
A Glee Fanfiction (in which Kurt and Blaine are Definitely Not Dating, if anyone asks) by SpookyChild

"I don't think this is a good idea," Kurt said, nervously. The whole plan just seemed stupid to him. And yeah, sure, Blaine wasn't scrawny, but he wasn't very built, either.

"Nonsense, it'll be spectacular. Have a little faith in me." Blaine replied, crossing his not-scrawny-but-not-built arms across his chest. Blaine was the type of guy who always Got His Way, and Kurt was a little afraid he wouldn't be able to talk him out of this one.

"No, Blaine, this is stupid. With a capital S, and maybe a few exclamation marks at the end of it. And it's written in flashing red lights."

"Give me one good reason why it's so stupid."

"I'm heavier than I look?" Kurt tried. Blaine simply shook his head at him.

"Try again."

"I'm taller than you." Kurt seemed a little more convinced about this, and expressed his point by bouncing up on his toes and smirking down at the shorter boy. Blaine took this into consideration before dismissing it.

"Two down, not good enough," Blaine said, airily. Kurt sighed. "Besides," Blaine continued. "This will help me practice for when I carry my future husband across the threshold."

"Blaine, we're not married. We're not even dating. And this isn't your future house, this is the practice room. We've been here, like, a million times."

"Chicken." Blaine replied. Kurt frowned at him.

"If you mess up my hair, I'm throwing you in the dumpster."

Wes and David looked up from their Pokémon cards to the sound of Blaine crashing through the practice room door, carrying Kurt and seemingly trying not to die at the same time. Kurt looked oddly prim and proper in Blaine's arms, although he did look a bit worried, and kept frantically smoothing his hair down.

"Dude, did Blaine and Kurt get married?" David whispered furtively, not able to take his eyes off of the disaster in front of them. Blaine looked like he was about to have a heart attack, but was adamantly refusing to put Kurt down. Instead, he proceeded to carry him around the room, knocking books and lamps off of the tables and complaining loudly about how Kurt's hips were 'pointy and not very nice at all'.

Wes frowned at him and smacked him over the head with his gavel. "They're not even dating, stupid."

David grumbled and rubbed the back of his head. "Since when? They're always texting and talking on the phone and giving each other piggyback rides across campus. They even make each other friendship bracelets. One time, I swear I saw Blaine wearing a shirt with Kurt's face on it."

"So I didn't imagine that?" Wes asked, tilting his head in confusion. Across the room, Kurt was getting increasingly hysterical, and his voice was nearly at the decimal that only dogs could hear as he screamed at Blaine to 'put him down this very instant', because his bangs were getting messed up or something.

"I think we need to leave soon, before they start hitting each other." David stated.

"Or making out." Wes replied.

"Or singing."

"Or they try to give us friendship bracelets again." Wes and David shared a look of understanding before grabbing their Pokémon cards, with Wes trying to stuff as many of David's holographic first editions in his pockets as he could. At this point, Blaine had dropped Kurt on the ground, and when he tried to pick him back up, Kurt had accidentally kneed him in the groin. Wes and David raced out of the room while Kurt made soothing noises at a doubled-over Blaine, repeatedly asking if he wanted him to 'kiss it to make it better'.

"Where did they run off to so fast?" Blaine asked a few minutes later, finally catching his breath as most of the pain subsided. Kurt shrugged.

"You know those two, they're all weird and codependent." He answered. Blaine nodded sagely. "Now," Kurt continued, wiggling his fingers and making frantic grabby-motions in Blaine's face. "Carry me down to the coffee shop so that we can get lattes. And try not to drop me this time."

"Only if you promise to get non-fat milk. And split a heart-shaped cookie with me."



This is my first foray into Glee territory, and I hope it doesn't suck too much. I also may or may not make this into a series, if anyone is interested, and if I... you know... stop being lame and actually write.