A/N: Gomen for publishing another xD Anyway, please review if you read it :D onegai?

Some characters here will be OOC, especially Kahoko xD Their last names will be "Hino". Here are her brothers in order:

1st - Azuma

2nd - Kazuki

3rd - Ryoutarou

4th - Aoi

5th (I made them twins xD Gomen if it's not in your liking) - Etou and Shimizu

I think that's all I want to say for now xD Read and Review! :D



(Kahoko's POV)

The sun ray beamed into my bed room however, I didn't wake up from my slumber. I ignored the noisy alarm of my clock as I snuggled more into my pillow. I was having a dreamless sleep but the cold and cozy feeling of my bed and pillows asked me to stay a little bit more.

I was drawing back into a deep sleep when a silverware casserole and spoon drummed loudly above me.

"Wakey-wakey!" the person who was drumming that shouted then drummed louder.

I opened my eyes, wearing a frown and looked up angrily to the person. It was my Etou-nii-chan.

"Wake up! It's almost time for breakfast." Geez. What a moment wrecker he is.

"Oh, Goodey…" I said in a boring tone and yawned as I followed him downstairs, still in my pink pajamas.

"Ohayoo, nii-chans." I greeted them when I passed by the kitchen but they were too busy to give a little attention to me.

I sat lazily on our sofa. Five of my brothers; Azuma-nii, Kazuki-nii, Ryou-nii, Aoi-nii, and Etou-nii were all working together in the kitchen to make breakfast. And as for Keiich-nii… I bet he's still snoring in his room.

"Hey, are you finish yet? I'm hungry!" I shouted to them.

"Not yet!" they all replied at the same time.

I sighed loudly, enough for them to hear. "I'm getting impatient!"

I know what you're thinking. I'm like a princess waiting for her breakfast to be served by her five butlers. They chose to be like that anyway. Imagine yourself living as an only girl in a mansion with six older lads. Really, it's a headache.

Azuma-nii is already working in a company that I don't know the name. Kazuki-nii and Ryou-nii are working as music teachers in Gakuen Seiso, the school were I study. Aoi-nii is a third year student in that school, while Etou-nii and Keiichi-nii are the twins which are insanely different from each other. They're a second year high school there too. And me? I'm a first year. Lame…

About our parents? Well…. We lost them in a tragic accident a long time ago. It happened when I was a child, a six-year old one.

It was winter.


"Yay! Mommy and Daddy are coming home tonight!" I jumped in joy from excitement.

"Calm down, little one. Just wait and they'll arrive in no time!" Kazuki-nii said to me, placing one hand on my head. I nodded happily.

I hoped into the sofa, staring outside of the window, waiting for them to arrive. I leaned my chin at the window sill as I watched the snow fall.

"Why does the snow today seems gloomy?"

Aoi-nii chuckled beside me. "Snow doesn't have feelings, Kahoko-chan."

"It does. It's like it's mourning for something."

When he opened his mouth, I knew he was going to retort about what I said but the phone suddenly rang and he stood up to get it.

I stared at the window again. I just closed my eyes for a moment and everything was murky. From my imagination, I saw my parents' figure but there faces were not shown. They raised their hands to me, waving. At first I didn't get it but then they muttered; "Goodbye, Kahoko," in unison. They were now walking away before I begun to realize.

"No! Mommy! Daddy! Wait!" The me in that imagination protested. I stretched my arms as I attempted to reach for them, run after them, but my legs were paralyzed. My parents suddenly vanished. I was left in the dark alone.

I opened my eyes when I heard Aoi-nii dropped the phone. I was staring at the window again, wide-eyed.

The snows were falling rapidly than before, showing signs of sadness. Tears fell without rolling down my porcelain cheeks.

"Mommy… Daddy…" I muttered in my head, crying.

"Kahoko… Kahoko!" Azuma-nii-chan called. I looked back and saw all of my brothers behind, lined up in semi-circle.

Ryou-nii-chan stretched his arms for me. Without hesitation, I jumped off the sofa and ran to him, letting him crush my little body with his arms.

Etou-nii ruffled my hair. "It's alright to cry, Kaho… You see… O-our parents are…gone."

My eyes widened and I was hardly breathing. I looked up to them and they were crying as well, making me cry even more.

"They…met a car accident on the way home…" Aoi-nii added.

That just answered all of my questions. Why? Of all the people, why them?

"Don't worry… We're still here. We'll promise— No… We'll take care and protect you always." They engulfed me with a group hug.


That day was the worst day of my life. But it's all in the past now. The past that I had buried the same time as they were. I'm different now and I'm far from being a cry baby. I turned into a naughty one. Well I guess it's an influence that I got from my brothers.

"Kazuki! Your cookies are already burning!"

"Waah! I forgot!"

"Ryoutarou-kun, will you wash these dishes for me?"

"Hey, you're not the boss of me."

"What did you say?"

"N-nothing! I'll do it right now!"

Right… These brothers had been too protective over me. I admit that it's kinda tiring. You might want to be in my place having these, what you call loving and pretty faced brothers but really… it's annoying.

Want an example? Sure.

I took a glimpse at them. They're all still busy. I waited for my phone to ring and after a couple of seconds, it did. I immediately grabbed it. I was about to open the message when five flaring eyes glared at me.

"Kaaaahooooko!" they marched towards me, still wearing their aprons.

Ryou-nii grabbed the phone angrily and opened the message. They all compressed their faces to read it. It says:

"A pleasant morning to you, my dearest sunshine.

Don't you think it's the perfect time to meet and go out?

Why not try to leave your brothers for a change.

So what do you say, my love?"

They were disgusted. Geez, even I am. If only possible, Ryou-nii had already crushed my phone with his enormous hand.

"Kahoko-chan, explain this." Aoi-nii said in a tone that I've always avoided.

I just laughed nervously.

"Don't tell me you're going out with this guy?"

"No, of course not, Azuma-nii!"

"You're not leaving this house for the whole weekend, understood?" I sighed in defeat.

See? My brothers are scary in a protective way.

A/N: I'm not really planning to narrate this story full of POVs. It's just the prologue.

REVIEW! :D If you have any questions, just tell me that in the review xD Really... i need review