Lionblaze tries to find out if Jayfeather has a secret love, or if he doesn't, find him one! Okay, I know it's just dialogue, but it's not because I'm lazy. When I finished adding in everything, I was told that the dialogue by it's self was more funny, plus I thought it was too. Anyway, hope you like it and please R&R.

*Jayfeather is sorting herbs in the medicine den when Lionblaze walks in*

Lionblaze: So, Jayfeather I was wondering, who is your secret love?

Jayfeather: What are you talking about?

Lionblaze: You know, a cat you love, but you can't be together because you're a medicine cat. You have to have one, every Thunderclan medicine cat since the beginning has had a lover.

Jayfeather: Well I don't.

Lionblaze: But you have to! Do you know how angry StarClan will get if you don't? What else do you think they do other than think of punishments for medicine cats with mates?

Jayfeather: I don't know or care Lionblaze.

Lionblaze: Come on, Jayfeather, I know you love someone. Let's see is it Rosepetal? She's pretty hot, I'm mean every time I look at her I'm like-

Jayfeather: I wouldn't know what she looks like because I can't see!

Lionblaze: Oh yeah, that sucks. So I guess you're going to be one of those 'I love her for her personality' types, right?

Jayfeather: *Glares*

Lionblaze: How about Hazeltail? She's below average looking but pretty peppy. She's like everyone's catnip when they're depressed. No? Don't worry, Jayfeather, I'll get it right eventually. Wait, is it a cat from another Clan? OMG is it Willowshine? Two medicine cats together, you're such a rebel. I don't think that's ever been done before. Well it was bound to happen eventually, right Jayfeather?

Jayfeather: I don't like Willowshine!

Lionblaze: Oh, okay is it-

Jayfeather: Get out!

Lionblaze: Fine, fine, pushy

*Puts marigold on wound Brightheart got from a thorn.*

Jayfeather: There you go, Brightheart

*Brightheart nods and leaves, Lionblaze comes up*

Lionblaze: Dude, really?

Jayfeather: What?

Lionblaze: She's like twice your age, man!

Jayfeather: What are you talking about?

Lionblaze: Brightheart! I can't believe you two are actually together!

Jayfeather: We are not together, Lionblaze.

Lionblaze: Oh come on, Cloudtail's basically left her for Daisy anyway, she's open.

Jayfeather: Wait, now you think we should be together?

Lionblaze: 'Course, you're both screwed up in at least one eye. It's like you were made for each other!

Jayfeather: Lionblaze, there's so many things wrong with you.

Lionblaze: At least I'm not going after Brightheart.

Lionblaze: I hate you.

Jayfeather: What? What did I do?

Lionblaze: You and Cinderheart are a couple and you know I love Cinderheart!

Jayfeather: But me and Cinderheart aren't-


Jayfeather: I was giving her poppy seeds because she couldn't sleep!

Lionblaze: Whatever Jayfeather, it's on now. She may like you more than me, but I'll win her back, just you wait.

Jayfeather: Lionblaze I don't like Cinderheart that way.

Lionblaze: But you admit you like her?

Jayfeather: What, you want me to say I hate her?

Lionblaze: Yes.

Jayfeather: Well, I don't Lionblaze and if you can't accept that then you'll just have to suffer.

Lionblaze: *Growls*

*Jayfeather is sitting in the clearing and Firestar is lying by his den*

Firestar: Jayfeather I need to talk to you.

Jayfeather: Why?

Firestar: Don't ask questions just get over here.

*Walks over to Firestar*

Jayfeather: Alright what is it?

Firestar: Lionblaze tells me you love someone.

Jayfeather: I don't Firestar, I swear.

Firestar: Well you better find someone real fast.

Jayfeather: What? Why?

Firestar: StarClan wants every medicine cat to have a mate.

Jayfeather: But it's against the code for medicine cats to have a mate, why would StarClan want me to have one?

Firestar: Why do you think they made it against the code, Jayfeather?

Jayfeather: So we wouldn't have a mate!

Firestar: Wrong. If StarClan allowed medicine cats to have mates, then they wouldn't have mates because they could. But if it was against the code, everyone would have a mate just to break the rules. It's a reverse psychology thing.

Jayfeather: That doesn't make any sense.

Firestar: Neither does how Heavystep came back to life and how Rowanclaw became a tom. Sometimes it's best not to question things and just roll with it.

Jayfeather:*Looks at hopelessly*

Firestar:Now go out and open your heart to the possibilities young Jayfeather!

*Lionblaze and Jayfeather are watching Briarlight drag herself out of the medicine den*

Lionblaze: You think she's going to get better?

Jayfeather: She's broken her back, she'll never be able to use her hind legs again.

Lionblaze: So I'm guessing that's a no?

Jayfeather: Obviously.

Lionblaze: So...

Jayfeather: So what?

Lionblaze: So are you going to get together with her?

Jayfeather: What?

Lionblaze: Well she can become a medicine cat, because ThunderClan only has good medicine cats if they're crippled. That way you're always around each other.

Jayfeather: Do you really think she'd want to be a medicine cat?

Lionblaze: Well what else is she going to do? Sit there in and die a slow and painful death by suffication? It's either be a medicine cat or be a dead kitty, which do you want to happen?

Jayfeather: Medicine cat, I guess

Lionblaze: See, there you go! Now you've finally found someone to be your mate.

Jayfeather: What makes you so sure she'll want to be with me?

Lionblaze: Obviously she's going to like you, every cat knows she-cats like the irritable, grouchy, short-tempered type. I'm mean look at Berrynose he's gotten two cats in his lifetime. And Crowfeather got three!

Jayfeather: I don't know...

Lionblaze: Let me put it this why. Chances are, we won't be able to defeat the Dark Forest until you and Briarlight have kits. They'll all be super special, and will be able to destroy the Dark Forest. Don't you want us to win against them?

Jayfeather: I guess.

Lionblaze: Then get to makin' kits!

Three moons later, Briarlight gave birth to three kits. As it turns out, the kits were the real three and had powers that were so much more badass than the other three. They were able to defeat the Dark Forest in one millisecond. The Four Clans then forgave each other for everything, and after Firestar finally died, they lived happily ever after.