Chap 1: The van
AN: this is my first fanfic and I am really nervous! heres the first chap hope you like it! R&R! I would say I dont own White Collar but if you are reading this you probably already know this! Im also sorry for spelling and grammatical errors there kind of my weakness :(
Neal couldn't sleep after hours of unmerciful tossing and turning him finally gave in and groggily walked over to the many case files flung across his kitchen table. He sighed heavily as he sat down opening the first file and looking at the content, not really thinking about what he was reading. Plopping his current file on the table, Neal went to the bath room and took a long hot shower to relax his mind. After his shower he got dressed and waited for Peter to pick him up. Neal was not in a good mood.
As Peter drove up to June's house he was surprised to see Neal already outside waiting for him. Usually he had to honk the horn a few times to get the conman's skinny ass out the door. The thought was interrupted as Neal got into the car and slammed the door shut.
"Morning." Said peter in a cheery voice that he could clearly see annoyed Neal.
"Good morning Peter." Neal said in an annoyed tone.
"Jeez looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."
"Ha!" Laughed Neal as he flashed a small smile, "that would have to imply I slept!"
"Rough night?" Asked Peter.
"Yah… um… what is this case about?" Neal said distracting Peter from the subject of him.
"We have a mysterious forger; we only know his initials SR. He is suspected in many are forgeries and we just got a tip he is going to be trying to sell a forgery of Starry night by van Gosh soon so where keeping tabs on him suspected primary hideout."
"OHNO, that doesn't mean…"
"Yep! We are spending time in the van!" Exclaimed Peter.
Neal slammed his head against the seat and closed his eyes. "This is going to be a long day." Neal muttered.
"If it makes you feel better this should be very fun day for me!" Peter chuckled
"Humor me Peter", Said Neal cracking one eye open ever so slightly, "what in the van can you remotely call fun?"
"Watching you squirm like you want to crawl out of your skin." Retorted Peter.
"Not cool Peter, Laughed Neal, not cool at all."
By the time Neal and Peter reached the van Diana and Jones where already there and bored out of their minds.
"So what exiting activity is the van gang up to today? Asked Neal as he bounced into the van with a smile stretched across his face. All indications of his previous bad mood diminished and now replaced with an undeniable urge to annoy them all. Hey, if they were going to have him in the van, they would have to deal with him being in the van.
"Caffery… if you don't wipe that annoying smirk off your face ill have to do it for you." Said Diana in a bored tone.
"Well you're not in a good mood." Murdered Neal well shooting Jones a dirty look, as the Jr. Agent tried desperately to stifle his laughter.
"I have just the thing to fix that!" said Peter as he closed the door to the van whale balancing four cups of coffee.
"Peter you're a life saver!" Exclaimed Diana as she leaned across the van and snatched up the cup Neal was reaching for, then took a big sip. "Yum!" She announced.
"That was my cup!" Neal wined
"You could have it back if you like." Joked Diana taking another sip and cocking her head to the side sweetly.
"Gladly," said Neal and grabbed the cup from her hands with lightning fast speed, then took a long swig.
"I will k-"Diana was cut off short by an ear piercing noise of a gunshot.
Peter jumped out of his seat and drew his gun "you all stay here don't move! I will be back in five minutes if not call for back up!" He yelled as he burst out the van door.
"Well," said Diana, "that gives me just enough time to get revenge for my coffee."
"Hey violence in not the ans-"Neal faltered as Diana suddenly collapsed on the floor "Diana!" Screamed Neal," Jones help me out!" he looked desperately to the other agent but in dismay saw Jones slouched in his chair head lolling to the side unconscious.
Neal coughed as plumes of gas started to fill the van he desperately tried to get to the door but his brain was too confused to find it. Just then the door to the van burst open and a feeling of relief washed over him.
It must be Peter coming to save us! He thought. But all his hope diminished as he turned to the door and saw two men in gas masks. The men stood shocked to see that Neal was still conscious. Quickly one of the men lunged forward and tried to grab Neal but Neal was ready and swung his arm making contact with the mans face with his fist. Then swung his leg out and kicked the other man in the knee.
"Ahhhhh!" the man bellowed as Neal hit his Knee.
Neal's victory was short lived as the first man came at him and grabbed him around the throat; he swung Neal's head around and smashed it into a nearby monitor. Pain shot through Neal's head and his vision started to dim from the pain and the gas welling around him. He lay there limp as to his horror the second man took out a gun and placed it against Neal's shoulder. Neal didn't have time to close his eyes before he heard the shot. He felt the blood pour out of his head and shoulder. His eyes started to close and he slipped into welcoming oblivion as he felt himself being dragged from the van.
I know this was short! but I promise I will type the next one as fast as my brain will allow! PLZ review! You are great! OMG! I am using so many exclamation points! :)