A/N- Kyaaaa~! I'M GOING TO BE 15 SOOOOON~! I'm so happy and thankful for my life, ya know? Despite all of the despairs and obstacles I've had to face; I faced them with a smile on my face. Also I would thank my friends for always just… being there. Gosh, I'm so sappy… Well, my birthday is on the first of June; and if you want to know what I want for it… Reviews would be great! :DDD

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer- I don't own any of the songs I use nor Durarara!

~*Multiply Humanity; Harmonize Insanity

Sharing light of remedy, pulling tides of clarity.

Shattered glass on flower beds; humanize inhumane ends.

It's all the same for The Dreamers*~

Where Butterflies Never Die by Broken Iris

The brunette just sat in the same spot on the asphalt; his head hung low and questions roaming and cramming into his mind.

What's wrong with Shizu-chan? How come he didn't recognize me? Why did he do that? Why did he say that? Why did Shinra make sure to keep us from not seeing each other again? Just what the fuck happened? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

The tears from before were dried and itched on Izaya's skin; but he didn't care at the moment. Despite him looking so damn human.

Although the teen's hobby was human observation, he had no desire to actually act like one. They were so easily broken, so easily dominated and will follow what other people feel is right; but not their own sense of justice.

"Izaya! Hey!" The raven was pulled out of his musings by the call of the bespectacled Shinra; huffing and holding his knees from the long run.

"What?" Izaya curtly asked, not wanting to be seen.

"Listen… I know you're probably confu-

"PROBABLY!" the raven started, now irritated, "I see on the news that everyone in Shizu-chan's family just fucking died! I come all the way here to see if he was alright; and what fucking happens! He throws me and yells that he doesn't know me!" He finished, now up but still back turned on the other.

"So yeah, Shinra; I'm confused…"

The other boy sighed and looked the other way as he muttered.

"Well, he doesn't know you. Not me nor you or everybody."

Red eyes widened slightly and turned around; asking an appropriate "what?"

"Yup… You know that his family… yeah… well his psyche had been traumatized by the death that he repressed his memory of not only the murder, but his life in general. He has the IQ of a ninth grader. I guess that wouldn't be so bad since were in tenth…"


The lack of reaction except for the tense air hanging over them, making it heavy for Izaya to breathe.

He was breathing under water, heavy and his lungs hurt. One deep breath came after another; it was too thick.


The raven felt like he wasn't breathing under water, but blood. He could only see the red and the liquid is clotting in his throat, coughing and coughing. He's drowning.

"Izaya! Izaya, calm down!" The words were like a siren, blaring out; and yet they were fallen on deaf ears.

A single phrase was repeated like a chant, over and over; each time still not believed.

'He doesn't know who I am…'

Shinra tried to calm his frantic and hysterical friend. He knew something like this would happen.

"Shhhh… I know, I know…" The result was futile as the raven pushed him away, hating being pitied. Izaya calmed himself, speaking.

"Then where is he staying? Does he actually know…"


~A few days ago~

Shizuo looked into the mirror, poking the mirror to make sure it wasn't an alternate universe. Ever since he'd woken up, the blonde had been very paranoid about most things; only believing the words of the people who sheltered him. And even sometimes he didn't take those words to heart.

He had just woken up and washed his face (well the lady who spoke through a PDA said that's what you do when you wake up) and left the door open.

" Shizuo-san?" The boy around his age (Jinra or maybe Shiran was his name) walked in to see the blonde staring at himself.

"You don't look like me… Nor does that man… But we both don't look like aliens…" Shizuo inquired as he tilted his head and watched as his reflection did the same. He poked the mirror again. It was still solid.

"Ha ha ha… Well uhhh… That's because you're… ADOPTED! Yes! That's it! You're adopted…"

The blonde stared at him with a blank gaze, eyes twinkling with curiosity.


"Yeah, your parents were part of the… military. And your mom had you then only a few days later; they both died from protecting their friends!" Shinra continued to lie; hoping it work.

Why was he lying? Simply because if Shizuo knew the truth, he would've definitely gone insane; despite how amazing that would be to watch. Shinra wouldn't want to hurt his friend's psyche even more.

When he was done telling his tall tale, he saw the blonde smile and play with his hands childishly.

"My parents were heroes… That's so cool…"

Shinra remembered something and gasped. How could he have possibly forgotten about Shizuo's strength! Dammit!

"Listen! Shizuo-san, there's something about you that you need to know." He dragged the honey-hazel eyed teen to the t.v. and pointed to the American cartoon with muscular heroes.

"Do you see that man that's carrying that car?"


"You can do that too!"

The blonde's head tilted a little bit to the left.

"Yeah yeah! It's true~! You have unbelievable strength! Once, you threw a vending machine at a robber and stopped him! The police gave you a medal! But then you lost it…"

Shizuo's eye's twinkled with the mischief of a child and looked to the coffee table.

The brunette followed his eyes and jumped in front of the table.

"No! Bad!" His protests were ignored as the blonde picked it up without a sweat.

"Woooow! Look at me! I'm actually doing it!" Shizuo set it down gently before watching the t.v. again.

"Do you think I could be a super hero?"

"No. You're too young…"


~Back to present~

"You lied to him?" Izaya asked, disbelieving.

"I had to. Sigh, I say just for now, stay low." Before Izaya could interrupt ; he continued, "I know you want to be close to him again. But just for now, act as if this is your first time seeing him."

The raven was hesitant but agreed.

Izaya would get his best friend back.

A/N- So I guess this leaves off on a happier note. I guess because it's going to be my birthday on Wednesday! I can't wait to turn 15!

Tell me, what do you think of my story so far? Do you like the way I set up Shizuo? Izaya? Shinra? It would be amazing if you would just tell me.

Review please!

Until next time, my unwrapped presents.

~Mikomi Ai