Disclaimer – I make no attempt to stake a claim on any of the following characters. They are all the property of Marvel! (:

Summary – Kendall Logan, the daughter of Ororo and Logan from an AU finds herself in an X-Men world where her parents aren't together. She's about to learn a hard lesson from destiny!

Coupling – A RoLo of sorts

Notes – When I discovered Kendall Logan (she has actually been depicted as Ororo and Logan's daughter by Marvel, even if it was only for 1 comic LOL) I thought it would be interesting to throw her into the X-Men world we're all familiar with... the one where Storm is apparently married to T'Challa (excuse my RoLo spirit's defiance hehe).

This story is set pre Ororo/T'Challa's marriage, but it isn't anyway related to the comic ongoings in X-Men, especially since I'm not really interested in T'Challa so I guess this is set in an AU.

If you're interested in Kendall's background, look her up on the Marvel wiki, or better yet, Google her. Where would the world be without Google?


Her senses returned to her much slower than what she was used to. She rose through the shadowy waves of her subconscious, her eyes flickering open. Her dim surroundings swam into view. Her surrounds were pale, her eyes moving to the large windows that lay to her right. The sky was a brilliant vermilion marred with ribbons of pink and orange. The shadowy claws of evening dug into the warm tapestry, staking its claim on the celestial body.

Her eyes focussed on the glass pane, on her reflection that stared nonchalantly back. Her short locks were still very much black, she noted with a pang. Her white eyes gazed back at her, devoid of any colour, much like an unpainted canvas. Her nose itched as she felt a wave of panic sweep her body. Her ears were not picking up the minute sounds it should have been. Her nose did not detect the scents of those she could see were in the room.

What was wrong with her?

"Do not be alarmed, you are safe."

Turning her head, the female noted the emergence of a large silhouette resting over her bed. Before she could utter another word, the sea of darkness came to claim her mind once more.

Where am I...


The female twirled a lock of her newly blackened hair around her finger, her white eyes lingering approvingly over the new look. Her slender caramel face brightened as she shook her short charcoal hair. Trading her snowy tresses at a young age, Kendall Logan opted for a shorter look. Clipped at the back, her now black hair was longest at the front of her face, styled to fringe right over her pale eyes.

"Kendall? It would be very much appreciated if you hurried along in there. You're not the only one in this house who would like to use the bathroom!"

The regal voice floated through the cream door in the reflection, Kendall unable to resist a smile at the sound of it.

Her mother was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful people she knew with a serene and graceful demeanour about her; it was almost ethereal. She and her mother were almost identical; they shared the same coloured hair and same slender face with full lips, however with her father's help; her skin was a tone or two lighter.

Those closest to the family had their own opinions on who Kendall emulated more. To some she was most definitely her mother physically but very much her father as a person; to others she was her mother's daughter through and through. In her own opinion, she considered herself a hybrid of two of the most powerful people on earth. It was a fact she was very proud of.

Grabbing the beanie on the sink, she pulled it over her hair knowing better than to reveal it so early in the morning. She would save it for a more opportune time, she decided mentally as she turned from her reflection and reached for the door. Pulling it open, she smiled thinly at her mother.

"Sorry Mom, just got a bit carried away," she murmured as she moved past her elegant mother.

Ororo eyed her daughter carefully, her sapphire gaze narrowed slightly as she eyed the black beanie on her daughter's head.

"I just wanted to try a new look," she stated with a weak smile.

Kendall felt her heart sink as her nose twitched. Her white eyes, devoid of any iris or pupil, turned down the peach coloured hallway, following the scent. The distinct musky smell of earth filled the hall, tainted with the smell of coffee and a hint of cigar. Heavy footsteps brushed the cream carpet, her ears picking up the casual approach.

"I smelt somethin' like iodine an' came t'investigate," the husky voice greeted as Kendall watched her father's stocky figure enter the hallway.

Kendall swallowed, trying her utmost to calm the rising nervousness in her stomach. Her mouth twitched as she tried to smile.

"Well Dad, I'm in a hurry. I have to meet Dr. Banner at the laboratory. Apparently he has to run a few tests..."

Logan's dark eyes narrowed dangerously as he raised a brow at her head, Kendall frowning in response.

"I'm just trying a new look! Is it against the law to wear beanies?" she cried defensively as Ororo came to stand directly behind her.

Ororo and Logan shared a look as Logan edged closer to their daughter.

"If ye say so darlin'," Logan shrugged, as Kendall's muscled tightened on instinct.

Unknown to Kendall, Ororo waved her hand and on command a swift shot of wind forced the beanie off. Ororo's eyes widened as she gasped, while Logan simply stared, his mouth falling open.

"Kendall! Ye march right back int' that bathroom an' wash that colour out!" Logan roared as Kendall's brow furrowed.

"Dad, I'm 20 years old for crying out loud! I'm not 12," she argued, her fists shaking as she glared.

Kendall sensed her father's erratic pulse, noting his deep and purposeful breaths whilst his mouth twitched.

"Hold on Logan," Ororo murmured, raising a gentle hand at her husband before turning her glassy stare upon their daughter.

Kendall felt her father's pulse lessen drastically at the notion, as though he were surprised.

"Kendall, why did you dye your hair without telling us? A little warning would have been nice," she asked, folding her arms across her chest.

Kendall sighed.

"Well, I thought that considering I am 20 years old, not 12, Dad, 20, that I wouldn't need to ask your permission," she replied as diplomatically as possible, daring to meet her mother's eyes.

"Well that ain't gonna happen, not while yer still livin' under my ro-"

"You said you had to go and see Dr. Banner?" Ororo interrupted.

Kendall cocked a brow at the interruption as she cast a sidelong glance at her father's positively sour face. Ororo nodded at her, giving a wink before touching her black fringe.

"I think it looks nice, very different," she complimented, causing a smile to play on Kendall's lips.

"Thanks Mom."

With a grin she felt an urge to kiss her mother's cheek, doing so swiftly before approaching her father, who continued to simmer at her.

"I love you Dad," she murmured, kissing her father's whiskery cheek before flying towards the front door.

"You know yer curfew," Logan growled as Ororo came to stand at his side, shaking her head slightly.

"Just come home safely," she murmured as Kendall departed with a rush of air.

"Thanks fer choosin' her side," Logan growled, turning to return to the kitchen as the front door clicked closed.

Ororo flinched as she reached for her husband's arm, causing him to stall.

"Logan, we've discussed this countless times already-"

"Since when did we agree to let Kendall dye her hair?" he retorted, Ororo's eyes hardening as she released his arm.

"You and I both know very well that this is about more than just Kendall dying her hair," she replied coolly, crossing her arms firmly across her chest.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Logan countered defensively as he turned to face her, his brow still furrowed.

"Kendall is no longer a little girl, Logan. And whether you like it or not, she's becoming her own woman," Ororo reminded gently.

Her lazuli gaze dwelt on his face as his face flinched with warring expressions before absolving to a sombre look.

"But she's my little girl," he replied softly as he released a heavy sigh.

Ororo pulled her husband into her long arms, kissing his forehead.

"Our little girl has grown up," she murmured, releasing Logan.

"An' if her mother is anythin' t' go by, she's gonna have a lot o' guys throwin' themselves at her. But they won't be gettin' far," he replied, his fists summoning long blades accordingly.

Ororo rolled her eyes as she ran her finger along one of his blades, before lifting the same finger to trace his jaw line to touch his lips.

"Oh Logan, ever so valiant aren't you?" she murmured as her husband pulled her to him, his arms sliding around her waist.

His touch never failed to make her heart flutter as her own arms circled his shoulders.

"I love you 'Ro," he murmured, his breath tickling her lips.

"I love you too Logan," she smiled before leaning in to make his lips her own before Logan pulled away, his eyes glinting.

"I still don't like her hair though," he muttered.

Ororo laughed aloud as she pushed her husband against the pale orange wall, crushing him with her body.

"Enough about Kendall and just kiss me already," she hissed, Logan's brows rising slightly as he smiled wolfishly, conquering her mouth with his own.


"Doctor Banner?"

Her echo answered her tentative call as her leather boot-clad feet brought her slowly through the large space. The chrome surroundings were plain within themselves, if not for the rainbow lights of advanced technology twinkling, as if to acknowledge her approach. The computers and other scientific trinkets faded into the silver mass of the laboratory as a whole as Kendall's gaze caught on the raised platform at the centre of the lab.

Resting on a silver dais, enclosed in glass was the Mjolnir. The leather-bound hilt gleamed in the artificial light as her snow-coloured gaze traced the familiar inscription on the oblong shaped metal.

"Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of ... Thor," she murmured, her breath fogging the glass.

As she inched closer for inspection, her hands rested on a metal panel. Registering her touch, the panel began to glow, as did the Mjolnir. Kendall had only time to utter a curse as her body became enveloped in the blinding light.


Author's Note : Do forgive any OOC-ness. It's my first X-Men fic so do be kind. Please review and let me know your thoughts.

I feel as though this will be a piece about 5-6 chapters, at least that's the hope.