I'm so so sorry about this extreme delay. I Had a bit of writer's block and wrote some other fics instead. I'm very appreciative of your reviews and I'm so happy to read them! I love reading what you guys have to say about the story so please continue to read and review.

I don't own Hetalia it belongs to Himaruya!

ENJOY! Fluff and a little maturity!

The night before her wedding Elizaveta didn't sleep a wink. Tossing and turning. She couldn't get proper Roderich out of her head. His expressions, his refined clothes, his mannerisms, his body… "His body…" She thought. She was picturing him. First with clothes and how he seemed so tall then she wondered: What does he look like without all those garments? Lithe, pale and strong. She blushed and thought of her own body. It wasn't perfect. Marred with scars and not as skinny as she would like. She was muscular; not quite an hourglass figure. What would he think of her? Would he love her and her body, flaws and all? Who knows? This topic haunts her for the rest of the night as she tries to drift into restless sleep.

Roderich slept about as soundly as Elizaveta did. He fantasized about wife to be. He made up situations of lust and passion. He wanted to do things to her that he couldn't have actually fathomed doing to her in real life. He wanted to suck on her breasts. He wanted to tie her up to the bed. Tease her until she begged for him to take her. Talk dirty to her. He yearned for her to moan his name as he did all this to her. He wanted utter dominance; to take her as his and claim her in the name of Austria. This was what he wanted. Yet, in the back of his subconscious, he was worrying himself over how ungentlemanly these fantasies were. He knew he should wipe these daydreams from his mind. Yet, he never wanted to be pulled out of his reverie. In his mind, he may dream of being a man without the worry of protocol or proper etiquette. He can do what he pleases without worrying about the repercussions. He can make love to his wife wherever he chooses in his made up scenarios: The bedroom. The kitchen. The study. The Library. The garden. Hell, even right in the middle of Vienna. It doesn't matter. She is going to be his. This was an innocent daydream and he could do as he pleased. Gentlemanly or not, this was his fantasy: Where he could have his wife and do the unthinkable with her.

He inevitably snapped himself out of it. He was hard and his face was flushed. The morning light hadn't yet reached the horizon. It was still early. He had just noticed that he was shaking. His reverie proved to be a realisation what he might be capable of. He had been married before but never had he dreamed of such erotic and wonderful things. Elizaveta, unknowingly, had caused him to realize there was a bit of a sexual deviant hidden behind his gentlemanly exterior. He smiled to himself and wondered how he would take his wife this night or if he may take her at all. He was not one to force himself on others. Gentlemanly protocol. He secretly longed for the woman in his dreams. The Elizaveta who submitted to his sexual advances and let him have his way with her.

She was someone who wasn't brought up in lavish and jewels. She was a wild woman; full of life and feisty too. He ultimately wondered how he would handle her in the end. She was not used to this life he led. However, this was no moment for wishing, dreaming and worrying. He had to prepare for his wedding and his bride.

Elizaveta was bathing herself and staring at her breasts. She brushed her hands over them, wondering if he would be satisfied with them or satisfied with her. She bathed quickly after that as to not have to look too closely at herself. She didn't want Roderich to see her flawed skin.

When she removed herself from the water, she immediately started drying her hair. The stylists would be arriving any minute to turn her into Roderich's queen.

This dress had so many layers to it. The hips were too wide, the dress was too restricting and the veil was too long. The flowers in her hair were tasteful but there were far too many for it to be fashionable.

She felt meager with her dress on, her hair and face done up and was slowly putting on the jewellery bought for her by Roderich. He had impeccable taste in such fineries. She felt herself constantly shifting her weight from one foot to another. The shoes didn't make walking easy. They were too high and too tight. They were lovely from the outside. They were made of white satin and they were soft to the touch. They, incredibly, matched her dress perfectly both in style and appearance. When she began to protest the shoes, the designer told her that they're supposed to feel like that when one wears them.

She felt like she wasn't worth all this attention. She wasn't used to being treated like a lady. In her country, she was a force to be reckoned with. They respected her for her knowledge and her strategies not her womanly beauty and charm.

Roderich had to wear his military dress uniform donned with a sash and sword. He felt very stiff in it. The outfit was befitting of someone of his standing in society and wasn't meant to be fashionable. It was meant to make one look respectable. He ran his fingers over the gold buttons while regarding himself in the looking glass. The boots were shined and it gave him a brief sense of pride. Everything about him in this moment screamed regal and important. He, though he would never admit it aloud, enjoyed how he looked in his uniform. The garments made him feel like a powerful man. . He was acutely aware that, somewhere, in this compound was his princess. He, then, found himself wondering if Elizaveta would like how he looked

As she walked out into the church she lost her footing for a moment. It was Roderich that distracted her. He was in full military dress. He looked quite smart and so in place.

Walking down the aisle turned out to be a strenuous task. Besides the not being able to breathe and the shoes being impossible to walk in, Roderich was staring at her. Perhaps she was ugly. Maybe the dress was not to his liking. Perhaps everything was wrong and he was simply thinking of a way to end the whole marriage without making a huge fuss. His expression was hard to read: his mouth was agape and his eyes were fixed on her.

The man of the church spoke of love and unity. How god has blessed our countries coming together. She lost track of his words because of Roderich. He stared at her with that same look he had when she entered the church. It made her extremely nervous.

When it came time for the vows each country had a set of cards prewritten by their bosses. It was less romantic and more militaristic. They said things like "I will always aid you in times of war and in times of peace" and "Should you come under siege, I will come to your defense." But even if it was military promises, it sounded loving coming from Roderich. It was like he meant her, Elizaveta and not just her borders of Hungary. That she was someone he would protect with his life. She imagined these were his secret vows: A secret between two lovers.

Roderich articulated each of his vows carefully. He had rehearsed them a thousand times in his head and they seemed silly to him because weddings were a place of love not of war. Perhaps, Elizaveta would draw further meaning from them. He would protect her not just her country.

After the vows the clergyman continued to talk for a few moments. "May your marriage be a long and prosperous one. You may now kiss the bride." Roderich could see Elizaveta flinch when he deemed it time to kiss. Roderich smiled slyly and took her face with one hand. He began stroking her face with his thumb and waited for her to give him silent permission. When she nodded he gave her what was, at first, a very soft kiss. However, she escalated it to something more passionate, wrapping her arms around him and grabbing the nape of his neck with her fingers. They kissed for slightly longer than what was considered dignified but he didn't care. He was a hungry man and she was his favourite sweet. He was vaguely of the respectable clapping in the distance and a man declaring them married.

The reception was a blur. There were important men talking about the wedding and important men shaking hands and making military deals. Elizaveta and Roderich ate their meals quietly only making light small talk as if to avoid the memory of their kiss. She would comment on the taste of the wine and he would start talking about where the grapes were grown. The night went on just like that. It wasn't because they found each other to be unpleasant company but the pressure of the day made them both slightly nervous and awkward.

When it came to dancing, Roderich was an expert. He made even her clumsy feet look graceful and intentional. There the music was much too loud for any real conversation to have taken place. She kept stealing glances at him. Wondering what he was thinking and how he learned to dance so expertly. She then mentally scolded herself. "He's just following orders, Elizaveta" she thought.

When it came time to retire to their wedding chamber, Roderich held out his hand to her with a slight bow. "Shall we retire, Elizaveta?" The name still felt foreign in his mouth. She nodded stiffly. She knew what was to come. Her bosses had warned her about the wedding night. She tried to talk herself into being calm and hoped Roderich would be gentle.

As they entered the bed chamber Roderich paused. It wasn't right to force this sweet girl into a night of fucking without having time to prepare herself or even really knowing the man who was taking her. She was visibly shaking more out of frustration over this whole ordeal than sheer nervousness about Roderich impending act.

"Elizaveta—" He began

"It's alright. Ju-Just be gentle. I've never done this before" Elizaveta interjected.

"No. Elizaveta. I'm not going to take you." He didn't feel he needed to explain why.

"But don't we have to?"

"We don't have to do anything, Elizaveta." He said a bit coldly. He was bitter that he was going to be forced to take her innocence. It was bad enough when he thought he was have to practically bed a stranger but having to bed a stranger who was also a virgin didn't seem fair to her. "Go to sleep Elizaveta."

With a twinge of pain in her chest she fell asleep. She knew he didn't want her. He didn't want to take her and she was to be a virgin for eternity with an heir to never grow inside her while disgracing her country.

When she awoke Roderich was nowhere to be found but she could hear the faint sound of piano keys being stroked. She looked about the room. There was a large wardrobe. When she opened it, it was filled with a few exquisite gowns and some plainer ones. She put on a plain one and explorer the mansion.

After she satisfied her curiosity she knew what she had to do. She was to begin wifely duties without complaint. Her bosses made her study recipes of Roderich's favourite foods and learn about his hobbies. She found her way to the kitchen and began cooking.

This was indeed going to be a long marriage.

YAY! I'm glad this is FINALLY posted and I hope you are too! I will write more when I get the chance. However, To thank you all for being so patient with this story I will take requests on what the next chapter will be about. Best answer gets it written!

Thank you again for being so patient.