THE LONG AWAITED FOURTH CHAPTER!!!! ^_________^ THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS! I DIDN'T DIE!!!! ^_____^ **************

Yami snapped his fingers and then suddenly the prisoner found himself tied to a rope the was hanging off a tower roof. "What the...?"

Yami's voice sounded from above. "Like the view?"

"Wh- Where are we? How did we get here?!" The man demanded.

Yami was standing at the top of the tower next to a pole about twice his height and was tied to the other end of the rope. Hanging off the pole was the millenium puzzle. "You said you wanted to know what the game was." He smirked. "This is the game..." Yami held up a deck of regular playing cards and jumped down. As he fell, he lay the cards face down on the roof and the rope balanced out his and the other man's wieght as it hung on the metal pole at the top. "The object of the game is to get to the top and touch the puzzle first... the puzzle is also the only way out of here. The rules are simple; we alternate turns in picking up cards, the number on the card is the number of steps we take towards the top and since we are both tied to the same rope, however many steps one takes makes the other player go down the same number of steps. Royals are 10, aces are 1 and jokers are zero. The are dire concequences for cheaters."

"Alright! I get it."

"Good, you may move first."

The man picked up a card. "5 of diamonds!" The man showed his card to Yami then walked up the tower roof five steps. "Hah! pretty soon I'll have passed you!"

Yami remained expressionless then picked up his card and smirked. "King of spades." He showed his card to his opponent then walked up 10 steps.

"3 of clubs!" The prisoner shouted.

"8 of diamonds."

"4 of clubs!"

"9 of hearts."

"Jack of diamonds!"

The game wore on and on until eventually Yami was one step away from the tower pole. "If I talk one more step then I win."

"Not yet you haven't! It's my turn!" The man picked up his card. "Joker?!"

"Sorry, but a Joker doesn't count remember. It's my turn now." Yami picked up his card and showed it to the other man. "Ace of Spades. I've won." Yami gave his annoying triumphant smirk.

"NO! I won't have it!" The prisoner began to climb up the roof.

"Are you sure?" Yami look at the man with a raised eyebrow. "Cheaters are punished severely."

"I don't care!" The prisoner reached the top and broke the rope, leaving Yami to fall off the tower.

Yami kept his smirk and had his arms crossed as he fell head first plunging downward. He was impossibly calm and didn't flail his arms or legs.

The prisoner laughed evilly and grabbed the puzzle in victory. Suddenly a burst of ligtherupted them dissappeared as suddenly as it came and the prisoner fell from the roof. He flailed his arms and legs and screamed in terror as he cursed himself for somehow losing his footing. He watched the tower roof become samller and smaller as he kept falling and falling.

Yami was hanging onto a ledge on the side of the tower by one hand and watched the prisoner fall past him. They locked eye contact as Yami spoke. "Those who break the rules of a Shadow game fall into their deepest nightmare with little or no hope of ever waking up."

"What are you talking about?!" The prisoner wailed then looked down and was relieved to see... "A river! I'm ok! I won't die!" But that was not to be as his hopes were dashed when 3 giant snakes suddenly emerged from the depths of the raging waters. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"


Back in the jailhouse were Yami, the prisoner and the guard. Hardly a second had passed in the real world after the ordeal in the Shadow realm. The prisoner still had Yami in midair.

The prisoner had wide eyes and put Yami down and backed into the back of his cells and curled up into a ball. "no, make them go away! Someone help! I'm so scared! Make them go away! They're going to eat me help!" He kept mumbling on and on about how monsters were coming.

Yami watched the prisoner with feirce eyes. The guard watched in surprise wondering what just happened as Yami walked down the hall... other prisoners who had seen what had just happened stared at Yami in shock as Yami continued his dramatic parade around the coner and out of sight.

**************** Wel there you have it foks! ^-^ The fourth chapter! I just came home from school and felt motivated to finish off this chapter after recieving that last review! I give out a special thanks to "rox" for giving me the motivation to make the next chapter! ^_____^