The 1st Plot: (The Late Atomic Betty Part 1) -Bombs and a Funeral-

One day at the Citadel, Maximus was having a nap as Minimus does a bit of Spring Cleaning in his closet as he finds a fully-stocked bomb as he sneaks away and travels to Earth on Maximus' ship as Minimus thought that he can destroy Atomic Betty on his own, meanwhile Betty was having lunch with Noah, Sparky and Ragenna when suddenly Betty saw a strange-looking kid as it was Minimus in disguise as he sneaks into the lockers. Chaz noticed Betty running to the lockers when suddenly the moment Betty opens her locker, the bomb activates with a time limit of 10 seconds as Betty quickly exits and heads towards the school's tool shed as Betty had no time to diffuse the bomb as she teleports to headquarters, abandoning her backpack as the bomb explodes, sending a loud boom across the school as the classes check. The schoolkids rushed to see the explosion as it came from the school's tool shed as the Principal see Betty's backpack burned as he declares Betty dead from an explosion as everyone mourns except Penelope as she gloats, knowing that her rival is out of her life forever as Ragenna and Chaz started crying for the lost of her friend. Betty arrives at headquarters as DeGill learns that Betty escaped before the explosion as she sees the news saying a student was killed by a terrorist bombing as the Principal tells the news of a mysterious figure hiding a bomb in Betty's locker as Sparky and X-5 found Betty in HQ as her parents entered a funeral where a tombstone shaped like Betty was in the cemetary. How will Betty continue her Earth life?