoulder, Ron and Hermione were still standing in front of the threesome, and he looked past them to see Molly and Arthur standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He turned back to the group of five in front of him and sighed.
"You have my permission to adopt him, but I want to be his godfather and visit him sometimes" Sirius finished sighing again as all of them relaxed.
"Of course Sirius that is what I was trying to tell you" Remus said before leading his new family to the Fireplace Harry still wrapped firmly around Severus. Once they said their goodbyes with promises of a visit soon they disappeared in a flourish of green flames.
Ok you guys. I just thought this up today while I was sitting at my computer working a scholarship application.
Let me know what you think any ideas are welcome
Sorry for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes.