Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural.
A.N.: This is finally over. I can't believe it. But yes, this is the last chapter. A sequel is in progress.
Roger looked up as Sam and Dean walked in to the cave.
"Hey guys!" He greeted them, his golden brown eyes shining with excitement.
Dean waved to the panther, and Sam grinned. Roger stretched and waved them over. The two joined him in the shade, as Gabe walked over.
"Hey Sammy." He greeted Sam with a kiss.
Roger rolled his eyes. "Oh, gross, not in public." He made a face. "I need to gouge my eyes out." Everyone ignored him so he shut up.
Dean glared at Gabriel, but it was obvious he wasn't mad.
"Cas still out hunting?" He asked Roger, who nodded.
"Yeah." Roger glanced over at two panthers. "Hey, use you back legs." He called at them.
Dean smirked. "Now I see why Lucifer made you general."
"Ugh." Roger made a face. "I dislike that title. Military specialist or something is better. Plus Michael and Lucifer have more power than me."
Gabe shrugged. "Whatever Rog." Roger stuck his tongue out at him.
It had been two months since the battle and things were truly settled down. Luce was leader, with Michael as second in command. They'd created a few ranks, now there was more than three leaders.
Roger was in charge of border patrols, battle training, and coming up with strategies. Castiel had been put in charge of a group of hunters and scouts, the panthers that were sneakier than most.
Gabe, Sam and Dean had no real ranks, but they were considered advisors.
"Dean, Cas is back." Sam told his brother, hitting him and pointing to the black pelt.
Castiel was back, a slight grin on his face. Once he'd proved that he had the sharpest senses in the pride he'd really become more accepted. That and his fighting skills were coming along.
Dean went over to greet Cas, the two smiled.
Roger smiled. "I don't think life could be better."
Sam chuckled. "Just wait until you meet someone."
Roger waved his hand. "I'm good at the moment, don't kill my mood."
Gabe rolled his eyes, and smirked.
"Bobby invited us over." Roger commented. "That is, Sam, Dean, Cas, you and me." He glanced at Gabe.
"Sounds good." Sam reflected. "And Rog, I think you're right."
The wolf growled raising his brown head. The scent was familiar, and he glanced at the others. His pack had recognized it too.
The three coyotes leaned against the cliff.
"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in." One commented.
"Shut up." The only female snapped.
The male glared at both them, his eyes yellow, no one knew why. He turned back to the approaching panthers.
"Your terms are acceptable." He told them.
To be continued in Roaring at the Sky.
A.N.: Of course something has to go wrong. Can't let the boys have a break for too long. The sequel should be up soon. With more of our favorite characters.
Plot Bunny: Give them a crumb. Or two.
Me: Okay. Andy will be in the sequel, as will Balthazar.
Plot Bunny: Hee, hee. And others.
Me: Okay two more names. Meg and Alastair.