This is the 4th Buffy story I wrote. It takes place after "The Alliance". It mostly stands by itself, though part 4 uses a location from "When Slayers Meet".
Unlike the others, I had this one in its original form - not corrupted at all. So here it is as it was...flaws and everything...
There were 3 other stories - "After the Party" (a short Xander/Buffy encounter after the episode Dead Man's Party, "The Reture" or "The Ritual" - I don't remember which (written after the death of Ms. Calendar), and "The Chosen and the Charmed" (A Buffy/Charmed crossover of which only the 1st part was finished). I don't know if the first 2 made it to Slayerfanfic archive or not, but all three were posted to the old Buffy Beta list. If anyone knows where stories for the archive or the buffybeta list may still exist online, or if anyone, for some odd reason, has any of the above, I would be very grateful if you would let me know.
This story was written around the time of the first 3 to 5 episodes of the second season-and should be considered to occur about that time. Sorry if it doesn't jive with the mythology after that point...
The main characters belong to Joss Whedon and related parties. I am just borrowing them and will return them (but it won't be for a long, long time).
"Are you and Xander going to the Bronze tonight?" Buffy asked Willow. It had been a slow week in the Slaying game-she hadn't seen a vampire since Monday. Now she was looking for something a little more fun to do on this Friday night.
"No," Willow replied. "We have plans, but he wouldn't tell me."
"You two have plans but he wouldn't tell you? What did he do, ask you out on a date?" Buffy asked, joking. She still thought they belonged together, but also thought he would never wake up.
"What? And you didn't tell me?" Buffy said as dramatically as she could muster.
"You don't tell me about yours." Willow replied.
Buffy was slightly hurt. Actually Willow did know about all her dates, unless you could call those occasional meetings she managed to arrange with Angel dates, but they didn't feel much like dates to Buffy.
"Well," Buffy said, "I'm glad he finally woke up."
"What about you? Are you going to the Bronze tonight?"
"You should go." Willow said. "And I'll keep Xander far away from there."
"Well, no offense, but I don't want anything to distract him."
Buffy let a small laugh out. "I promise. Either the Bronze or home for me."
"Good." Willow said, smiling.
Joyce was working at the kitchen table, early Friday evening. Usually she was still at the gallery at this time of the day. Today, however, she had brought the books home with her. She glanced up and noticed Buffy standing in a doorway, looking at her.
"What are you doing tonight, Honey?" she asked.
"I don't know, no plans really."
"You're not going anywhere with Willow and Xander?"
"They're going on a date-together. I'm sure they don't want me around."
Joyce noticed that Buffy looked a little depressed. "You should go somewhere. Maybe Angel would be at that club you like."
"Angel?" Buffy really didn't think her mother knew much about Angel or her feelings for him.
"Do you think I'm blind, Buffy? Besides, he's come here a couple of times looking for you, but you were always out."
"He came here? And you didn't tell me?"
"Funny. I never seem to be awake when you come in."
Buffy did not want her mother to pursue this line of thinking any further. She quickly tried to change the subject, or at least the person being discussed. "Maybe I will go to the Bronze tonight then. What about you? Are you staying in?"
"Don't worry about me. I have plenty to keep me busy."
Buffy had promised not to interfere, but just couldn't help herself. "Maybe you should call Giles."
Joyce looked at her. "Mr. Giles. Please show him some respect."
"Maybe you could call Mr. Giles." Buffy repeated (respectfully)
"Rupert has been around long enough to know how the game is played. If he is interested, he knows what to do."
"Mom," Buffy said, not yet ready to give up, "its the nineties."
"Yes, and I'm a single mother with a lot of work to do," Joyce said, standing up and giving Buffy a hug. "You go along and have a good time."
Buffy knew better than to say any more when her mother used the words "single mother".
"Okay, but I think he misses you." Buffy said as she left, feeling for the stake in her jacket. She wasn't planning on hunting, but it never hurt. Lately, she seemed to have been caught a little short of stakes when she needed them.
Buffy entered the Bronze and walked idly around for a few minutes. No sign of Angel, but it was still early, she thought. Then she noticed Marsha sitting alone at a small table.
Marsha was new at Sunnydale High. Buffy, remembering herself as the new kid, had tried to befriend Marsha. Marsha was friendly enough at school, but seemed to just go straight home afterwards. But she was someone to talk with-maybe. Buffy went to her table.
"Are you here alone?" Buffy asked Marsha. She was pretty, with long, dark brown hair and piercing brown eyes. Actually, Buffy didn't think she would be alone much-or thought she would at least have a choice.
"Yes I am, Buffy." Marsha replied. "And you?"
"Yeah. Mind if I sit for a minute?"
"Please do. But don't you usually hang with Willow and Xander?"
"They're on a date tonight. And I'm left hanging."
Marsha stared at Buffy briefly. She was not the kind that would allow herself to be left hanging, Marsha thought.
"Do you come here often?" Buffy asked. Actually, she had never seen Marsha anywhere except at school.
"No, it's the first time I've come-the first time I've made it anyway."
"What do you mean?" Buffy asked.
"I was going to come on my first day in town. I started to walk here, but I got interrupted. And I think someone was following me."
"A couple of guys started hassling me. I don't know what they were going to do, but this other guy stopped them. He talked to them. I don't know what he said, but they ran away as fast as they could. Then he walked me home."
Buffy was upset that she had such a bad experience on her first day in Sunnydale. "That sort of thing usually doesn't happen here."
"So I was told." Marsha said.
"At least you had a 'Good Samaritan'. What brought you out tonight, then?"
"My parents had to go to a business dinner, and couldn't take me. I don't like to be home alone at night. I asked them to bring me here."
"You don't like to stay home alone. Is it because you think someone was following you?"
Marsha's face reflected the concern she felt. Had she told Buffy too much? She was glad to have someone to talk to, but...
"Buffy, please don't tell anyone. If my parents found out that it has started again..."
"Marsha, don't worry. I won't say a word to anyone."
"Its just that they moved here because of me. I was so scared I couldn't do anything. I even quit going to school. They tried counselors and therapists, but that didn't help. Finally my dad was able to get transferred here. It was all he could find outside of Cincinnati. It was so hard for him and my mom, it's a wonder we're still a family. Do you know what it's like to make your family move?"
Buffy closed her eyes and swallowed hard. Marsha had heard rumors that Buffy had moved to Sunnydale because she had been kicked out of her old school, but thought that Buffy was so nice, the rumors couldn't be true.
"Oh. I'm sorry. I had heard, but couldn't quite believe it." Marsha said when she saw Buffy's reaction.
"It's true."
"Well, you should know then. I can't tell them that the same thing is happening here."
"What is it, Marsha? What's happening here."
"I'm not even sure. After that first night out, I'm afraid to go out at night again. I think I'm being followed again."
"Someone was following you before?"
"Yeah. I told my parents and a few of my friends, but no one believed me. At least not until Robert was killed."
"He was my boyfriend. He walked me home after a date. They found him the next morning. " The pain was visible on Marsha's face as she recalled the event.
"Marsha, I'm so sorry. And you think it was this guy who is following you?"
"Guy, girl, I don't know. But I do think it was." Marsha looked up and saw a familiar face approaching. "It's him."
"Who?" Buffy asked, turning around. She expected to see Marsha's stalker. She saw Angel approaching.
"Buffy," Angel said. "I was hoping you'd come."
"Angel," Buffy said, smiling.
"Buffy, do you know each other?" Marsha asked.
"Oh, sorry," Buffy said, remembering her manners. "Marsha this is Angel, Angel, this is Marsha."
"We've met." Angel said. And then turning to Marsha he asked "Have you been all right, lately?"
"Yeah. Thanks." Marsha replied. "But I really haven't thanked you enough..."
"Its okay." Angel interrupted, turning his attention back to Buffy. "Have I interrupted something?"
"Kind of," Buffy said, not really knowing what else to say. She wanted to talk to Angel-she didn't get the chance to often enough to suit her. But she wanted to hear Marsha's story as well.
"Maybe we'll see each other later, then," Angel said, turning to leave.
"Angel, wait just a second," Buffy said, rising to go to him. She was not about to let this chance slip away. "Marsha, I'll be right back."
Marsha nodded and watched them, wondering what kind of relationship Buffy had with her "Good Samaritan".
"Buffy, I really didn't mean to interrupt." Angel said as she caught up with him. "You two looked like you were having quite a discussion."
"Angel, I came hoping you would come. I was just passing time with her. But I think she needs someone to talk to. Please stay around for a few minutes so we can talk later."
"She said someone helped her when she was being hassled by two guys. Was it you? Is that where you met?"
"Yeah, it was me."
"That was nice of you. Repairing your past again?"
"Buffy, I helped because she needed it."
Buffy was slightly embarrassed by her comment. "Of course, sorry. She says you talked to them and they ran away."
"I showed them my 'game face'" Angel replied, smiling.
Buffy smiled as well. Then she said, "She thinks someone's following her. Did you notice anyone?"
"Will you keep an eye on her for me, and maybe her house?"
"Of course." Angel replied. "Anything you want."
Buffy glanced back at Marsha, and noticed she looked uncomfortable. "I'd better go back. See you later?"
Angel smiled and left as she returned.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Marsha asked as Buffy sat down.
"I don't know." she replied, a little uneasy. "I'm kind of working on that."
"I feel like I owe him a lot."
"I feel the same way." Buffy said.
Buffy tried to pick the conversation up where it had been interrupted, but Marsha was less willing to talk Marsha had risen to leave when she saw something which obviously upset her.
She sat back down and stared. Buffy tried to follow her stare, but saw nothing.
"What am I going to do?" Marsha said to herself, but loud enough that Buffy heard it.
"Marsha, what's wrong. Do you see something?" Buffy asked.
Marsha did not respond but just kept staring. Buffy tried again a couple of times, but still got no response. Finally Marsha stood up.
"Buffy," Marsha began as she stood up, "will you go over there with me?"
"Sure," Buffy replied rising as well. Marsha was still upset, and Buffy couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.
Buffy followed Marsha towards an isolated corner of the room. She asked Buffy to wait just a few steps from an empty table. She then sat at the table, still looking intently into the corner, her back to Buffy. She seemed to speak from time to time, but Buffy could not hear what she was saying. Upset when she firsts sat down, Marsha seemed to be getting calmer as Buffy watched.
Angel joined Buffy. "Who is she with?" he asked.
Buffy looked at him. "Can you see someone?"
"Sure," Angel said. "Can't you?"
"Wait" he said after staring in the corner for a moment. "I guess you wouldn't be able to see him. But she can. I wonder why?"
"Angel, what's going on?" Buffy asked.
"Its a free soul, a spirit-a ghost."
"She looks pretty calm to be seeing a ghost, though she was upset at first."
"Yeah," Angel replied. "She's not afraid at all."
"Why can't I see it?" Buffy asked after a moment of silence.
"I'm not sure. It's not really my area of expertise."
Buffy sighed as she watched Marsha, apparently communicating with a ghost. Everything else she had seen which apparently was attracted to the Hellmouth-vampires, witches, demons, giant insects- all seemed to generate fear in those they met and communicated with. But Marsha was not afraid of this ghost.
Buffy watched. She felt she had to help Marsha somehow, but how?
Saturday morning in the library. Buffy and Giles were alone. They often had training sessions on Saturday, but none had been scheduled for today. Still, Giles was usually there, not having much else in his life, Buffy thought. She was glad for his consistency, though. She always had a trusted advisor handy when she needed one, like today.
"And she wasn't afraid of him at all?" Giles asked. "How odd. Did she know him?"
"I don't know." Buffy replied. "She didn't talk much when we walked her home. Its almost like she was afraid or nervous before and after she talked to him, but not while she did. I think it was the calmest she was all night."
"Angel could see him, but you couldn't?"
"Yes. Why was that? And what is a ghost anyway?"
"You can take your choice of theories on what a ghost is - the spirit or soul of a dead person who for some reason hasn't yet passed on, some sort of psychic energy left at a place where some violent event occurred. There are others. All of them may have some truth to them."
"Angel seemed to go for the spirit of a dead person."
"Yes, at least in this instance," Giles agreed. "Perhaps he could see the ghost because he was once one himself-a soul without a body."
"Maybe-but why could Marsha see it when I couldn't?"
"There are indications that the closer a person is to another in life, the more likely that they would be able to see the other's ghost. Can you talk to her? Try to find out more about it?"
"Yes, but not until tomorrow night. They've left town for the weekend."
"Now you find ghosts." Giles said, delighted to have another research project to help his Slayer. "What will you come across next?"
Buffy could see he was getting excited. "Please, just help me with the ghost."
Giles looked at her, somewhat confused. "Of course," he said, matter-of-factly.
Buffy had been hunting. She had just killed a vampire, right outside the door of the Bronze-but the street was empty. There was not even anyone watching the door. She thought this was odd, for she was sure it was not so late that the Bronze would be closed, especially on a Saturday night. She went inside.
The Bronze was empty inside as well. After walking briefly, she noticed Marsha talking to someone. She walked toward them, thinking it was strange that Marsha was here. She should still be out of town. When she got about 5 feet from them, Marsha left the other person, walking past Buffy towards the entrance, smiling at Buffy and saying "Hi Buffy."
Buffy's eyes followed Marsha until the other person said her name. He was a young man, about 18 years old. He was handsome and looked very athletic.
"Buffy," he said getting her attention. She turned from Marsha towards him. "I'm Robert."
A chill ran up her spine. "Robert? Marsha said you were..." she said, not quite finishing the sentence.
"Dead," he finished. "I am. Buffy, she needs your help."
Buffy did not answer. She now had an idea of why Marsha was calm when she was with him, but Buffy did not feel the same way. He was, after all, a ghost. She was afraid.
"Buffy please. I know who you are. I've seen you fight the vampires, the demons. I saw you with her last night. She trusts you. You are the only one she trusts. Please, you have to help her. He's dangerous, and he's not going away while they're both alive. He'd do anything to stop anyone who gets in his way. He killed me when I tried. You have to help her. Please."
"Robert, was it you talking to her here last night?" Buffy asked, finally pulling herself together enough to speak.
"It was me, but it wasn't here." Robert replied.
"Yes it was. I was with her, here at the Bronze."
"We aren't in the Bronze."
"What?" Buffy asked.
Then she woke up. She was in her room, in her bed. She sat up with a start.
Her left arm was hanging over the side of the bed. She felt a definite chill move through it. Then she distinctly heard a voice - Robert's voice from her dream.
"Please Buffy. You're all she has. Please help her."
She waited a few minutes to see if anything else would happen. Then she tried to remember what day it was. Finally she saw the time on her digital alarm clock - 3:30 AM. Sunday morning she remembered. It was all a dream.
How had he done that? He had controlled her dream and had been in her room. Now she was really afraid.