The team stopped near a river to rest. They've been tracking Naraku for the longest time and it seemed like they were just getting no where.
Sango washed her face in the river while Miroku watched her bend over each time. Kagome on the other hand just laid against a tree reading her little o book. Almost bored to tears, Inuyasha sneaked behind Kagome to see what she was read.
His face turned BRIGHT RED. Scared, he jumped high in the tree and yelled:
"KAGOME! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU READING!" He clung to the branch underneath him.
Kagome's blushed as she looked up and said:
Sango and Miroku walked over to see what all the commotion was about.
"What's going on?" asked Sango.
"What are you reading anyways?" Miroku snatched the book out of Kagome's hand and look through the pages. He picked one then started to read.
"NO DON"T LOOK MIROKU!" yelled Inuyasha.
Miroku's face didn't change. Instead he looked at Kagome with an angery face and said:
"Why are these two men doing these such things?"
Sango looked over to see the cover of the book.
"What does... ya..oi mean?" she asked.
"Never mind that!" Kagome yelled and grabbed the book, or should I say yaoi manga.
"It's nothing I'll just put it away!"
She opened her bag and put the book inside. Inuyasha still traumatized stayed up in the tree.
"That's not natural, that's not natural." He kept repeating to himself.
Later on,
while our team got back to searching for more clues to finding Naraku, Miroku walked over to kagome and whispered:
"Do you have any of those interesting books of two women doing those kind of things."
Kagome slowly turned to Kiroku and smacked him.
Kagome stormed off away from Miroku.
"What about one with a woman and a man!"
Inuyasha suddenly was next to Miroku's side. He put his hand on his solder and said:
"Please don't give her any idea's. Those books are from hell."
( What they don't know is that what kind of yaoi fangirl only brings ONE yaoi manga on a trip? She's gotta have atleast... 26 more XD )