A/N: And here it is… everyone… please, enjoy… Hahaha!

WARNING: No BETA Version (in-progress), Yuri, OC

"I can tell you that "I love you" but no matter how much times I tell you or show you; I will always love you beyond more" –Anonymous

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN K-ON!; K-ON! Belongs to Kakifly/Kyoto Animation©

Ritsu's POV


The first respond I received was a soft gasp and a surprised look. It's so easy to read it, whenever it comes to her, Akiyama Mio, my girlfriend. "So, you like it?" I asked while watching her smiling. Today is the day we go back to Japan. Yesterday, on the last day we're in Paris, all of HTT members spent the whole day together; go shopping and visited different places here and there. In one of the shops we visited, I secretly bought two cute matching key-chains, one for Mio and one for me.

I gave her the key-chain right before we take off from the airport. "You ask? I loved it so much, Ritsu." Mio leaned a little towards me and planted a soft yet lovingly kiss on one of my cheeks. "Thank you, it's cute."

"You deserve everything beautiful, Mio." I took a moment to keep my eyes on Mio. I watched my girlfriend's face became redder and redder every second passed; her eyes even refusing eye contact. She's really cute looking like that; I could have melted just by watching her moe look. I won't lie, I admired her and still had no idea how someone like Mio, wanted to be by my side so badly. I sighed, "I still couldn't believe you're mine."

"Now you need to stop that. We've been through this step and it's not like we just confessed our feelings now."

"Yea, but if I recall the time when we're still nothing more than best friends… I feel so much like a stupid." Okay, so now I admit I was a stupid back then.

"And after all those times, you're still a stupid."

"Ouch, Mio, that one is hurt."

I glanced at her a little and she rolls her eyes. Gosh, I love it when she does that. "Even though truthfully, it tends to piss me off a lot… I don't care about your stupidness." She paused and I waited her to continue. I know there's another thing coming up before I can reply to what she said. "Besides… Ricchan is my baka, right?" My heart skipped a bit when Mio confessed that. She left me speechless.

I, of all people, have been the one who often says or do something cliché out of the blue (only for Mio though). I say those because I love all the reactions Mio give and all. Now, Mio said that… I feel a little uneasy. No! This is a good kind of uneasiness I never felt before, if that's even possible. That simple indirect phrase of the way she says 'You're mine' was a really rare thing to happen.

"Oi, Ritsu? Wake up." I snapped my eyes open and cracked a nervous grin at the girl next to my seat. "Were you napping just now?" Did I spaced out and ended up sleeping or what?

"Eh? N- No… I was just…" Ah, dang it. I totally forgot Mio's still here with me.

"Ah… Mhm… Ah…"

Now that was weird…

My eyes grew even wider once I realized that two of our band-mates, Yui and Azusa, took their seats right behind ours. They're together and Yui's been so clingy to Azusa, not to mention that Azusa seemed to do the same towards Yui. Yeah, I guess these two are madly in love with each other and every couple scenes they did, seems to satisfy our Oujo-sama, Mugi. Back to the thing, since they're together and all… I guess…


I sweat-dropped, "…busy."

Yeah, I pretty much sure and believe those soft moans and gasps were belongs to our kouhai, Nakano Azusa. A sigh escaped Mio's soft lips. "We're about to take off… You think it's a good idea to-"

"Uh…" I scratched the back side of my head slightly. "I guess it's better if I check their seat-belts first. You know, see if they already fasten it or not." We were talking in a low voice, almost whispering. Mio only silently nodded after a little pause and I took it as a sign of approval. I try to take a little peek through the empty spot between our seats. It was rather…blurry at first but…

I gulped at the sight. Damn, these two are totally in the heat! Gah! I gotta stop before I had a nosebleed!


I plopped myself back on my seat and instinctively cover up my nose with my hands. Heating up, yes, my face was heating up and I feel so hot. The sweats dripping slowly from my forehead to my cheek and Mio noticed it; I just knew that she notice something goes wrong. "Ritsu, how was it? Have they fastened their seat-belts?"

"Mm… is… err… em… be…" Agh, it came out like that! What the hell am I doing anyway? Seeing Azusa and Yui doing it, is normal! They're a couple! I even did more than that with Mio.

"Come again?"

"Maybe… it's better if… we let them be…" Then again, seeing Azusa like that, with her hair down and not resisting to everything Yui do on her… Oh wait, this is bad… does this mean that… seeing Yui and Azusa… aroused me? Oh, c'mon, you can do it later on with Mio! Sheeze! But I must admit it…

I was getting turn on by that sight.

Mio's POV

We're about to take off and back to our hometown, Japan. The only reason we haven't even taken off yet was because our friend, Mugi, need to see someone at the airport. She said to us—Yui, Azusa, Ritsu and me—that we should just wait here, inside of the private jet Yui's father owned. It's been fifteen minutes of waiting and just a few minutes after Ritsu gave me a gift, a key-chain that matches with hers.

It continues with a little chat until all of a sudden, between our silences, we heard moans and gasps. Both Ritsu and I stunned. The two girls behind our seats are Yui and Azusa and remembering they're a couple just like us, I shyly asked Ritsu if it's fine to ask them to stop, since we're about to take off in a few moment. Ritsu said she'll check if their seat-belts are fasten properly or not—if it's not, then we have no choice but to cut their heat-up session.

I feel weird as well, hearing their voices, especially Azusa's. This is getting quite nervous for me, plus the fact that I heard what Ritsu said after she checked on their seat-belts. Ritsu said it is better if we let them be and it's actually came off topic with what I was asking. "Did you see their seat-belts, Ritsu?" I tried again.

"G- Gomen… I… didn't get to see their seat-belts… it was just too- uhm… how to say this…"

Ritsu's sweating… her face became red… she lacks her words… wait, does she got turned on? By Azusa and Yui? No, I mean…

"Ah… Y- Yui… wait… no… Ah!"

What the hell! ? Are they forgotten about being inside a plane! ? Moreover… there are Ritsu and I in front of their seats! "Y- You're right…" I still could hear their voices and I bet Ritsu could hear it as well. This is bad, even Ritsu really is turned on just by seeing them. No, it's not Ritsu; I'm so sure she can hold herself. Saying that mentally, I looked to my side and Ritsu was sweating so badly while looking out to the window.

It must be really hard for her, but I can't help it!

"Yui… Ah, m- more…"

Azusa… really… YOU SHOULD STOP MAKING NOISES! If she continues making noises like that… I might also…

kiri soroeta kami ga totemo niatteru
demo maegami wo oroshita kimi no sugata mo mite mitai

"Ritsu…" The sudden voice I heard was my own voice, singing a song that I wrote secretly for Ritsu. I looked up to her after she put one of the earphones on my ear, this earphone wasn't Ritsu's, and she borrowed it from me. Anyway, was Ritsu reading my mind?

"Nap?" Ritsu only raised an eyebrow while grinning and let me laid my head on her shoulder. She also put a protective arm around me. Again, I feel really secure with this. My head was close to her heart, it calms me down to hear her heartbeat, so I smiled contently. One of my ears was listening to Ritsu's favorite HTT song and the other one was listening to the gentle heartbeat of Ritsu's heart. She knows me, she can see whether I'm troubled or not along with the cause of it.

She knows it, that I was trying my best to not do anything that will embarrass myself. "So, how did you get this record?"

"I copied it before I deleted it. I love your version a lot better, not that I don't like Yui's voice, but it feels more direct with your voice."

I slowly open my eyes. The sight is so blurry and I feel the room is moving by itself. "Welcome back to the reality, sleeping beauty~" A voice said, a familiar one though. Oh, right, it's Ritsu. I was sleeping on her lap? But we're…

"A- Are we landed yet?" My eyes shot opened and I quickly got up from her lap.

Ritsu tried to suppress her laughter, but it seems to fail. "Hahaha! Hah, oh gosh, okay okay… Sorry for the laughing out loud part…" She took her time to take a deep breath to calm herself down. "Okay, again, I'm sorry. Actually, we're on our way to your house now~ you were sleeping so peacefully that I don't have the urge to wake you up, so I carried you all the way from the plane to the car—Mugi helped with the bags though and she's pretty strong for an Ojou-sama."

She did what? But… I was… how could she do that? A little reminder, Ritsu figure is smaller than me, even though by age, I'm a year younger. Exactly how could I sleep without being disturbed? How many hours did I spend sleeping? Ugh, this is embarrassing… especially to know that Ritsu lifted me all the way from the plane. "Sorry…" I muttered.

"Eh? Why are you apologizing?"

"You must be really tired to carry me. I feel bad, so I apologize to you and Mugi and the others, if they helped too."

Ritsu simply chuckles. "It's normal, Mio. I mean, for me to carry you and for our friends to help us along. Don't you think that what friends are for?"

True, but I still feel uneasy. "Still…"

"Let's call it at that. Now, my mom just called me and asked about us." Her mom asked about us? What are we? A newlywed-couple who just got back from honeymoon? "She asked about our plan to move in to the apartment. I was actually wanted to talk about this with you while we're on the plane, but you're sleeping. Anyways, what do you think we should do best? Are we going to go straight to move in or prepare things first and then move in? I personally think that we should just move in as fast as possible."

I raised an eyebrow at her last statement. "…Aren't we should prepare everything first? We just got back from a trip, moving in too fast will get both of us tired, especially when we move our belongings to-"

"Don't sweat it out, Mio~ Both of our parents agreed to take our belongings to your-" I mentally gave Ritsu an alarm and she flinched a little. "-I meant, our apartment. Well, not all of our belongings of course, we could just go back to our houses and see if there are things we want to throw away, keep it in your room or take it to the apartment."

"Can I leave it all to you, Ritsu?" I leaned to her side and rested my head on her shoulder. "You seemed to prepare it all ahead and I think it's a really good change. Whether you did it just to impress me or because you were afraid of me, I don't mind. It looks like I can really count on you to decide. If you want to move in fast, then I won't argue about it. Besides, I feel so tired and my head still feel a little dizzy from waking up, I won't be able to think clearly."

I felt her slightly chuckling. "Let's go back to our houses first; I'll call both of our parents to tell them that we'll arrive in any minutes now and to let them know that we'll move in the next day."

"Good, see? You're really changed and we're not even in College yet." I giggled and positioned myself once more as I pulled away from Ritsu's arms. "We still have a few minutes. You want to take a nap?" Ritsu moved her body and laid it on the seat with her head on my lap. "How did you do those thumb-cares thingy between my eyebrows again?"

"Oh, that trick, eh? Gimme your hand," I extended my hand in front of her face and she grabbed it gently. She picked my thumb and placed it on that spot between her eyebrows. "Move it slowly, up and down. It's as simple as that."

Ritsu let go of my hand and let me do the trick by myself. "Like this?" With her eyes closed, she nodded approvingly.

"Hey, Mio…" I replied her with a soft tone. "…Some of the girls in our Uni will probably offer you to go to the mixer and stuff like that…we're in-"

"Ritsu, I will not attend such thing. Why would I go to mixers when I already have you? I thought mixers are for those who are single or are not in any relationship."

"Not really, some of those who aren't single go to mixers too. Especially when they're got too bored of-"

"Gosh, really, Ritsu? I know there's something bothering you, but I never thought it'd be this kind of thing. You know it that I'm not really good at socializing with people I never knew before, you know that I won't go to a place I've never been gone there before without you, you know that I'm a scaredy-cat and I need someone who could stay and keep me protected at all cost. Aside of all that, I should be the one who got worried about things like that…"

Yeah, Ritsu is really good at socializing with people around, even a complete stranger. It gave me shivers down to my spine to think about boys- even girls- offer Ritsu to go to mixers and worse, hitting on her. Sure she changed for the better, even just a bit, but she's still Ritsu; Tainaka Ritsu who still is careless! What if someone purposely drug her and she, out of conscious, strip in front of many people? Or worse…

…rape someone?

"Why should I be the one who unconsciously strip and rape someone?"

Hold on…

"You thought that I'd do such thing?"

I say my thoughts out loud…

"You still do."

"I- I didn't mean-"

"It's okay, I get it. With you saying that, it makes me realize and now I know that you'd also be afraid of things in the future for us both. We're in one College, but we have each of our own faculties. I'll rarely meet you like I used to, but even so, that is also the reason why I want to get you an apartment so that we could live there together, we'll meet once we're done with the classes, it's not like one of us won't be back for the whole night~"

"Yes…" I simply replied her while keep caressing my thumb on to the spot between her eyebrows. Her eyes were closed, but before she could totally knock out, I spoke up. "I think I'll miss the old Ritsu who always prepare everything at the last minute."

It made her body responded and she opens her eyes slowly. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Well, ever since we're in London, even far before we go for a trip, you were really… well-prepared… It made me happy, but somehow it dawn to me that it feels like I'd lost the old you."

"I told you, I'm still Tainaka Ritsu, your careless idiot best friend. You know that I was trying to give you the best of all." Up until now, I still keep forgetting this matter. The only reason Ritsu change was because she wanted to show me how much she loves me. No one knows that Ritsu is really a romantic kind of girl and I bet she's a girlfriend that every girl wants. "But in case you really bothered with things I did or if you think I overdo it, just tell me straightly." Ritsu was the one who keep trying to keep up with me.

My eyes were looking out through the window, to the outside of the car, staring at nothing and sighed. "It's fine for you to try to please me… but… just let me try my best to keep up with you for once and give you the best. I feel I'm counting on you for far too much already, Ritsu… So…" I didn't get to finish it as I felt Ritsu moved her body and her head from my lap. She put one of her hands on my cheek and pulled me as she pressed her soft lips onto mine.

I feel like melting into the kiss.

This was a kiss that I haven't felt for quite some time now. It's warm and gave me goosebumps in my stomach. Just like what I thought, the kiss didn't last for long as Ritsu pulled her lips away from mine slowly.

"Let's keep up with each other from now on."

Yes, after all, we belong to each other.

A/N: "End. Fin." That's all I could say. This will be the last chapter… it depends on my mind for the sequel of this story. I'm really sorry if this is not really satisfying you all… Truthfully, I'll try my best to continue this, eventually, I guess… ahaha! Oh, right, this is not BETA-ed yet. Simply PM me if you can fix it (from Ch. 10 to Ch. 25).

All in all, thanks for reading! I appreciate every one of you who follow this story to the very end and especially for those who leave review(s)! DOMO ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU, MINNA!