A RIMAHIKO Fict. Dedicated to VampHeart9123 for her birthday that I missed :L

.:Shut up, You know I love you:.

"Rima!" A voice called from behind her.
"What?" She turned around and replied coldly.
"Aww No need to be that cold Rima-Chan" Nagi pouted, sticking his lower lip out.
"Well, drama queen" Rima started. "One, Your a creep!, Two I'm ignoring you and Three get outta' my site"

"If your ignoring me, honey then why are you talking to me?" Nagi smirked.
"I-I. ARGHH! Shut Up! You know I love you!" The 24 year old Fujisaki Rima said.
"I know you love me too" Nagihiko grinned, hugging her. "And I love you too"

"Mummy, Daddy!" A twin set of voices called out. "Come play with me"
"Or you can play with just me" Nagihiko smirked to Rima.
She blushed Furiously.

"SHUT UP!" Rima shouted, dark auras surrounding her now.
The twins copied Rima, forming a dark aura.
"Mummy, Daddy. ANSWER OUR QUESTION!" They shouted.
"Wow, we gave birth to the ultimate Rimas" Nagi muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" Rima said, stabbing mental daggers at him.
"Nothing S-W-E-E-T-Y" Nagi smirked again.
He waited for the 'I love you' but it didn't happen.
Rima just turned around, flicking her hair at Nagi.

"O-H R-I-M-A~" He sang.


"SHUT UP, YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU!" Rima shouted, blushing.

.:End Shut Up, You know I love you:.