The Final Plot: (The Late Atomic Betty Part 2) -Betty, Alive and Well-

Maximus was confused cause he never saw Betty in her Earth form as he thought it was really Galactica as her grandmother Bea, Spindly Tam Kanushu and Atomic Roger discover that Betty IS Galactica as Maximus overhears them as he summons the blood monks and his robots to attack Betty and the others as her suit makes her punch the enemies back to Maximus' ship as Maximus and Minimus retreat. Betty felt like she cause a hoax for her so called death as Betty thought that she can get a new start as Galactica as Bea explains that you can be a new hero as a universal camera shows Betty unmasked as Galactica as the universe was proud to see her alive as removes her suit as Betty was wearing her normal clothes as she, Bea and the others try to think of a plan to make her alive. X-5 arrives with an idea to make it look like Betty is returning from the dead by with a so-called "holy" entrance as Betty's starcruisher camouflages itself like a cloud as the Bangoons create holograms of a set of angel wings and a halo on Betty, along with a white light coming to her as it was a bit cloudy as the townspeople check on a light heading towards Betty's tombstone. Betty's parents and her schoolmates noticed a bright, angelic light appears as Betty floats down with angel wings and a halo above as the people we're shocked to see Betty as an angel as the wings and halo vanish as the cloud disappears as everyone sees that Betty is alive until Penelope starts getting scared that Betty is a zombie as she runs off until everyone thinks of Betty as a true angel. THE END