Disclaimer: I own nothing

Author's Note: This is the sixth in a series, and the first five are available from my profile
If you haven't read the first five, basically the Doctor's daughter, Lily, travelled with him. She met Jack, fell in love with him and they got together in series 1. Got separated in Parting of the Ways when Jack died and were reunited in Utopia. Then there was the Year That Never Was, after which Lily chose to stay in Cardiff with Jack. Series two pf Torchwood happened with Lily there - she's been at Torchwood about a year now.
Lily regenerated during Exit Wounds after being shot by Gray while saving Tosh and Owen. She and Jack got married after Doctor Who's Journey's End, during which Rose, Jackie, Pete and their son never went back to the parallel universe.

This will follow Torchwood Children of Earth and include Sarah Jane's wedding and some of the Doctor Who specials - The End of Time/Master's Return.

This first chapter is written in first person but the rest will be in third. This is just an introduction and explains the story so far.

Chapter One

My name is Lily and right now, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

I guess I should start by saying that I'm not your average person. In fact I could be the least average person you'd ever meet, unless you've already met my dad. Because then I'd the the second least.

While most people are humans living on Earth for about 80 years, watching telly and eating chips, my life has always been very different. I've spent about 200 (maybe 205 or 210 ish) years travelling around in time and space, backwards, forwards, anywhere we want to go, because we have a time machine spaceship.

Oh, and my dad and I aren't human. We're the last two Time Lords - though I suppose I'd be a Time Lady if we were going to get technical about it. There used to be loads of us living on a big burnt orange planet named Gallifrey but the time war took everyone else away. I was really young when that happened, so I can't really remember it. All my life has been travelling in the TARDIS.

My dad - the Doctor - is 900. The reason we can live so long is this little trick we have called regeneration. We can literally change our bodies when we're dying. He's in his tenth regeneration now - he's tall, thin, dark messy hair, looks about 36 or 37.

As for me, I'm still in my first regeneration. I look about 24, I'm quite short, got bright blue eyes and straight black hair which reaches just past my shoulder. For the amount of trouble we get into, it's sometimes a bit unbelieveable that I'm in my first regneration, but it's probably because my dad's so protective.

I love travelling in time, but it hasn't always been the best of times. There was a time, a while back when it all went horribly wrong.

It started off good, turned bad, got worse, got better, worse and not it's better. I guess that's really confusing, so I'll just tell you the whole story.

Dad and I were in London, 2005, when we met Rose, this young London girl. There was a bit of trouble and when we got through it, and it was over, we realised we got on with Rose really well. She was friendly, funny, and just dead nice. We asked her to travel with us and she did, so we quickly became friends. It soon became clear that Dad and Rose were perfect for each other - clear to me at least, even if they did nothing about it.

As we travelled - Face of Boe, Gelth, gaskmask people, Slitheen - I started to feel like a third wheel because of Dad and Rose and how they were sometimes. I felt like I was in the way. But then I met him, and it was perfect.

He was the man who's changed my life, and who's I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. He made me forget the trouble of a time lord being in love with a human. He was the first man I ever fell in love with, and he's the only one.

His name was Captain Jack Harkness. No, not was, is. I was hanging from a barrage balloon in the middle of the 1941 Blitz, and this stranger saved me and took me to his ship. He was this dashing Captain, and we danced ontop of his spaceship, tethered up to Big Ben. We drank champagne and danced to Glenn Miller. He was a flirt, and a conman, and I wasn't going to fall for it.

But then he started travelling and he changed a little. He was still the same person, but he was different too. We started to get closer and I found myself really falling for him. We were in Cardiff one night - there was a Slitheen on the loose, and we had to stop her opening the lift. Jack and I had a kiss by the bay in Cardiff. There was champagne there, too.

I had doubts about being with him, but we had a chat, and Jack managed to push all those worries away, and we were together.

We had about four or five months (it's hard to keep track of time when you're travelling in the TARDIS) but in those few months we were so close and so happy. It was better than I'd ever imagined it would be, even if we didn't tell Rose or my dad. I was worried he'd go off on one.

The day I told my dad, he wasn't happy but they were bigger problems. Just after we told him, something went wrong with the TARDIS and we ended up on this horrible Game Station. There were Daleks taking people away. I never liked Daleks and that made me hate them even more.

The Daleks invaded where we were and Jack and I got seperated. He was on a different floor, on his own. I knew we weren't going to make it out of here and I tried to say goodbye, but he hugged me and kissed me and promised me it wasn't the end. Then they killed him, and I wasn't there. I got to him afterwards, held his dead body, beause I was too late.

The Daleks were finished off when Rose absorbed the Time Vortex, and Dad had to take that energy and ended up regenerating. I wanted to take Jack's dead body with us, but Dad said we had to get going, since he was regenerating. Afterwards I tried to get Dad to take me back for the body or to save him, but he said it was too risky.

I hated the thought of leaving him there, but I didn't have much of a choice. Dad hadn't been happy when he found out about me and Jack, because he said Jack was no good and would just hurt me, but when he saw he grieving, I think he knew I'd really loved Jack, and we hadn't been messing around.

It was so hard, but what choice did I have other than to carry on? I knew Jack wouldn't have wanted me to be miserable - he'd want me to be brave and to carry on.

So the three of us kept travelling- we went to new Earth, met the Face of Boe again, met up with Sarah Jane again - that was good, because I got to teach English for a while. We even went to a parallel universe - Rose's dad was still alive, Mickey's gran was still alive, and Jack was alive. I was thrilled but he wasn't my Jack - he was married to some guy named Ianto. Typical.

Then we ended up in London and things went very wrong again - for me, but more for my dad.

To cut a long story short, there were all these ghosts over the world, and we had to investigate. We ended up at Torchwood One, at Canary Wharf. They were scavengers - horrible really. They'd caught this big ark, but when it opened, it turned out there were stupid Daleks in it. Oh, and the ghosts were really cybermen. Brilliant.

Those from the parallle universe came through and dad said he'd have to open the void to et the daleks and cybermen sucked back in. Problem was, we were covered in void stuff too. Dad tried to send Rose to the parallel universe because Mickey and her mum and dad were there, but she loved him too much to leave.

We had to hold onto some clamps when the void opened, and Rose lost her grip. I tried to reach for her, but she was too far away. Her hands slipped again, and she was going to be sucked into the void. At the last minute, parallel Pete came and saved her, transported them both to safety, but then the walls sealed.

Dad was devasted - broken. He wasn't the same, and he still misses her like mad. He managed to get this projection going to say goodbye, and while he was going that, I helped this man from out of the rubble - Ianto. Not the parallel one I'd met. The real Ianto Jones.

I gave my name as Lily Harkness because I'd reverted to using Jack's surname as a way to honour him since he was dead and all. I suggested he look for a different branch of Torchwood to work at, and he told me there was one run by a "Capt-" but then he got cut off becaue dad was ready to go. As I left, he shouted something I didn't catch, and it was months later before I'd realise the significance of it.

So there we were - the two of us. Dad was devasted, since he hadn't had chance to tell her he loved her, and then it was just me and him again

Straight after losing Rose, this woman ended up in the TARDIS - Donna, her name was. Completely mental, but really funny. Once she was sorted out, we asked her to come with us, but she said no. She told us we had to find someone though, to look after us both - we were both incomplete - I needed Jack, he needs Rose.

We did find someone else, not long after. A hospital got transported to the Moon by Judoon, and we were in it. We met a medical student named Martha Jones. She was quite nice, though I wasn't too sure of her at first because she seemed to really like my Dad and I knew he was made just for Rose.

Martha ended up travelling with us, and I found that after a while, I warmed to her. She could never replace Rose, but she was something. We went and saw Shakespeare (lovely man - I married him once, though it didn't last long) and we went to New Earth, where the Face of Boe told me something very interesting - I got told that Jack was still alive.

I was completely thrilled, and my first thought was for finding him again. But then I foundout that my dad had known he was alive all along. I was furious with him and there was a huge argument - I felt so betrayed, but after a while we made up, because he's my dad, and he's always been there for me, even if he was wrong this time.

We kept on travelling and everywhere we went I asked people if they knew of a Jack Harkness. No-one did but I was determined I'd find him again one day, because I needed him one day.

Then one night, I had a dream. I remembered meeting Ianto in Canary Wharf, and I suddenly remembered what he'd said. " Run by a guy named Capt-" and " is that any relation to-"

I was certain it had to be Jack, so we went to Cardiff. It was brilliant - Jack came running towards the TARDIS but it took off. We ended up at the end of the universe. Stupid place to be really, but Jack was there. I hugged him and kissed him and we told each other we loved each other, and it was brilliant. I'd dreamed of being with him again, and it didn't matter where we were becuase it was perfect.

Having him back was the best thing ever.

Of course, it couldn't stay perfect for long. I still had Jack, but we were faced with an evil time lord trying to take over the world - the Master. I'd never met him before, but my dad had told me stories, and I knew I didn't want to meet him. Unfortunately, we ended up as captives on his ship.

Martha managed to get off and had to go around trying to save the world by spreading the Doctor's name, but the rest of us were stuck on the ship with the Master. He really was every bit as evil as my Dad had always told me.

He forced Martha's family to be slaves, locked Jack up and killed him over and over again, aged my dad and made him a crippled old man, and as for me ... it hurts to even think about it really. He locked me in a bedroom and left me there for a while.

Then he announced that he wanted pure-blooded, time lord children. I'm the only female Gallifreyan left, so he decided he was going to make me pregnant with his child. I was disgusted at the thought, but he intended to do it whether I consented or not.

It was awful and he went ahead with his plan. He did it in front of Jack - pinning me to the walls, too strong for me to fight him off. Jack was in chains and couldn't get out - nothing he could do.

It went on for almost four months but then I managed to escape. It was unbelieveable, and I was in such a state, but I managed to get to Martha, and help her in her work

The year ended, the countdown was over, and it was time to go back to the Valiant this was over a year ago.

I was terrified about going back, bu I was going to see Jack and my Dad again, so I knew I'd be aright. When we met the Master again, I wanted him to pay for what he'd done to me - his plan hadn't suceeded, but not for lack of trying. I caught him off guard and hit him a couple of times, gave him a split lip. I was quite proud of that

On the Valiant, I hugged Jack and I was so glad to be with him again. The Master's plan was foiled, the paradox machine destroyed, and time reverted back, so we were the only ones who'd ever know it happened.

Lucy shot the Master and I felt like he deserved it. I wanted him to pay for what had happened. I took the gun from her, and I was going to shoot him myself, I really was. But I didn't. I wa starting to lose my nerve, and Jack took the gun from me and shot the evil man twice himself.

Dad burned the body and then we had a decision to make. I was sad to be leaving Dad, but he said he didn't mind so much, because it was time for me to have my own adventures. Jack had built Torchwood up with me in mind, and I so wanted to be with him.

We landed in Cardiff a year ago, and I said goodbye to my Dad and Martha. I still see dad often, because I can phone the TARDIS anytime I want, to get him to come and see me, and by onw I'm totally settled in Cardiff. In fact, I love it.

Dad went off travelling in time and space again, and Martha went back to her family and went on to become a Doctor for UNI, and Donna (the one we met on her wedding day) started travelling with dad.

I thought Torchwood was unbelieveable when I set foot into it, and I couldn't believe this was what Jack run - a secret alien hunting base under the Cardiff bay. It was huge and beautiful and wonderful, an it was all Jack's. Except now he said it was ours.

I met the people who worked for him - Gwen, Owen, Ianto and Tosh.

They were wary of me at first, but once we'd jumped straight in with the work and got to know each other a bit, everything was fine, more or less. The team soon saw the advantage of having the boss's girlfriend around, to calm the boss down whenever he got angry, and to tell them little things about Jack that made them laugh - something to tease him about.

In particular, Owen and Tosh became my closest friends, and after a while, Ianto did too. Gwen and I get on fine, but there's some friction there, because it appears she's quite close to Jack - or was before I got here - and she seemed to be jealous or something, despite having her own husand by now.

I don't even know how to describe what Torchwood means to me now. It's my life. To me, Torchwood isn't the building - it's the people who work here, the work we do to keep Cardiff safe, and it's Jack.

I've spent a year and a half livinf and working with Jack, and I know by now (though I knew anyway) that Jack is everything I've ever wanted. We've got this bond that's gone far beyond love, and I've spent so long by his side, that I don't know how to function without him anymore.

Jack seems to be a different man now we're together, Ianto tells me, and I'd like to think that we're both different now, and we're both much happier that we ever were before. Sometimes when we're together, it's like the whole world goes grey around us, and we're the only thing that matters. Ever.

It's not like we haven't had our difficulties - after the Year That Never Was, I had horrible nightmares about the master, but Jack was always there. And sometimes when we're into a heavier case, Jack gets very very protective, and doesn't want to leave me, even when there's no choice, and the time I found out Jack was married a long time ago, and ha a daughter and grandson, I didn't know what to do. But everything we've been through, it doesn't matter, and we always get by.

Throughout the years, many things happened, including seeing Martha again, which led to Owen's death. Somehow, the use of a ressurection glove meant owen came back to life, albiet a sort of undead, strange life, but he's still around.

We went to Gwen's wedding about 9 or 10 months ago, where Jack danced me around the empty dancefloor to the Moonlight Serenade, before getting down on one knee, pulling out a dazzling ring, and asking me to marry him.

I was absolutely delighted and there wa no hesitation at all. I don't think I've ever been so happy, and my soult mate and I got to organising the wedding, with my good friend Tosh as my maid of honour, the ever organised Ianto as my wedding planner, and Owen as Jack's best man - Owen's a strange person, because he seems arrogant and uncaring, but sometimes he's so sweet, and it's like having an older brother. We planned on travelling in the TARDIS to the Globe Theatre, in William Shakepeare's time, and getting married there, on Christmas day.

Everything was going fine until one fateful day.

It started out with a blast from Jack's past - an old lover of his, who was bein forced to do the dirty work of Jack's long lost brother. The brother - Gray - was hell bent of wreaking revenge on Jack, and atfer blowing up half the city, nearly killing Owen in a nuclear melt downand burying Jack under the city, he shot me.

This was about 7 months ago.

The pain that coursed that through me was unbelieveable, and as Tosh worked furious to save Owen, Gwen and Ianto were stuck downstairs in the cells, Jack came to me and held me in his arms.

He was crying, and it made me cry too - for a moment, I was sure I wouldn't be able to regenerate - like I wouldn't know how, but finally, it started.

It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before, and as she golden light surrounded me, I didn't know what to do. I felt myself changing, and with a burst of light, I was lowered back to my feet.

Now, I'm a new person.

It took a lot of getting used to at first. I was terrified that Jack wouldn't love me if I was someone different, that the regeneration would go wrong, and that Jack would hate me for killing his brother (even if it was in self defence.)

Of course, he did nothing of the sort - Jack loves me, and we got through it, with a little help from my dad, who came along and helped the both of us through it. We came out much stronger on the other side and Jack insists that this regeneration is much better tha the first anyway. I look more his age now - or at least, i look about 35, and he likes my Welsh accent.

We got through it fine, and soon got back onto the subject of our upcoming wedding - nothing was going to stop it, and all the preparations were in motion.

Shortly before the wedding, another disaster hit - it seemed like disaster followed me everywhere, and each disaster was bigger than the last. This one involves Daleks - all across the world, and the planets being moved out of where they should be.

Jack and I managed to find my dad, and the whole events were unbelieveable. Sarah Jane was there, Martha was there, and somehow, Rose was there!

My old friend, the only big love of my dad's life, had somehow come back from the parallel universe! She'd brought with her her parents and their two year old son, and her ex-boyfriend Mickey, but we were so happy to see her.

We defeated the Daleks with a little help from everyone, but suffered the loss of Donna who had become part time lord after being trapped in the TARDIS with a ridiculous amount of regeneration energy. The same thing happened to Rose with a very different outcome - the regeneration energy was too much for Donna and all of her memories of the Doctor and our way of life had to be erased - otherwise she'd have burnt up. We were sorry to lose her, but the regeneration energy in Rose's body reacted with the old Bad Wolf energy. She became part time lord - giving her the same long lifespan and ability to regenerate, and extended knowledge, as a normal time lord.

While our friends were gathered together, we decided to get married. We were only having a small weding as it was, so we gathered together our remaining guests and got married - Christmas Eve 1601, in the Globe Theatre.

It was absolutely perfect and without a doubt the happiest day of my life. Jack looked better than I'd ever seen him and the speeches and vows we made to each other were enough to make us both - and most of our guests - cry buckets.

Afterwards we had a small reception in the funciton room of a pub that a relation of Ianto's girlfriend ran - Ianto's been with his girlfriend about 14 months now, and we've still only met her the once - at our reception.

After the wedding, we took a month long honeymoon in sunny Barbados, and it couldn't have been better. We spent the month lazing on the secluded beach or in the swimming pool, or rolling around in bed - nothing could have been better.

When we got back, our team was still there, there'd been no major disaster, and they seemed to have coped pretty well, though they all insisted they'd missed us being around (even Owen) and wed missed them too. Torchwood is absolutely my home.

It's been 6 months since our wedding now, and married life is everything I hoped it would be and so much more. It's hard to believe that I'm married and settled down, but here I am.

And it feels so right.

Author's Note: Let me know if you have any ideas, suggestions, anything for the story.