I knew I promised updates on the nineteenth, but the computer I was hoping to upload them with turned out to be unreliable. I deeply apologize, but now my internet is back and I can now keep my promises. I'm very sorry.


I wasn't allowed to leave the infirmary for three days. After explaining to Amaya what Zero and Critesce were and why I kept them from her, I seemed to be less stressed. Keeping those two a secret pressured me more than I thought. When I finally did get to go home, I wasn't exactly welcomed with a party.

From the looks on everyone's faces, I knew we took one hell of a hit. Though Lord Death told us that it would be fine, I knew that we blew a big chance.

"I can't believe this!" Knell complained. "Your one shot at something big, and you not only blew it, you killed it, and its family!"

Needless to say, not many people were happy with my results. I knew that Knell wasn't exactly angry at me, just my stupidity for not thinking things through. Our mission wasn't a complete failure, according to Professor Stein. We did manage to ID the one responsible for all those deaths.

After a while, those who were knew about that mission eventually cooled down about it. Pretty soon, everything was back to normal.

"Okay class. Today, I'm going to teach you about Soul Perception. This technique is tricky to use, but mastering it can prove very useful in battle. It will allow you to see and sense the souls of living things."

At this I sat straight. Soul Perception would definitely be something to learn. I didn't pay attention much in class; I did most of my learning in the library.

Amaya grabbed my hand. Pay careful attention. My mom says that if you want to use this technique, you have to be extra attentive.

I nodded, taking her advice to heart.

"First you want to concentrate on seeing past the body of another organism. If I may have a volunteer…"

No one raised their hand. Nearly every one of Mrs. Usari's volunteers ended up in the infirmary. It wasn't her fault. She just couldn't control herself sometimes. After fifteen seconds, she pointed at me. Some snickered at my misfortune.

"Come now, this is not a combat technique, there is no possible way you can get hurt", she said after seeing the look on my face.

I tried to brighten up a little, but probably failed.

"Okay, Ethan, I want you to look right at me and focus your vision as best as you can on my Soul Wavelength. I know it may be awkward since its invisible, but you'll get the hang of it."

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what I was supposed to do. I opened them and stared intensely at Mrs. Usari. Nothing happened for ten seconds and I gave up. I was sure the library would teach me a better way.

"Oh, I forgot something, silly me", Mrs. Usari giggled. "When you look at me, make sure you transfer your Soul Wavelength to your eyes. It'll help."

I humored her and tried again. This time I used my Wavelength to create what I can only describe as an X-Ray field around me. Suddenly, I could see inside Mrs. Usari. Not like bones or anything, but I could see her Soul on the outside of her body. It was in the shape of a flower, and seemed to be very placid.

"From the look in your eyes, I'd say you have the hang of it already. Good job. Okay, next!"

I sat back down, and looked at Amaya. I smiled.

"Nice", she whispered.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to take on another mission already? You just got out of the infirmary."

I ignored her. Amaya was very concerned for me. She knew I had an appetite for a victory. My confidence wasn't exactly filled to the brim, but I wanted to use my new ability in combat.

"This one." I selected the last mission tag near the bottom of the board.

"That's a pretty easy mission. What's up with that?" Amaya gave me a confused look.

"Like you said, I did just get out of the infirmary, and I'm not exactly teeming with self-confidence. I have a new form for our Soul Resonance I want to try, so an easy mission should be the best way to use it. Besides, this is the only one left." I signed our names on the tag and placed it in the "active" section.


Amaya and I both sighed. What could SHE want?

The new girl tripped over her feet and landed in between us. "Oops. Sorry!"

Amaya crossed her arms. "What do you want?"

"I'm just here to pick out a mission." She climbed to her feet.

"Sorry", I stated, "I just signed out the last one."

"Oh. Well, maybe I'll have better luck next time", she sighed.

"Maybe…" I mumbled.

Gabrielle Thassielle was a transfer student from another Academy in Europe somewhere. She was very klutzy and not many people called her "friend". She acted too much like a three year old. How she managed to become a Meister was beyond me. Fortunately, her role in my story is small, so she won't be mentioned much.

Anyway, after she left, Amaya and I left to go to the cafeteria. I was starving since I missed breakfast this morning. Knell forgot to pick up groceries the day before, and all we had to eat was left over curry.

"I'm so hungry…" I whined as we waited in line.

"Maybe you should just live with me. I'll make sure you get fed." Amaya squeezed my waist.

I knew she was kidding, so I just walked alongside her until we could grab our lunch. The slimy, green, rubber substance that they fed us for lunch bubbled as it was splashed on my tray. I shrugged.

"How can you eat that stuff?" Amaya asked me.

"Like this", I said, taking a big glob of it and shoving it into my mouth. To be honest, it tasted like chicken.

"Ugh, they need to get better chefs", Amaya groaned. She poked at it with her fork.

We—meaning me—ate until there was nothing left on our trays. There was nothing left to do after lunch, so Amaya and I took off early. She left to go get us a ride to Paris, where there were a few attacks by some unknown creature. It wasn't a big deal so long as it didn't turn into mass murders.

Meanwhile, I went home and prepared for the mission. I grabbed some of the test tubes by my chemistry set and shook them. They didn't glow like I was hoping.

"Not time yet." I looked at the time, trying to find something to do.

The pain in my chest was starting to return, so I grabbed the bottle of pain meds from one of my vest pockets and ate one. Ms. Medusa said that I should go back to her once they ran out for more. For some odd reason, that nurse made me uneasy.

Amaya wouldn't be back for a while, so I decided to take a nap. The nightmare I had was unreal…