Just watched Tangled not too long ago and have been in love with the movie ever since. This story popped into my head and I had to write it. It was going to be a one shot, buuuut… I think it's going to be just a bit longer than that! I hope you all enjoy.

Chapter 1

It had been just three years since Rapunzel had been returned to her true family, three years since she had met the love of her life, and three years she had been released from her prison of a tower, evil mother and that incredibly long hair. In those three years, she and her hero, Eugene Fitzherbert, had fallen more and more in love with one another than anyone had ever seen a couple fall in love. And, it had been just shy of three years when Eugene finally got Rapunzel to agree to marry him.

Oh, at first there was the week-long celebration after Rapunzel's return, and of course it took her a few months to get used to the idea of living in her true home. Growing used to living in the kingdom had nothing to do with her parents, for she had fallen so comfortably into calling them hers that it was no problem at all. It was instead the getting used to the idea that she could come and go as she pleased. After so many years of being locked away, and then receiving that taste of adventure and freedom, Rapunzel found that she wanted more. And that was where Eugene met his match. He courted Rapunzel, as one should, for months, but found that her newfound freedom kept her wanting to explore more and more. He first asked her on her nineteenth birthday, the exact one year-anniversary of when they both realized their feelings for one another. She smiled, her eyes glowing as any woman wanting to say yes would, and thanked him kindly but said she wanted more time to explore the world with him, before the hassles of being tied down with the responsibilities her parents told her that a royal marriage would bring. And so they traveled. It seemed whenever she had the chance Rapunzel was always begging Eugene to go somewhere; whether it was through the city to see whatever and whoever she could, for a ride on Maximus through the gardens and valleys surrounding the kingdom, or for a slightly farther destination with the use of boats or longer horse seemed that Rapunzel's sense of adventure and curiosity never died, which made Eugene just all in love with her even more. Sometimes he felt her need to explore more ignite the Flynn Rider qualities within him, which made life all the more exciting, as it appeared his girlfriend had less fear of the world since she had seen more of it.

Within that second year, Eugene proposed at least five more times; on a trip, at dinner, in the gardens. Each time Rapunzel would tease him, giving him a flirtingly divertive answer, or telling him that he would just have to be patient. One time she ignored him all together, and instead shoved a spoonful of some sort of new recipe into his mouth, asking for his opinion. And even without his answer, he couldn't deny the excellence of her cooking.

And finally, nearing the end of their second year together, came the glorious day when Rapunzel finally gave her answer. The ex-thief found himself feeling rather desperate, fearing that the girl he had grown to love so much, who had changed him in so many ways for the better, whose family had accepted him so completely, would never be his wife. And so, in one more desperate and well intentioned attempt, he had set up a little surprise for his bubbly girlfriend. They were just returning from a week of camping out in a mountainous valley nearby, and were seated in a long canoe heading back towards the castle. With the moon high above, Eugene stopped rowing and let the boat slow to a stop, gently taking Rapunzel's delicate hands in his larger ones, running a thumb over the back of her hands as he smiled lovingly, leaning forward to place a kiss on her lips. As he slowly pulled back he couldn't help but smile, she was as beautiful as ever, her bright green eyes sparkling, her short brown hair just barely brushing her shoulders. After all those years of carrying around that large weight of blonde hair, and in the act of love by Eugene's rush decision to save her by hacking her tresses off with a shard of mirror, Rapunzel had grown rather fond of her new hair cut, and kept it that way as she could.

"Remember the first time we came out here Blondie?"

"Hah, how could I forget?"

"Well, I thought since we're out here…we might as well…" he turned, pulling a lantern he had managed to hide from under the bench he sat upon. It was larger than the last ones they had held, intricately painted with the symbol of the sun. He held it out for her to hold the bottom as he lit a match, lighting the candle inside, his hands grasping hers before they let the lantern up into the sky. However, this time, the lantern didn't finish its ascent, but rather hung there in the air, tethered by a ribbon to….Rapunzel's eyes flittered down to the new weight on her finger, a delicate jeweled ring on her left hand. Her eyes quickly lifted to Eugene's face, which wore a smile he only ever wore when looking at her in the way he was, eyes full of love.

"Rapunzel, I can't hold it in any longer. I love you… and I have for quite some time."

The old Flynn Rider would have scoffed at this mushy show of affection. But Eugene Fitzherbert, a man who was positively head over heels in love with a princess; a man who had laid his life on the line for her and would do it again one hundred times over, did not scoff at his feelings, and instead needed to show his beloved just how he felt, before he lost his mind.

"You've changed so much about me, for the better, and you saved me in so many ways. I can't handle you saying no anymore. I know how you feel about me. And I promise, we will never lose our adventures. This is just adding to them. Please…marry me?" his eyes were full of pleading as he stared at her, his hands squeezing hers, the lantern floating just above their heads. Rapunzel's expression was one of amusement, smirking at him playfully as she looked between him and the ring. The next moment seemed to happen all so fast as she ran her fingers over the ring, Eugene fearing she was taking it off. Before he knew what was happening however, she had leapt forward, practically knocking the boat over in her attempt to kiss him deeply, the lantern slowly floating away from them.

Anyone who had been anywhere near the water would have heard the joyous yell of "she said yes!" and the excited giggle of a princess.

Now the newly married couple found themselves snuggled into their warm bed, the sunshine just barely beginning to shine through the open terrace doors, a warm summer breeze lightly blowing the lace curtains. It had been just a few months since the wedding and the kingdom still seemed intent on rejoicing. All within three years, they had received their lost princess, an improved kingdom, and finally a prince worthy of the princess and the throne.

This morning however, said prince and princess were thoroughly deep asleep in their large bed, a small green chameleon curled up on the same pillow as Eugene. The pair never realized as Rapunzel awoke and slowly climbed out of bed, fully intent on getting a drink of water from the basin in the corner. The peace in the room was interrupted with a large crash of porcelain and an even louder scream. Eugene leapt from the bed and to his feet in a tangle of blankets, ready to defend his beloved from whatever had made her scream. Pascal was rather red himself, especially after having flown into the air and landing onto the headboard of the bed. Eugene was quickly stunned into silence and then short gasps of breathy screams at the sight of the woman before him.

"Blondie! Y-you-youyouyou're…you're blonde!"

BUM BUM BUM! Hope you all enjoyed. I had other ideas for this story; like I said.. it was going to just be a one shot buuuut I couldn't help but write Eugene's many attempts to get Rapunzel to say yes. For some reason I just really saw her actually wanting some more time to get used to her new life, and explore the world she never knew, before marrying Eugene. And now… what was supposed to be the basis of the chapter, has become the cliff hanger :D. Ain't I a snot? :P

Hope you all enjoy! And remember, rates, reviews and alerts make for a very happy author, .