A/N: I'm still studying, but felt I had to post something. This plot's been brewing ever since Birth by Sleep Zack was announced. Still not sure about its execution. Probably won't delete, but rewrite is possible in the future. Also! I have some pre-teen Zack/Seph in the beginning, but made sure to steer away from Shota.

Fandom: Kingdom Hearts/Birth by Sleep

Summary: Marriage is hard.

Pairings: Zack/Sephiroth, Cid/Vincent, Cloud/Leon

Warnings: Shonen-Ai (for now), OOC, AU, angst, mention of future & past Mpreg, Cursing

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this fan fiction. In certain cases incidents, characters and timelines have been changed for dramatic purposes. Certain characters may be composites, or entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Life After You - Part I


A lifetime before...

The popping sound of invading Unversed filled the air of the Coliseum.

Zack ran to help his besieged friends, Hercules and Ven, when a usually welcomed obstacle appeared. "Seph! Please get out of my way. My friends are bein' attacked! I gotta help them!"

Sephiroth stirred nary a muscle. "I know nothing of this new boy, but Hercules can very well take care of himself. Boys who are not gods-blessed shall remain here where it is safe."

The teen's lips thinned with exasperation. "As much as I'd love to, I can't hide underneath your leather jacket the rest of my life. Besides, I'm the one who's gonna take care of you, not the other way around."

The multi-winged soldier ran possessive fingertips along a soft cheek. "So you continue to proclaim, boy."

Zack's hands grasped Sephiroth's in a hold of utmost faith. "So I will, future life-mate and my babies' future mama."

The General raised an eyebrow. "The very notion a pup like you stands a chance. A cocky presumptuousness of the worst kind."

The playful Puppy swung their conjoined hands to-and-fro. "Guess Daddy Vincent's a liar then, not that I would say it to his face."

The silver-haired man's wings ruffled with agitation, causing feathers to flutter into black, spiky hair. "My father has poor taste in men and Cid Highwind should keep his mouth shut."

Sephiroth tensed when Zack's forehead dropped to rest exactly where the leather straps crossed his chest. "Don't make fun, Seph. Cid may not be my real dad, but he still adopted me. I wouldn't even be here without his help. I would never have met you."

Sephiroth gripped the back of a woefully thin neck. "The ultimate tragedy averted. I suppose a small word of thanks should be reserved for the Captain."

The young man failed to raise his head at the kind words. "Are you the reason Phil won't train me anymore?"

Sephiroth continued to thread long fingers through springy locks. His expression gave away nothing. "It is for your own good. Your safety is all that matters to me."

Zack stepped in to embrace a long waist. "Learning how to become a hero would help our future family more."

The melting General glanced down with a whisper of a smile. "Starting an argument already, little husband?"

The grinning lad rubbed a hairless cheek against a warm chest. "Nothing bad is gonna happen to me. You would never allow it."

Sephiroth's vision veered away, sensing the close fight at an end. "So you continue to proclaim, Beloved."

Zack Fair nearly crowed, hearing the rarely spoken endearment. "So I know, Angel."


A seeming lifetime later…

Two boys dashed swiftly up the path.

"Not fair, Riku! You tripped me!"

"Quit makin' excuses for losin,' Sora."

The boy, named Sora, came to a screeching halt. Tremendous tears filled shining blue eyes, threatening to fall. "Meanie! Stupid meanie!"

The other boy, named Riku, turned and hastily ran back to hug his best friend. "Geez. Don't cry. You always take things too seriously. "

Sora returned the silver-haired lad's embrace with a hiccup and a grin. "Okay."

The pair shivered when a long shadow creeped up to block out the sun. "Riku, say goodbye to Sora and come with me."

Sora looked over Riku's tense shoulder to view Riku's mommy.

Riku turned to pierce his mother's heart with his father's blue eyes. "What about Daddy, Grandfather, and Poppa? Who'll take care of them?"

Sephiroth had prowled the Worlds, both Darkness and Light, trying to stay away, but the yearning for his son pulled him back.

Zack's child. Zack's baby. The only part of Zack that couldn't be taken away if he guarded the boy close enough.

The desperate man fell to his knees and held his arms out wide. "Riku… please. Please…"

Riku's small body shook with uncertainty. Daddy made him promise to stay nearby when Mommy left, but it didn't count if the person asking was his mommy. Right?

Sora hugged his friend tighter. He'd heard his daddy argue with Riku's over Sephiroth's apparent abandonment of his whole family.

Zack was firm on the idea that Grandfather Vincent's mental illness had finally manifested in Sephiroth with Riku's birth. First, with the post-partum depression. Then, with the military's mistaken message, reporting Zack's death in battle. The gut-wrenching one-two punch taking his mate's sanity down for good.

Sora's gaze ran over the pitiful figure kneeling before them. Well, Riku's mommy certainly looked sick. "Sir? Do ya need some medicine? If you come home with us, Auntie Aerith can give ya some."

Sephiroth's attention never wavered. "Riku, I shall allow Daddy, Father, and even Poppa Cid to visit us whenever they like. I promise. I just need you with me. Please, baby?"

Sora almost wrestled Riku to the ground when the boy began to let go. "Riku, wait! What about-."

Riku turned back to give his best friend another hug. "Don't worry, Sora. I'm gonna go take care of my mommy. He'll get well and we'll be a happy family again. You'll see. Tell my daddy. Okay?"

A speechless Sora could only nod and stare at Riku running towards his smiling mother.

Sephiroth released a wild cry of joy when his son leaped into his arms. Holding his child's small frame tight, he concentrated on their destination.

The pair vanished without a sound.


Squall "Leon" Leonhart-Strife walked outside. The slight jingle of criss-crossed belts, overlapping his petite waist, telegraphed every move of his tight behind.

Cloud Strife held his hand up to halt his sparring partner's forward progression. Something bothered his mate. If it bothered his mate or their son, Sora, it had to die. "Squall, what's wrong?"

Leon flicked a slight waving motion towards his husband, while continuing to stare out towards the Bailey.

Cloud's answer arrived along with his crying boy. He watched his two reasons for living run to each other and meet in the middle. Leon did his best to surround Sora with his whole body.

"Where's Riku. Where's my baby?"

Cloud faced his shaking sparring partner, Zack. "Maybe he's lagging behind."

Zack's disbelieving stare pinned Cloud's pitiful excuse to the ground before it could give any whiff of useless hope.

Their boys' fates had been spelled out with their timely births. Riku would always lead. Sora would always follow.

Cloud looked away from his friend's anguish to direct a grateful gaze towards his own family, safe-and-sound, and walking in their direction. He held one arm out and enfolded both partner and child to his side. "Where's Riku, Sora?"

Sora waited until he felt his mommy and daddy's joined Light surround him completely. "Riku left with his mommy. He said to tell Mister Fair he'd make his mommy better and bring him home."

Cloud held his family closer when he heard Zack swear.

Zack Fair tightened the grip on his Buster Sword. "Dammit, Angel. If I'm so damned beloved, why am I the one always chasing after you?"