Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto™

I've recently became obsessed with the world of Naruto…..with switched genders. So I've decided that I will make a few one shots with all the characters gender bended. So this is where it gets interesting, trying to make everything really truly gender bended I had to give all the main characters new names. To keep things simple I had not changed the genders of parents, chunin that are proctors (like Anko and Ibiki), the Kages, minor characters/ninjas (like Ichikruka ramen shop), and animals and summons are the same gender as well.

You might find it lazy of me to only change the main ones, but I see it like this. I get really confused with the name changing of characters when gender bended to the point I have to look back to a key or something to remember who I'm reading about. A lot of the names will be easy to see who it is since I just altered the name to sound to its gender. I tried to keep the names simple and I will put right below this all the changed names. I hope you enjoy reading the GB Chronicles.

If you would like a greater Gender Bending experience go to Deviantart and look up 'kiotsukatanna'. She does this to a whole new level and I love her work.

GB Characters

Naruto Uzamaki – Naruko Uzamaki

Sasuke Uchiha – Sakaye Uchiha

Sakura Haruno – Saburo Haruno

Kakashi Hatake – Kashikoi Hatake

Shikamaru Nara – Shika Nara

Ino Yamanaka – Inoichi Yamanaka

Choji Akimichi – Cho Akimichi

Asuma Sarutobi – Amaya Sarutobi

Kiba Inuzuka – Kaori Inuzuka

Shino Aburame – Satomi Aburame

Hinata Hyuga – Hansuke Hyuga

Kurenai Yuhi – Kisho Yuhi

Rock Lee – Tai Lee

TenTen – Takeshi

Neji Hyuga – Nami Hyuga

Might Gai – Might Gen

Sabaku no Temari – Sabaku no Taro

Sabaku no Kankuro – Sabaku no Kumiko

Sabaku no Gaara – Sabaku no Yuri

Baki – Dai

Tsuande – Tsuyoshi

Jiraiya – Junko

Shizune – Shigeru

Iruka Umino – Izumi Umino

Hanabi Hyuga – Haru Hyuga

Konohamaru – Kohana

- (Line Break) –

The soft light of the morning filtered in through the large windows of the Academy as the village itself began to wake up and get ready to do the days chores as it does every day. The Hokage Tower was the first to come to life as the Hokage made his way to his office and Jonin began to come in and out with paper work and scrolls to be filed or filled out. Second was the hospital as doctor and nurses began their daily routine of prepping for the day and tending to the care of other patients. Soon the village shops began open up and small stands began to make their way to the village's center to sell their products. Last to wake in the morning were the actual residence of Konoha, the people that lived in it took their time to prepare for the day and even the great clan that was at the far end of the city woke lazily and then began their work. The houses began to come to life and soon the town wasn't as peaceful once the sun had fully made it over the horizon.

At the Academy a certain classroom lit up with its teacher getting the class ready for the daily lesson, or in this case, the sorting about to be done. At the head of the class was a brown haired female that wore her hair in a high ponytail and wore standard Chunin attire but special about this teacher was that there was a large scar going over her nose and cheek to cheek. Izumi Umino was the sensei to this class room and rather enjoyed her job; it was pleasing to work with the young shinobi of the village. She smiles softly to herself as she heard the door slid open and three sets of feet walk in; she didn't even have to turn around to see who it was. "Good morning to you three," she organized her papers, "I hope that you are ready for your teams."

"And why wouldn't we?" A strong female voice said as she fixed her silver grey hair into a low ponytail. She wore the proper Jonin attire along with a mask hiding the bottom half of her face and her headband hiding her left eye. Her one revealed eye was a dark onyx like color; she also had a very nice figure that was slightly hidden behind the bulkiness of the vest and in her hands was the small little orange book that she enjoyed so much. "Are you thinking we won't be able to handle your students?" Kashikoi Hatake was one of the hardest sensei that no team had ever passed her "test" to go further into their training, yeah, Izumi was a little worried, but for her students she had grown so close too.

"I would be worried to," another woman smirked as an unlit cigarette was in her mouth and her dark hair was short and hung flat against her head. She was also in a standard Jonin uniform but she also had what looked like a handkerchief around her waist and her headband around her forehead. She looked very young and beautiful, but she had a very gruff and to-the-point attitude that was hard for her students to connect to. Amaya Sarutobi was a great teacher, just very hard to connect to. She looked over to her grey haired companion, "you're exactly not a walk in the park Kashikoi-san." Kashikoi merely shrugged and went on with reading her book.

"Have you already sorted out the teams Izumi-san?" The only male in the room asked with his soft voice that still retained much power to it. He had very dark wavy hair that was kept short and well managed. He wore a fishnet shirt that had one sleeve coming to his elbow and the other didn't go past his shoulder; over that he had diagonal wrapped large bandages down both sides of his chest and a small line went down the middle of each bandage that was a red line. He then wore the regular Jonin pants and sandals with his headband around his head like most shinobi and his arms wrapped up to mid-forearm. Kisho Yuhi was one of the nicest teachers to have since he could easily become attached to his team, and in return they would adore him back, almost as if they were a real family. "Are we allowed to see who will we be getting right now, or must we wait like every other time we go through this?" He let a smirk get past him as Izumi just blushed and rubbed the back of her neck.

"O-Oh Kisho-san, that would ruin the surprise," she turned back to the window and watched as the village square was already a buzz with adults talking to one another about this and that. She gave a smile back at the three, "Why don't you three go relax before this, some of my students aren't the easiest to deal with." The three looked to each other and then nodded and left the room with soft 'goodbyes'. Izumi was then left in slice once again, but was content with it. She was a buzz inside not able to hold in her own excitement as she looked down at the three teams that had been deemed worthy to move on. 'Deep breaths Izumi-chan' she smiled and put her things safely away in her desk and took her leave to get in her own time before class started, 'You can do this.'

- (Line Break) –

The room was soon beginning to fill up and Izumi had decided to wait out the noise as she sat at her desk looking over more of her plans for what the students would do before she got to the sorting that would happen at the end of class. She only took small glances up; still glad that her loudest student hadn't shown up yet and probably wouldn't for a while. She took a head count every here and then, but thought there would be really no need to get too worked up. The class was loud in the morning like usual and most of the students were sitting where they liked or standing around desk to talk to other close friends and peers. She caught sight of her quietest female student, not because she was shy, but because should almost look to be in deep thought. Or brooding, Izumi could never tell.

Sakaye Uchiha was said brooding female that took her usual seat in the second to last row that was close to the window and almost away from everyone else. She was a prodigy in the class and was the top student in her class, coming close to beating the top male student, but yet she didn't. Sakaye was cool and collected and had her negatives of also being a harsh and mean to almost everybody. She had dark black hair that was left very long and in a low ponytail so it would not get in her way; she loved long hair, like her mother had, had and ever since the 'incident with her older brother' she kept it hip length. Her eyes were the same dark color and she had a hard look on her face. Sakaye wore a navy blue shirt that had a high color that didn't hide her face but it was high. The shirt had no sleeves but she wore sleeves that started under her elbow and stopped at her wrist. She also wore a white skirt that didn't cover the sides of her legs and then black leggings under that were tight to her body and stopped at her knees. Sakaye had her regular blue sandals and her headband around her head slightly covered by her two long bangs that came more to each side of her head. And to proclaim her clan name with the upmost pride, the Uchiha symbol was placed on the back of her shirt in the dead upper center of her back.

Just as Sakaye found that class was peaceful, two of her biggest fans came in and ruined it. Sakaye would not brag, but due to her great Uchiha genes, she had a slightly more developed body of her female peers but nothing that was over-bearing. She kept very fit and took pride that she was drop dead gorgeous, like any Uchiha female should be. But with the price of her great beauty came the Fan-boys, her own personal, adoring, hell-hole.

"Move your girly pink hair and forehead," and angry blonde said glaring at said pink haired male. He glared with light blue eyes that would make a girl melt and had short blonde hair and one long bang covering his right eye. He was a good looking male that also took great pride in his looks, but was one of the more cocky and players of his peers. He wore a tight dark purple shirt that had no sleeves and his arms were bandaged up to his elbows. He also wore dark blue shorts with his calves' wrapped and regular blue sandals. His head band had been tied around his waist staying that it gives the girls 'an excuse to look.' Inoichi Yamanaka Jr. –the Jr. was usually left off- was that of an exact replica of his father and even had his same spunky attitude and flirting habits.

"Why don't you go jump off a cliff," a very angry pink haired male said still trying to get through the door. His hair was that of a bright pink –due to his mother- but it was thought that it went well with his bright green eyes. He had to bangs on either side of his face and the rest came down touching the base of his neck, but still stuck out in places. He wore a red karate like jacket that had a white circle on the left sleeve and on back along with a white border and belt tied around his waist. He wore black trousers that stopped above his ankles and regular blue sandals. His headband was around his head in hopes to hide a rather large forehead and to distract from his pink hair. Saburo Haruno was a smart man and was the smartest in the class a few coming in a close second. Saburo had been a changed man ever since his younger days with the help of his friend/rival Inoichi.

The two used to be the closest friends out of anyone in the class and it had been that the young Saburo stood by Inoichi's no matter what. But ever since a confession by Saburo to the ever so popular Sakaye Uchiha, Inoichi had claimed to also love the young Uchiha. Saburo took it upon himself to declare the two rivals and that was when the friendship had ended. In truth the class and even Izumi was shocked to see the two not sit by one another and would have a glare off every once in a while. It was a sad day really, but the two had made their choice and today, one of the greatest days of their young shinobi lives, was no different.

"Think of a better comeback slick," Inoichi smirked as he flicked his forehead, "because the more I hear the same ones the more even I want to help at least get some new ones." He turned on his heel and went straight to the seat beside Sakaye but Saburo wasn't that quick to give up. Inoichi leaned in with both hands on the long desk and looked at her with seductive eyes. "Sakaye-chan, do you mind if I sit here-"

"Why would she want to sit with you," Saburo was at his side with a harsh glare and then smiled sweetly at her. "Would you rather have that I sit here Sakaye-chan?" Before she had a chance to tell them both they couldn't sit there, the loudest and most hyperactive of blondes bounced in with a big smile on her face. Izumi just smiled from her seat while the rest of the class gave a mental groan as she waved happily to everyone and went up the steps.

Naruko Uzamaki was sad blonde, but her hair was that of a buttery blonde while Inoichi was platinum. She had bright deep blue eyes and three whiskers on each of her cheeks and the biggest smile. Her hair was in two thin pigtails and came to the length of her shoulders and wore a hair clip of a small little red swirl design, the same that was on the back of her jacket. Her jacket was that of a bright orange and had some blue and white, but the jacket stopped right under her bust and was left unzipped. She had on a tight black sleeveless shirt under her jacket and wore orange colored shorts and blue sandals. Her headband was proudly around her forehead and bragged to everyone that she was in fact a shinobi now. She spotted the pink haired male of her dreams and happily went up to him, "Hey Saburo-kun!" Naruko was attractive but her bubbly and loud personality was a turn-off for that of her crush Saburo Haruno.

Saburo looked over at her and frowned, "Hey…it's you."

"Why don't you go join your girlfriend Fore-head," Inoichi smirked at her.

Saburo smirked back, "I would but you seem to want to sit by her." And then another glare off was in place, Sakaye only rolled her eyes and starred back at the wall in front of her trying to ignore the males around her, now trying to get the seat next to her. She then felt the presence of another and looked over to see that Naruko was on the desk and just glaring at her. "Naruko-baka get away from Sakaye-chan!" Saburo glared at her with fire in his eyes.

"I don't see what's so great about Sakaye-mesu," Sakaye looked the blonde in the eyes and glared at her with pure hate and stood up and grabbed her collar. "H-hey watch it-"

"What did you call me you little baka?" She said through clenched teeth and a very tight grip on Naruko's collar.

Naruko just gave an evil like smile, "Sakaye-mesu."

Sakaye growled under her breath, "You are so dead!"

"Hansuke-kun," Kaori Inuzuka smiled brightly and flagged down the male. She had wiled brown hair that came down to her back and red triangles on her cheeks. Her eyes were black like slits that resembled that of a dog and her own dog, Akamaru, barked happily at his mistress's happiness. She wore a dark grey and furry trimmed coat that was tight to her body and a pair of maroon colored shorts and blue sandals. Her headband was around her hips and she was a spunky and ill-tempered girl that should not be taken lightly; much unlike her quiet companion that sat one seat away from her. Satomi Aburame was a quiet and mysterious female that never spoke unless spoken to and was crawling with the kikaichu beetles like the rest of her clan. She wore slim dark glasses and had dark brown hair that was hidden in her long grey trench coat like jacket, but her headband was seen clearly on her forehead. The jackets high collar hid the bottom half of her face. Her coat covered her top half but once past her hips the coats ends flared out and stopped around her knees along with her perfectly fit shorts that were a dark blue. Her and Kaori's body structure was that of a regular female and had its small curves but nothing like the Uchiha, but something.

"The Hyuga has arrived," Shika Nara sighed softly as her head was on her desk only slightly looking up to see with her plain dark eyes what was going on around her. She had dark hair that was up in a ponytail that came down to the base of her neck, but she hated leaving it undone. She wore a fishnet top and a blue skirt with fishnets under it that stopped at her knees; over her fishnet shirt was a small shirt that stopped under her bust and didn't even close so some of her chest was left exposed. One ear had two small hoop earrings near the top of her ear and she had her headband around her arm and wore regular blue sandals. The Nara was just like her own father, who thanks Kami every day that she wasn't like that of her mother. Shika was the smartest and laziest kunoichi in the class and felt no shame in it. Beside her was her slightly bigger best friend for life, Cho Akimichi. She was that of a bigger girl but was one of the sweetest that you would meet. She wore what looked like a faded yellow shirt and a green jacket over it. Cho wore a pair of loose fitting skirt that she thought would help hide herself, since she was so self-conscious of her body type. Her arms and legs were wrapped in white bandages and blue sandals covered her feet and her headband was also on her arm like her best friend. She had light brown hair that was pulled up into two small pigtails and on her cheeks was a red swirl likes design.

"He isn't that bad," Cho said softly as the Hyuga stood at the front of the class, "he's pretty nice really." She then took a bite of her chips that she had and happily shared with Shika.

"A Hyuga's a Hyuga no matter which way you look at it," Shika said eating a chip while still laying her head on the desk top.

The young Hyuga fixed his headband that hung around his neck and stood out against his pale skin. He was slightly taller than then most of his peers and it was almost awkward for him to walk around with his long legs and arms that hung at his side. His hair was that of an odd coloring when the thought of the Hyuga, it was a midnight blue that was also short and shaggy sticking up in a few places. His eyes were a light lavender tinged color that almost made him look blind, but it was ironic in a way. The Hyuga eye color made them look blind but yet they were indeed all seeing with the most powerful eye sight. He wore a tan coat that was buttoned up all the way and went slightly past his bottom and the sleeves reached to his fingertips, but truth be told, the Hyuga's entire arms was bandaged stopping at his knuckles, though, no one would know unless he lifted his sleeve. On the back of his jacket was a fire symbol instead of the well-known Yin-Yang symbol, he also wore black pants and blue sandals. Hansuke Hyuga was not only the only Hyuga in the class, but was also the heir to the clan; to be expected he was the number one male in the class, but he didn't look or act it. He was a quiet and shy male that would blush a lot, stutter, and usually kept to himself. He had only been seen talking freely with the Inuzuka and Aburame.

"Well now that everyone is here," Izumi smiled as she finally stood up and walked out from behind her desk and she held a clip board in her hands. "I know we are all excited to hear who will be teamed with whom and which sensei you'll get but we need to do some test." The class let out a loud groans and protest, "That or I give you a test on everything I have taught you." She smirked as the class quieted down and continued. "First the girls will be test physically and then the boys will be in here for the mental testing."

"Like," Naruko spoke from her seat beside Saburo who sat next to Sakaye, "to see that if we're mentally stable or something?" Everyone in the class groaned thinking the question was that of a dumb one, but a certain blue haired shinobi let a soft chuckle which not many caught but it was heard.

Izumi sighed, "No Naruko-san, but to test your power and ability to solve problems." She gave out a smile as Naruko mentally groaned and set her head on her desk with a sigh. She motioned for other chunin to come in who were to help with watching the students and testing the others. "So will all the girls please head out to the field and you will be testing with these other find Chunin and myself." All of the girls got up and walked out of the room being led by only female chunin and the boys were left with the male chunin that began to explain the test. "I want you all to behave," Izumi said as she looked at all her male students, "I want a good report back." She then followed that other girls out and the boys were once again left with the male Chunin.

(Line Break)

Naruko smiled brightly as the group of girls was divided into small groups so the testing would be easier, "This is going to be great! I'm gonna prove once and for all that I'm the best, believe it!"

"I'll 'believe it'," Kaori quoted as Akamaru was tucked into her coat, "when I see it Naruko." She put her hands on her hips and smirked, "But for now, you're still the same idiot that draws on the Hokage Mountain." Satomi stood by Kaori's side, but kept silent and adjusted her sunglasses; she would have intervened but it seemed the conversation ended as she opened her mouth. Naruko just turned away with her arms crossed over her chest and a pout on her face. Kaori only gave a light laugh and petted Akamaru's head, "Come on boy, we'll show these wannabes what it really means to be a kunoichi."

Sakaye only stood with a 'better-than-you' stance and patiently waited for her turn to test. She really couldn't care less about these tests since it was most likely busy work for the students until the senseis were ready to come and take their assigned team. All the tests meant next to nothing, unless the teams assignment was being revaluated to ensure the team was balanced. She took a moment to look around at who was outside and how many were inside, and by a simple head count, the female to male ratio was unequal. It would be likely that teams would two people or more to the point where the female members would outnumber male members. She cringed at the thought of being paired with another female, or worse, Naruko Uzamaki. The mere thought that she would have to be on a team with her alone brought a shiver to her spine. The Uzamaki was strong and had the determination to become a useful teammate, but the bright attitude was to be frowned upon and wearing such bright colors would easily give away her position on a mission.

Sakaye sighed as she took hold of the three kunais and took aim and easily hit all three targets without any trouble. Some clapped at her great aim, but Sakaye just smirked and moved aside so that her group could finish and get to another station to finish. She glanced again at the others, 'All I need to do it show that I'm the best, so I might get others that are just as good and can keep up with me and not hold me back.' She smiled to herself and watched as the others only hit one target or two, but never all three like she could. Some came close, but once again Sakaye proved to be the best.

Naruko on the other hand once again glared at the dark haired Uchiha, since when her group had come up to test aim and precision, she had fallen short. She had hit the middle target dead on but the bottom one was slight off and the top one did not come close to the center. She grumbled to herself as she trudged aside so the others could go. Naruko had a very big problem when it came to the Uchiha and it could be understood; Naruko was at the bottom and Sakaye was at the top. The blonde haired female may have lacked when it came to brains but she had enough bronze to go around. Naruko knew she was at the bottom but refused to admit it publically. "I will be Hokage," she smiled and said to herself, "and then everyone will have to show me respect."

"A word of advice Naruko," Shika said standing beside her with her arms crossed over her chest, "talking to yourself makes you look crazy." She smirked slightly as Naruko just stuck her tongue out at Shika. She shook her head and then glanced up at the classroom windows to see that some of the boys were watching as the girls test. Shika got the idea that the test must not be that hard, or the girls had been taking longer than she had expected; she saw Inoichi up there with his usual smirk and talking to the males around him. Shika had known the blonde haired boy since her father was friends with his father and Cho's father was also part of the little friendship circle. Shika could never stand Inoichi's pushy attitude and being so demanding all the time, but she looked past it that Inoichi was in fact a great fighter and a powerful one at that. But she also enjoyed embarrassing him when she walked into the flower shop to see him in a girly apron and a dark blush on his face.

"Come on Shika-chan," Cho smiled at her and pulled her along, "are group is moving on." Cho was one of the only people that Shika let touch her and pull her from place to place. When she was lucky Cho would just pick her up and carry her from place to place, but only if she was lucky. Shika sighed but walked along not really wanting to be dragged around like a rag doll. "Did you see how you ranked," Cho asked with her warm voice, usually the girl would have her chips with her, but it seemed that she wanted to take this more seriously then she would have. "I hope you and I get on the same team."

"Me too," Shika smiled at her and the two went on with their testing.

(Line Break)

Hansuke leaned against the wall as he stared out the window into the far distance of the village and looking straight at the far horizon. He had easily finished his test and decided that to not be a bother to everyone else was to move from his seat in the front and just stand by the window. Hansuke Hyuga was raised with a strict and tight rule that did not allow him to do a lot of things, and one of them was to be a bother. Among his family he was physically weak and shunned by his betters in hopes to raise the boy tough and strong; if he had been born of the female gender his training wouldn't have been so hard due to the fact that women weren't as physically or emotionally strong as their male counterpart. Hansuke was use to the harsh judgment of his family and had adapted to a very strict way of life even though he had been born very soft and weak. The male was already an outcast due to his blue hair and the fact that he purposely kept it short; it was thought as a way to rebel against the family's way. Which it kind of was, but not purposely on Hansuke's part he just couldn't handle having all that hair in his way as he trained, which was hard enough as it was with his strong and distant father.

He glanced down at his female peers and smiled as they tried their hardest to get a high score on the test, much like he did everyday while training with his father. Hansuke then sadden at the thought that after today his father had officially given up on training him and had moved on to his much stronger second son, Haru Hyuga, Hansuke's junior of five years and was indeed much better than he could be. Hansuke sighed softly and closed his eyes, but his peace was disturbed when Inoichi slung his arm around the male's shoulders and he gave Hansuke a big smile.

"So Hansuke-san," he smirked, "you have a girl in mind?"

Hansuke's cheeks light up to a light pink that dusted over his nose, "W-well Yamanaka-s-san," he swallowed a large lump in his throat and took a quick glance at the blonde haired kunoichi that ran around happily with big smile on her face from finishing her lap at a faster time than expected. "I-I-I d-don't r-really d-do-"

"Oh come on now Hansuke-san," Inoichi gave a hard hit to his back that made Hansuke stumble foreword a bit, "you have to have someone in mind. Like I have sweet little Sakaye-chan-"

"Don't listen to him Hansuke-san," Saburo stood beside the two with a smirk on his lips, "He thinks he can get the girl, but in truth it's all in his head." Saburo smiled at the blue haired male, "Just tell her how you feel and I'm sure she'll return the feelings-"

"You don't tell a girl that you like her Fore-head," Inoichi faced him with a glare, "You have to make her want you back or you'll just look like an idiot confessing to a girl that doesn't like you back. I learned that by watching you," he smirked and looked back at all the girl that began to get measured and some were forced to remove jackets. He licked his lips, "Let's hope that Sakaye has to remove her shirt." Saburo and Hansuke blushed, but Hansuke blushed at the thought that anyone might have to remove specific articles of clothing. He looked away, not to be known as a peeping-tom or a pervert in any way, but he was forced to look when Kaori specifically called his name and waved at him, her jacket off and so was Satomi's jacket. Hansuke smiled when he saw that Satomi's face was still covered for her shirt had the same high collar and no sleeves. He waved back at them with his charming smile that made every girl blush and even a few males too.

"I'm surprised that you aren't as popular as Sakaye-chan," Saburo said looking at all the girls that were getting weight and measurements done. "You're from a high class family," he looked at her with a smirk, "the girls should be all over you."

"I-I g-guess th-that p-power an-and money i-isn't w-what p-people a-are looking for a-anymore," Hansuke shrugged not looking at him but yet again not really paying attention to the question at all. To him the Hyuga name as nothing but a fancy decoration to him, he felt that he didn't deserve the title and everything that came with it. He was given forced smile through the village, un-needed bows, and forced generosity. Hansuke felt selfish and almost bratty as he would just smile back and nod at everyone that bowed in his direction. He felt like a failure, he didn't have to work for anything, and what he did work for was never enough. Hansuke shook away his negative thoughts and smiled back at the two, "I-I rather n-not b-be liked f-for th-that a-anyway."

"If we are all done," the chunin that stood before the room, "we will go out and trade places with the others." It had become apparent that every boy had finished his work and were either resting their eyes or conversing with the other students. Everyone began to head out to where the girls were, but Hansuke hung back and waited for everyone else to exit the room until he and the one chunin who was collecting the test were left in the room. He looked up to see that Hansuke was indeed staring at him and spoke. "Is there something that you need Hyuga-san?"

Hansuke blushed from being put spot and rubbed the back of his neck while looking away, "I-I wanted t-to kn-know th-th-the reasoning f-for th-these t-test. I-if th-that's al-all r-right w-with you." He quickly added at the end to not sound as demanding as he did.

The chunin gave a soft smile and held up the test for him to see, "These are to see if the teams that everyone was placed on are accurate to the last time we had testing. No one wants a team full of students that are low on smarts. But balancing the team assures that missions will get done and everyone will learn from the other." Hansuke gave a soft smile and almost jumped for joy as he spoke; he was assured that his team could consist of the blonde haired Uzamaki and he could get so much closer to working up the nerve to tell her. "Go on Hyuga-san, before you miss out on your test." Hansuke nodded and bowed before running out to catch up with the others. He shook his head as he placed the papers on the desk and walked out after the group, "that boy sure isn't like and Hyuga I've ever met."

(Line Break)

"Saburo-kun!" Naruko yelled happily and latched onto his arm with a big smile on her face, "Were you watching me be the best?"

Saburo glared at her and pulled her off his arm, "Get off of me Naruko-baka," he fixed his jacket and walked up to Sakaye who stood off to the side waiting to be let in. Naruko glared at her as Saburo just had a soft smile on his lips. "You did great Sakaye-chan; I hope that you and I get to work together as a team."

"Hn," was her answer and didn't bother to look up at the pink haired male.

"I still don't see what's so great about her," Naruko said running a hand through her hair, until she felt that something was missing. She searched her hair again and panicked as she looked around for a missing hair clip. "No, no, no, no, no! That was my only one too," she got down on the ground and began to look for it with her eyes wide. 'Come on! The Hokage gave it to me and I lose it!'

"N-Naruko-chan," the blonde looked up to see Hansuke standing there, holding something in his fist very tightly. She got up and looked at him with an odd look as he just blushed and tried to speak. Naruko never understood why he was so weird around her, his face went red and he would rub the back of his neck trying to avoid eye contact with her. He was just standing there and Naruko was getting worried for him. "I-I-I believe th-this i-i-is y-yours," he opened his palm and revealed the hair pin that he had nearly stepped on while running out of the Academy.

Naruko smiled brightly as she took the pin out of his hand and put it back in her hair, "Oh thanks so much Hansuke-kun," she gave him a quick hug, "you're the best!" She then walked off after the others girls as Hansuke stood stock still with a blush on his face and his eyes wide like a doe. A smile twitched up on his lips and Inoichi and Saburo both smirked at one another and then both stood on each side of the blushing boy.

"Wow Hansuke-san," Inoichi smirked and brought Hansuke out of his daze. "I didn't know that you had the hots for the Uzamaki." Hansuke turned a bright red and he tried to stutter out an explanation, but Inoichi and Saburo just laughed at him and nearly doubled over close to tears. "This is too rich," he wiped his eyes and looked at her, "how can you fall in love with someone like her? I mean, you could do so much better bro'." He put his arm around his shoulders and gave a sigh, "Look here Hansuke, Naruko has looks and she's okay, but how can you stand her bubbliness and how loud she is all the time."

"N-no one i-is p-perfect," Hansuke tried to defend her crush, but it fell upon deaf ears.

"Sakaye-chan is," Saburo piped in, "but you can't have her. Sakaye-chan is being perused by others."

"Now, now Saburo-san," Inoichi said much to Saburo's surprise. "You know the code," he looked at the two with full seriousness, "'Bros' before Hoes'." Hansuke's blushed at the little rule meant to be followed by those of with a Y chromosome. "And if you would like to even try and maybe get the attention of Sakaye Uchiha," he smirked at both males, "I welcome the challenge. Since Saburo is clearly no match for me." Saburo was about to yell back, but Hansuke spoke very shocking and unheard of words.

"I-I thank y-you, b-but y-you c-can rest assure th-that I w-will n-not b-be perusing U-Uchiha-san," he said with a light smile which quickly faded. "U-Uchiha-s-san i-is a ve-very b-be-bea-beautiful g-girl, b-but I-I a-am in no way attracted t-to h-her." Inoichi and Saburo just stood there with their mouth wide open and eyes even wide. Hansuke instantly got worried at their expressions and bowed, "I-I'm s-sorry i-if I had o-offended y-you." He straightened back up and awkwardly looked around; he then left the two as he went to go get his own test done.

Of course the two had not been the only to hear it, a lot of the other males got word that the Hyuga was not even slightly attracted to the Uchiha. The male population was greatly surprised at the proclamation of the Hyuga and word got around fast, like a wild fire. Even as Hansuke did his test, he would see the other whisper about him and he only blushed and tried to tone them out. Each test he did he came out on top, but yet it gave him no excitement as the other clapped and congratulated him. He found out long ago that it was not exciting for a young boy to tell his father that he is at the top of his class in the Hyuga house; it was a mandatory. He would only give a forced smile and then move aside for the next person to go.

The test for the men had been much different from that of the woman to the point that the chunin really wanted to make sure that the men were physically strong. Hansuke felt a bit offended that as expected on a team that as a men they only cared about his strength and speed more than his dexterity and brain power. Having vast chakra amounts was also a plus on the testing for once again the sexism that was being shown at the academy. One thing that did make Hansuke and his own father proud that he had great chakra control, though it was apparent that if he couldn't get close enough to his opponent his great control was once again useless in the eyes of his family. At the academy, though, Hansuke was a forced not to be messed with as it has been shown that his gentle fist could not be beaten while sparring with his peers and he was pretty darn smart.

They were only half way through the course as the chunin order a break since nearly everyone was sweating, or as in Hansuke's case dying of heat in his jacket, but yet he refused to take it off unlike his braver peers who had gone shirtless. A lot of the girls began to squeal loudly, since they were watching from the windows and most of the boys couldn't help but show off due to the fact that the thought of 'dating' and 'girlfriends' were becoming more and more interesting in the eyes of the male at this age. Hansuke just blushed and looked away, pulling at his collar to try and cool himself off.

"Man Fore-head," Inoichi said –shirtless- as he looked at him, "do you have any muscle?" Inoichi wasn't one to talk; he and the rest of the males had a lean and healthy body. Saburo was no different, but that didn't stop Inoichi from making fun of him. "You should work out more like I do."

"Please pig," he smirked as Inoichi glared at him, "You seem to forget that my muscle strength will develop more than yours thanks to my family genes." Saburo smiled at him and couldn't help but blush as she caught that every girl was looking, even Sakaye. "And even Sakaye-chan seems to be looking at me more then you-"

"You must be blind," he glared back at him, "since I can clearly see that she's admiring me." Soon every male was arguing that they had the attention of the young Uchiha more than the others and the Uchiha just shook her in disgrace.

As everyone argued and the chunin tried to get their attention again, Izumi, who had come back down to check on the boys and get the test reports back, caught sight of the Hyuga that sat off to the side like a two or three other boys that didn't partake in the fighting. The only difference was that Hansuke was panting like a dog and pulling at his collar for dear life. She walked over to him and crouched down to be eye to eye with the boy. "Hyuga-san," he looked up at her and she could tell the boy was close to heatstroke from his face red, "you should really cool yourself off by taking that coat off-" Hansuke quickly shook his head an refused to listen to reason, even though his vision began to go. "That's an order Hyuga-san," Izumi said forcibly as she stood up and walked off, "passing out due to heat stroke will indeed lower your stamina score," she said knowing that the Hyuga would do anything to keep his score up and stay at that top of the class.

Hansuke blushed as he unbuttoned his jacket and walked toward the others that had begun to get ready for another round of testing. He shyly took off his coat and turned a dark red when a certain brunette gasped out loud and yelled from her spot at the window causing everyone to look. "Oh my dear Kami, is that really you Hansuke-kun!" Kaori was in deep shock at the sight of the male and a lot of the other girls were too. Hansuke Hyuga had the body of a God, and that was no joke; his body was well built and you could see the muscle on him. Hansuke caught that Naruko was staring at him with the same wide eyes and he felt his knees buckle.

Hiashi Hyuga had been very strict with his sons training and wanted him to be strong, very strong. Ever since his near kidnapped attempt, Hiashi feared that more would come for his first born and quickly began to train his son to be strong. It involved a strict diet and a tough work-out schedule that even Hansuke's prodigy of a cousin, Nami Hyuga, couldn't keep up with. Hansuke, being as weak as he was, could never get through the whole day and would pass out in the middle of it, or lose cautiousness when siting down for a tea brake. Feeling disappointed with himself Hansuke would wake in the middle of the night and go at his training again, which he didn't know was building his stamina to a high degree but it was still never enough. He would pass out again at his night training and then would have to get up before his father could see him on the ground outside and get dressed to start it all over again.

"Whoa," Saburo said looking at him. 'How dare he be better looking them me, how am I going to get Sakaye-chan to notice me now with the Hyuga in my way?' Inner Saburo yelled with great agony while outer Saburo tried to stay calm and collected.

Hansuke was wearing a fishnet shirt, but it didn't do him any good when it came to hiding his abnormal body. He thought abnormal was because no boy his age should be this well-muscled. It was unreal, like it looked like he had been talking a steroid; not that he was really that overbearing with muscle but it seemed like a lot to him. He only looked down at him feet, "Wh-what's th-the n-next t-test?"

Sakaye stood there in shock that the Hyuga had been hiding that kind of body from the world, where any real man would have shown it off without any shame. She had seen the Hyuga's little exchange with the Uzamaki and thought nothing of it until right now. She saw that, now, the Hyuga heir had found the village idiot to be much more attractive then herself; not to mention that she had caught wind that the Hyuga wasn't even interested in her. Sakaye found it, a bit uncomfortable to know that there was a man out there that didn't even have a small crush on her, not that she cared but it was still weird.

"Naruko," Shika said, "you're going to end up pushing me out this window." She had a nervous look on her face as the blonde was still very close next to her.

"You're crazy to think that I'll push you," she slapped her back and, of course; Shika was pushed out the window.


Several girls yelled, caching the attention of the boys as the she tumbled down. Before the chunin could react, Hansuke ran with all his might and then slid down on his knees and just missed catching the girl. The dirt settled down and every saw that Hansuke was kneeling on the ground with Shika in her arms with her eyes shut tight. Hansuke was the first to open his own eyes, in fear that he might have missed her, but smiled when he saw her in his arms. "N-Nara-san," he spoke in a soft voice.

"Am…..am I dead?" Shika asked opening her eyes a bit and then fully to see that Hansuke was looking down at her with a charming smile and a light blush on his cheeks; Shika blushed back.

"Th-thankfully n-no," he gave a slight chuckle as he got to his feet and still holding the girl in his arms. He cringed in the slight pain of scrapped shins and a lot of cuts that would become infected if he didn't treat them right away. "A-are y-you all r-right th-though?" He asked her with a soft voice that made Shika's face turn a bright red. Shika nodded quickly and stepped away from the Hyuga once he set her down on her feet. "Pl-please," Hansuke bowed in her direction, "b-be safe."

"I'm soooo sorry Shika!" Naruko yelled from the window, "It won't ever happen again, promise," she smiled at her and Shika could only look back up with her usual tired face. She shook her head and took a seat outside, not really feeling like walking all the way back up the steps to get back to her class room.

(Line Break)

The whole class had gotten back together and was now again a waiting to be told what team that they would be placed on. Izumi was currently looking over all the test scores, results, and overall comments from the other chunin. She had a very stern look on her face and got up with a chart and soft smile on her face. "I'm ready to announce who will be placed on what team and I hope that you all will keep your comments until the end of class." She cleared her throat and began, "Naruko Uzamaki, Saburo Haruno,"

"Yes!" Naruko jumped up with a big smile as Saburo just slumped foreword with a frown.

"and Sakaye Uchiha."

"Yes!" Saburo jumped up with a big smile as Naruko slumped back in her seat with a frown. He looked back at Inoichi with a big peace sign and smirk, "In your face pig." Inoichi just glared at her and just laid his head on his propped up fist.

"Next team will be Inoichi Yamanaka, Shika Nara, and Cho Akimichi," Izumi smiled at the group, "I guess the legend lives on."

'Just great,' Inoichi slumped foreword and held his head and had a distressed look on his face. 'I got the laziest girl in the world and the bigger girl? First Fore-head gets to be with Sakaye-chan and now this? What did I do?' Shika only smirked at his face and leaned back in her seat; she was just glad that she got to be with her best friend.

"Then Kaori Inuzuka, Satomi Aburame, and Hansuke Hyuga,"

"All right," Kaori smiled at the other two, "we get to fight bad guys together as a team!"

"It will be fun," Satomi said softly and no one was able to read any emotion on her face. Hansuke only smiled at the two; he was happy that he did get his two good friends, but slightly upset that Naruko was on a team with her own crush. It only made everything harder for him to work up the nerve. He was happy for his blonde crush though, she was happy and that's what really mattered. "Hansuke-san," Satomi pulled him out of his thoughts, "we are going to go eat lunch, are you coming?"

"R-right," he smiled and the class filtered out of the room to go eat and Hansuke stopped and grabbed his bento from his bag. He held it close and walked the opposite direction of the other students. This did not go unnoticed by a few of the others, but they did not question his actions. Hansuke walked up the steps until he came to the door of the rooftop and took a seat close to the edge but not close enough to where others could see him. Hansuke was still dying of heat and thought it best to take his jacket off where no one could see him. He smiled softly as he took of his jacket and felt a light cool breeze hit his pale skin. As he began to eat his bento, he caught sight of the newest team, Team 7, and looked as if Saburo had once again denied Naruko a chance to eat lunch together as he went in search of the Uchiha. He only gave a sad smile and looked away and found himself eye to eye with Team 10; he stopped in mid-chew as his face grew red as Shika and Cho just stared at him as Inoichi's back was to Hansuke and he seemed to be rambling on about something. Hansuke quickly pulled his jacket over his shoulders and looked down with a red face.

'Why am I such a coward! I'm the only boy that is this socially awkward,' he scolded himself and glared down at the ground. 'Why can't I be strong like my own imouto; or even my own otōto (little brother)?! Then everything would be better,' he sighed and dropped his harsh glare. "I-If I was l-like th-them….." Hansuke just groaned and finished the rest of his lunch in silence and hoped that the day got better. He got up and walked back inside, his jacket still on his shoulders and his bento in hand.

"Hey Hansuke-kun," Kaori smiled at him as she took her seat as he put his things away. Hansuke just turned his neck and smiled back at her as he buttoned up his coat and took a seat beside the brunette. "You should have joined us for lunch; Akamaru did the cutest thing and fell asleep on Satomi's lap."

"Very cute," Satomi said sitting down and looking over at the two. "Did you have a nice lunch Hansuke-san?"

He smiled at her, "I-It w-was enjoyable," he then glanced over and saw the other two teams walk in, and took their seats together. "I-I gu-guess w-we now w-wait f-for our se-senseis."

"Ya' think," Sakaye said with an obvious tone as she sat back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest, "you are a Hyuga genius huh?"

"No need to be such a bitch about it Sakaye," Kaori glared at her but then smirked, "or should I say Sakaye-mesu?"

"Talk to me like that again you mutt," Sakaye glared back at her, "and I will end you faster than you can say 'sit'."

Kaori was about to shout another comeback but Hansuke put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head for her to stop. She just sat back in her seat with a huff, "She had it coming Hansuke-kun, but you're just too nice to let even the meanest of people suffer for a moment-"

"Watch it," Inoichi said to Kaori, "Sakaye-chan didn't do anything wrong so lay off-"

"Nor does she want or need your help pig," Saburo glared back at Inoichi.

"Why even bother standing up for Sakaye-mesu," Naruko huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Sakaye-chan this and Sakaye-chan that! I'm getting pretty tired of her damn name."

"This is all troublesome," Shika groaned as she sat back in her seat and propped up her feet.

"Th-there i-is n-no ne-need to fi-fight," Hansuke tried to intervene, but was ignored when Saburo and Inoichi were at it one more time. Naruko took this as her chance to again fight with Sakaye and Kaori was helping her. He looked nervous and didn't want anyone of the senseis coming in and seeing everyone arguing. Hansuke put his thumb and forefinger in his mouth and blew out a very loud whistle. He blushed as he got everyone's attention but kept a serious face, "Th-that is e-enough. W-we ca-can't act l-like A-academy chi-children an-anymore, o-or n-no one w-will t-take us se-seriously a-as sh-shinobi."

"Very nice," they all looked to see Amaya Sarutobi standing at the door and smiling at Hansuke, "I hope that someone that was as level-headed as you are was put on my team." She looked down at her little sheet of paper and then back up, "I am here for Team 10, and can you please step forward." She felt a smile tug at her as the familiar looking trio of students stepped down to meet her. "I can already this is going to be one heck of a team." They all walked out of the room, which was now in an awkward silence from Hansuke's outburst. Said teen sat down with his head down and looking at his feet as if they were super interesting.

It was another ten minutes until another sensei stepped in. Kisho Yuhi slid open the doors and smiled softly as he saw the six of them in silence. "What a quiet group, much better than the last group," he spoke in a deep and warm voice, "but on to other topics." He pulled out a small piece of paper from his pocket, "I'm here for my newest team, Team 8." Kaori jumped over the desk, purposely stepping in front of Sakaye and then jumping back down before Kisho, "Little Miss Spunky I see." Kaori only smirked with Akamaru in her arms; Hansuke and Satomi walked down the steps and then the four left the others, who sat there for another thirty minutes.

"How late can this guy be?" Naruko yelled since she was very annoyed. She got a chair and placed an eraser in the door, "this ought to teach them."

"This is a Jonin baka," Sakaye said from her seat, "it's not like they're going to fall for it."

"So stop being such a child," Saburo added with a glare. Just as he finished, Kashikoi slid open the door and the eraser the top of her head and then fell to the floor with a soft 'thud'. Naruko just started laughing and pointing at her. "Sensei," Saburo stood up with an apologetic, "I am so sorry for our idiot of a teammate," he said and glared at Naruko. "She just doesn't listen and I tried to warn her-"

"My first impression of you," Kashikoi cut him off and looked at the three as they were in silence, a waiting her to finish. She smiled through her mask, "I hate you all."


So, what do you think?

I wrote this for two main reasons: 1) I'm obsessed with the Gender Bending of Naruto characters –especially Hinata XD- and 2) There are not enough of these stories that aren't just Naruto being a girl. Nor are there enough with Hinata being Gender Bended, or I'm not looking hard enough. So my fellow Hinata lovers, take on the challenge and make a gender bended series. You don't even have to be a Hinata lover; I just want to see that this becomes more popular as writings and not just a Deviantart thing. ^_^

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed me ruining like the third episode of Naruto, and that you come to love these characters. Read and review please.