The Final Plot: (The Late Atomic Betty Part 1) -Betty the Not-so-Dead Ghost-

During the night, Penelope was ready to go to sleep when suddenly a ghostly wailing sound was heard around Penelope's bedroom as the moment she starts sleeping, a strange fog appear around her bedroom as Betty appears as a floating ghost until Penelope starts to get scared as she sees Betty as a ghost as she plans to haunt Penelope for all the suffering and gloating she did to Betty, even in death. Penelope gets so scared, she screams so loud, her father and Chaz wakes up as the fog and Betty disappears until Mr. Lang and Chaz pop up in Penelope's bedroom as she warns them that Betty is haunting her for all the bossy things Penelope has done to Betty as Betty returns to headquarters as she returns to her home as Purrsy takes over Betty's room for fun as Betty's pops up with her hologram projector in her ghost outfit as Purrsy screeches, knowing that his former owner is back. The moment Purrsy tries to pounce on Betty, he somehow goes through her as he runs away to Betty's mother as Betty turns off the hologram projector and returns to Galactic HQ for a good night sleep as Betty felt more better until the next morning as Betty wakes up in a good mood as Sparky shows a report that Penelope is being haunted by a ghost as the Bangoons borrowed Betty for a new suit to disguise herself along with a voice changer as X-5 gives her a jetpack, strength enhancers and heat-vision visors as she calls herself Galactica. TO BE CONTINUED