I am terribly sorry for the extremely late update. I ran into a bit of a friend crisis, then I had a trip, and just recently boy trouble. My life is pretty hectic right now, so hopefully I can update this sooner than I did with this chapter. I apologize for making everybody wait, and also for not making this chapter about Fabian and Nina's date. This is the friday before their date and I tried to write some pranks from Jerome and Alfie. The next chapter will be the first date, promise!

PrincessaRosalinda12: Once again, thank you for the prank idea!

amoridere: Your review was great with all of the pranking ideas! Two of them in particular were my favorites, but only one of them is in this chapter. The other one will be in the next chapter, and I may use a few of the others randomly throughout the story. Thanx and SIBUNA!

DarkBlueDiamond: I also really liked your ideas! The liquid eyeliner does appear in this chapter, though not exactly in the way you and amoridere suggested! ;p

TICKLES3000: No worries, how could I possibly write a Fabina story without making them kiss for real eventually!

happy: The movies will be one idea for their first date, I have a few ideas up my sleave, and you know I am going to make it awkward!

Fabeslover99: I also really like your restaurant idea. I am going to tweak it a bit, so I hope you enjoy the next chapter!

RedHeaded4Always: I love long reviews (just had to use the 'L' word, I know!) Thanx for the compliments. I really am trying to keep all of the characters close to how they actually appear on the show. I definitely made Fabian pull a girl stunt at the end of this chapter, but oh well. I can't wait to read the story you are writing!

Pandacat1bagillion: Well technically it was only a kiss on the cheek, so I might use the internet for their first kiss. This chapter, they use the computer, but it doesn't involve Amber or any quizzes or articles, sorry. I will go back to those with my next chapter.

Fabina4ever13: I did get that quiz online.

name here please: I do try to write like I read in books, but I find it to be far more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm glad you think the writing style is good! By the way, I just have to say that I absolutely love the picture you have as your profile pic!

Jerome's POV

"Alfie, it's time to set up the arsenal."

I had an evil smirk spread across my face as I burst into the room Alfie and I shared. He was upside down on his bed trying to juggle. Most people would find this extremely strange, but for Alfie, this was usual behavior. Now if I had come in to find him sitting quietly reading a book…well, then I would be worried.

I laughed when my sudden outburst caused Alfie to fall off the bed, landing on his head. He glared at me for a second before he joined in on my laughter.

"Come on, man! I almost had it!"

"Training for the circus can wait. We have one day to combine our genius skills and create the ultimate prank." I sat down in my desk chair, spinning it around to face Alfie. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees and leaning my head on my intertwined fingers.

I watched closely as a wide smirk spread across Alfie's face. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Alfie, Alfie, Alfie. I just happened to be upstairs when I…overheard a very interesting development."

"Don't make me beg, Jerome! Just spit it out already!" Alfie, still on the ground, looked as excited as I felt. We were the masters of practical jokes. It was only natural for the two of us to be excited about a possible prank.

"Our dear friend and housemate, Fabian Rutter, has just achieved the impossible. The poor fool finally managed to ask the American on a date."

"No way! It seems like just yesterday when he took his first steps." Alfie did a dramatic pose, wiping non-existent tears from his eyes.

I shook my head in an affirmative, the evil smirk reappearing on my face. "Let's get pranking."

Nina POV

"OMG! AMBER! He asked! He finally, finally asked!" Amber and I were currently jumping around the room, squealing in our excitement.

Fabian Rutter, my best friend in the entire world, had just asked me to go into town with him…ON A DATE. After a grueling week of awkward silences and shifting gazes, he had finally broken the ice. It had gotten to the point where I doubted that our 'walk' had ever even happened. I was so glad that Fabian hadn't stopped liking me, which is what had occupied my mind for most of this past week.

"Oh, Nina! I am so happy for you two! Please, please, PLEASEEEE let me make you two a scrapbook." Amber was gripping onto my arm, still jumping up and down with pure excitement. I wasn't really sure about her whole scrapbooking idea, but I didn't have the heart to say no, especially not while I was so euphoric.

"Of course, Amber! That would be great!" We continued our dance around the room for another five to ten minutes before we heard Trudy calling for dinner. Amber and I quickly checked to make sure our hair wasn't sticking up at any crazy angles before we made our descent down the stairs. Neither of us could wipe the grins off of our faces, but I was even more excited to see that Fabian was still wearing one of his own.

It had been a few months since I had come to stay in the House of Anubis, so I was a little shocked to see all eight meals covered by trays. The only time the meal had ever been served this way was when Alfie's parents had joined us for dinner, well the dinner I wasn't actually there for, but I still heard about it.

Apparently, judging from the expressions on six of my fellow housemate's faces, they were not expecting the fancy setting either. We all shrugged it off, except for Patricia who stood by the door with a haughty expression.

"What's all this Trudy?" I looked over to the opening in the wall to where Trudy was washing some dishes.

"Oh dearie, Jerome and Alfie insisted on setting the table tonight. Why, I hadn't even noticed, sweetie. Don't worry though, I cooked the food." Trudy winked before disappearing around the corner, probably to finish up some laundry.

Patricia finally made her way over to the table, taking the seat at the head of the table across from me. We were all looking at the large shiny coverings apprehensively; this is Alfie and Jerome we're talking about.

Mick was the first to react, lifting the cover then setting it on the floor behind him. Mara lifted hers next, though far less quickly, as she peered underneath before lifting it entirely, most likely worried that something would jump out at her. Patricia and Fabian took theirs off as well, and I followed their example seconds later.

The food appeared to be untouched, so the table dug in, forgetting entirely about the two people still absent from the table. I glanced over at Amber as I took the first bite of my food. She had her 'concentrating' face on, and she had yet to remove the covering.

"Well, Alfie, it looks like your alien theories may be true after all. Looks to me like Amber just got her brain sucked out through a straw."

"Eww, Jerome! That's disgusting! And that would never happen; I am far too pretty." Everybody laughed as Amber tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"Haha, very funny. Well if, in truth, you still have your brains, what little there were in the first place, then why haven't you begun eating?"

I was curious to hear Amber's answer as well. It wasn't often I saw Amber in such deep concentration; apparently it caused wrinkles. Jerome and Alfie both made their way to their seats at the two only remaining places at the table.

"Well, if you must know, I was just thinking…"

"Amber Millington…thinking! Oh dear God, the apocalypse is coming!"

Amber huffed, upset at the interruption. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, I was just wondering why there was paper with writing on the inside of all of the tray coverings."

Jerome and Alfie were both sniggering while the rest of us looked confusedly at Amber. "As much as I love the attention, just check for yourselves. I can't always be the genius." I rolled my eyes, but complied. I reached around to pick up my tray. On the inside dome, there was a pink piece of paper taped, just like Amber had said.

I pulled the paper out to get a better view of the writing. It read in fancy calligraphy writing: "first comes love." I felt a blush warm up my cheeks when I read the note. That certainly was unexpected. I looked up again to see everyone else holding a piece of pink paper as well, other than Jerome and Alfie who were giving each other a high five from across the table.

"Okay weasels, why do I have a piece of paper with Fabian and Nina's names on it?" Patricia looked annoyed, which was actually quite common for her. However, why would Jerome and Alfie tape all of these to our trays?

Jerome leaned forward, directing his gaze to Mara, who was on his right. "Patience, Patricia. What does yours say, Mara?"

Patricia sneered then mumbled some kind of insult under her breath which I didn't quite catch. I directed my gaze towards Mara as she began talking. I was almost positive that she was blushing.

"Oh, well, uh it says 'then comes marriage.' I don't really understand it myself." Mara looked up apologetically at the rest of us, but my heart had stopped. No way…they didn't really…

Jerome looked across the table to Mick, who appeared to be upset about the disturbance while he should be eating. "And yours?"

"Just a bunch of rubbish." Mick shoved the paper across to Mara, then grabbed his fork and began shoveling down his food.

All eyes turned back to Mara, as I dreaded the next words. "This one says "sitting in a tree'."

"Okayyy, my turn. It says 'then comes a baby in a golden carriage.' How cute is that! When Victoria Beckham has children I just know that David is going to buy the baby a golden carriage."

Everybody rolled their eyes at Amber. "Moving on. Nina, why don't you read yours? Then Fabian can read his."

I glanced over at Fabian to find that his face was completely scarlet. Since I grew up with this rhyme, I had a fairly good idea of what his paper said. That realization only caused my cheeks to grow redder. "Oh nothing important really. I am starving though."

I made to grab my fork and follow Mick's lead, but Alfie stopped me. "Go on Nina! Read what it says. You wouldn't want to pass up a chance to solve a mystery would you?"

"Unless…perhaps you already have solved it." Jerome's snide remark had me ducking my head to hide my steadily reddening face. "Fine! 'First comes love.' Happy?"

"Delighted. Fabian?" I rolled my eyes at Jerome's cocky reply. He knows, that I know, that he knows, I know what all of these papers mean.

"You already know what it says, why have me read it out?"

"Just say it already! You lot are driving me crazy!" We all turned our shocked eyes towards Mick at his sudden outburst. I had no idea that he had even been paying any attention to us. He mumbled something about a peaked interest before swiftly plucking the paper out of Fabian's hands. "It just says 'kissing.' Now explain all of this." Mick glared at Jerome and Alfie, but they both held up their hands.

"Nina is the expert in this department. I bet she figured it out by the third card. I heaved a heavy sigh when all eyes turned back onto me.

"Why can't we ever just eat a meal like normal people? You know, asking each other about our days, discussing homework, talking about the latest gossip?"

"Boring." I glared at Alfie; he was so not helping.

"Please Nina; I want to know what all of those cards mean!" I looked at Amber's expectant face and was immediately reminded of the scrapbook incident half an hour ago in our room.

I closed my eyes tightly. "It's just an old nursery rhyme commonly used in America when teasing two people who…like each other." I glanced in Fabian's direction to see a blush still spread across his cheeks.

"How does it go?" This time it was Mara who looked expectant. Surprisingly, Patricia was just sitting coolly in her chair, glaring at every one in general.

"And make sure you say ALL of the cards, as in don't forget the first one."

I snuck a quick glance towards Fabian again, but his eyes were darting anywhere except in my direction. We may be going on a date, but we could both still be embarrassed. The Date! That's why Jerome and Alfie are doing this! They must have found out somehow.


Jerome looked taken aback as the smirk immediately disappeared from his face. "No?"

"Nope. You can say it if you want to hear it so bad." Jerome sat there gaping like a fish, obviously not expecting me to refuse to play along on his little practical joke. I was far too embarrassed to actually say it anyways, especially since I was one of the names in the rhyme.

"I know how it goes." I was not expecting Patricia to speak up. Other than Jerome, Alfie, and I, Patricia was the only other occupant of the house who didn't look completely confused. "I used to have 'play dates' with one of my father's business associates daughters. They were American, and she was annoying."

Fabian finally made eye contact with me, with a questioning face. I just shook my head. We were both doomed to suffer the humiliation caused by a rhyme meant for first graders.

"Nina and Fabian

Sitting in a tree


First comes love

Then comes marriage

Then comes a baby in a golden carriage."

There was a lot of exchanging of confused faces before everyone other than Fabian and I burst into laughter. After years of hearing it, I honestly didn't find it very funny, but considering the rest of them had never heard it…

Fabian and I quickly excused ourselves. "Looks like they want to get started a bit early on that baby." Jerome's remark earned a whole other round of laughing from our housemates; even Patricia let out a chuckle.

"Very mature, Jerome." Fabian slipped his hand in mine, pulling me out of the room. "Is that rhyme always so funny?" Fabian asked me quietly as we made our swift exit.

I giggled a bit under my breath. "Only when the people get embarrassed." Fabian smiled shyly at me which sent my heart soaring. We ended up sitting in his room, him on the bed and me on a stool, talking about anything that popped into the conversation. It felt so natural, just being around him.

"So did you finish your history paper?" History was rapidly becoming my favorite subject, mostly because Fabian and I always partnered up for projects.

"Yep, finished it right before dinner. How about yours?"

I blushed, for probably the hundredth time, as Fabian sent me one of his heart-melting grins. How could he still be single?

"Umm, yes? Well no. I have a bit more to finish up, but I am practically done."

"Well it's already nine…"

"What! No way, already!"

"Afraid so." I smiled apologetically at Fabian as I quickly stood up to leave. I was tempted to kiss him on the cheek again, but I chickened out and opted for a hug instead. When he wrapped his arms around my waist, I thought for a moment that he might not let go, but unfortunately, his arms did loosen after a few seconds. I immediately missed the warmth he provided.

"Goodnight Fabian."

"Night Nina." I walked to my room in complete bliss, ignoring the snickers I heard from inside Jerome and Alfie's room.

A few minutes later I had my research spread out in front of me, laptop open, as I edited my paper. Fabian and I had both agreed to write our papers about Egyptian myths. The myth I chose was the story of Osiris and Isis. Fabian had chosen to write his paper on Hathor, since her name translates to House of Horus.

When I reached the end of my paper, I found a bunch of babbling talk about how much I 'loved Fabian' and how I wanted to 'have his babies' just like Osiris and Isis gave birth to their son Horus. I rolled my eyes as I deleted the added on paragraph. Now I know why Jerome and Alfie were late to dinner.

Amber skipped into the room just as I finished saving the document. I would print it in the morning so I could turn it into Mr. Winkler during history class tomorrow. Amber and I talked briefly as we could already hear Victor giving his "I want to hear a pin drop" speech. Luckily, the movie she had just watched with the rest of the house had distracted her from what happened at dinner, therefore, I didn't have to listen to her gush over how adorable Fabian and I were as a couple. As much as I liked Fabian, I still got pretty embarrassed when people said that, especially since technically we weren't even boyfriend and girlfriend.

The next morning passed in relative silence. Jerome and Alfie spent most of the morning locked away in their room, most likely planning their next great scheme. Mick went out for a jog which was no surprise. Patricia seemed to be in a slightly better mood today, though she still wasn't much into talking unless it was a rude or sarcastic comment. Mara was quiet as usual. Amber did most of the talking, just random gossip from all of the magazines she reads.

Fabian and I exchanged a lot of secret glances, mostly conveying our relief of not having to face Jerome or Alfie. We walked over to school together as it had become routine ever since my second day here. We chatted about our topics for our history assignments and some of the current house drama. I decided not to humiliate myself by telling Fabian about the sabotage to my paper that I discovered last night.

The day passed slowly, and we soon learned why Jerome and Alfie had been holed up in their rooms for most of the morning. They had somehow managed to sneak into Amber and my room while the rest of us ate breakfast. Amber now had black streaks in her perfect blonde hair due to the liquid eyeliner the two pranksters had put on her brush.

She had tried to wash it out before school, but before she even got a chance, we had a run-in with Victor. She forgot all about her ruined hair in the mad dash out of the house. Well she forgot right up until she looked into the bathroom mirror. By then she was beyond hysterics, but nobody stopped her when she attacked Alfie with her purse.

I slumped into my history seat, banging my head onto the desk. "Rough day?"

I jumped in my seat at the familiar voice. Fabian was grinning down at me, though I could see the sincerity of the question reflected in his eyes. "Oh, you know. Just the usual struggle to survive in the dangerous world of English boarding school."

We both laughed at the memory of the first time I said that. I find that I quite like his laugh. It is warm and comforting, and it never fails to send my heart beating wildly in my chest.

"Quiet down, everyone. I know it is Friday, but hopefully everybody remembered their history paper was due today." There were a few groans which resounded through the room, but I just smiled over at Fabian. He caught my glance, smiling back as he pulled his paper out of one of his folders.

Mr. Winkler walked around the room, picking up papers as he went. The table where I was sitting was the last one that Mr. Winkler walked up to, as we were in the front corner.

"Fabian, Nina, I was wondering if I could read your papers to the class. Considering we are doing a unit on Egyptian mythology, and both of you wrote about Egyptian myths, I believe the class could benefit."

Fabian and I were never the type to turn down a teacher, or anyone for that matter, so we both agreed to allow Mr. Winkler to read our papers aloud. He read my paper first, and I made sure to watch Jerome and Alfie as Mr. Winkler neared the end. Just as I thought, both looked confusedly at each other when nothing embarrassing was said. I just sighed in relief. I can't even imagine what would have happened if I had not revised the paper last night.

Fabian's paper was quite entrancing. Rather than hearing Mr. Winkler's voice say the words written by Fabian, my imagination replaced it with Fabian's voice. I was in my own little dream world where Fabian's voice took hold of all of my senses.

"The following is an excerpt of a song written by the Egyptians to describe the goddess Hathor:"

I glanced over at Fabian, missing the first few lines as I became distracted by Fabian. I watched as his face changed from slight embarrassment of hearing his paper read aloud to the class, to confusion, and then to complete mortification and shock. He looked completely speechless as he stared up in horror at Mr. Winkler. I quickly redirected my attention to what was being read.

"When we met, two souls united

Believe me, it's true, when I look at you

I feel found, out of darkness for the first time

I feel needed, when you turn to me for help

I am sound, whenever you're around

Now here we are, linked forever

And every day, you cross my mind, cause

When you laugh, I smile

When you cry, I break down inside

When you give up, I am there

Cause, Nina, you're that girl"

My eyes must have been the size of saucers as I heard the last line. Mr. Winkler seemed entirely confused as he reread the song. And then it clicked. Not only had Jerome and Alfie changed my paper, but they had messed with Fabian's as well.

I turned slightly to look at Fabian who now had his head buried in his arms. "Did you write that?"

Then all chaos arose as Jerome and Alfie began laughing which spread throughout the classroom. This was far worse than dinner last night. I watched helplessly as Fabian slid out of his chair, shooting a fiery glare which went entirely unnoticed by the two laughing buffoons, and dashed quickly out of the room.

Mr. Winkler looked back and forth between me and the door. "I suppose this is class dismissed."

I was the first person out of the door. I knew exactly where to find Fabian.

Sorry for the rushed ending. I know this chapter sucks, so hopefully the next one will focus more on Fabian and Nina's relationship. And I hope the rhyme is familiar to everyone. I was thinking about ideas for pranks and the closest thing I ever got to pranking was when I made fun of my friends by singing that. I think I fail at humor though, so next chapter I will try to write romance! (cross your fingers so that maybe I won't fail at that too)

Thanx again for all of the amazing an inspiring reviews! Continue to review if you have any ideas! Ya'll are great!