A/N: Hey guys! Back with some more Little Guy/Kimishima action! :) Haha, this one was fun. I hope you enjoy it!

Little Guy sighed exasperatedly, staring at the pictures and information about the current case that sat in his lap. They had been reviewing the information for hours and still hadn't gotten anywhere. He glanced over at Dr. Kimishima who had her eyebrows knit together as she looked at the picture of the blood spatter on the wall.

"Something isn't right," she murmured.

"What isn't?" Little Guy asked.

"The blood spatter. It's not clean. Do you see what's it's like on this side of the wall as opposed to the other side?" She pointed to the picture. Little Guy leaned over, squinting as he studied the picture.

"I think…I think somebody was standing there Dr. Kimishima."

"Hmm. That would make sense. I'm not sure why I didn't think of that before." She looked over at Little Guy and gave him a small smile. "Thanks Agent."

"Ah, no problem Doctor."

Down the hall from Dr. Kimishima's living room, a buzz from her dryer could be heard.

"Agent, can you go see about that? I want to check this…" She trailed off, shuffling around some of the papers on the coffee table. Little Guy nodded, lifting himself off of the couch and heading down the hall. He opened the door to Dr. Kimishima's laundry room and stepped inside to see her black washer and dryer.

So like her, Little Guy thought to himself.

He tugged open the door on her dryer, sticking his hand in and pulling out an article of clothing to check and see if it was dry. He froze when he saw what he was holding in his hands.

It was a pair of black lacy panties.

Little Guy swallowed hard, his cheeks burning red with embarrassment, and stared at the undergarments in his hand. He had guessed that Dr. Kimishima didn't wear regular panties, but he had no idea about this.

He threw the panties back into the dryer, pulling out another garment.

This time it was a Victoria's Secret push-up bra.

Dr. Kimishima definitely doesn't need this, he thought. The bra was simple, solid black with white outlining the edges. He tossed the bra back in and tried to find something else.

This time it was a thong.

Okay! Enough laundry for me, Little Guy thought hastily, throwing the navy blue thong back into the dryer.

"Little Guy? Are my clothes dry?" Dr. Kimishima's voice drifted into the laundry room.

"I…um..." Little Guy mashed a button on the dryer and started it. "Not quite. I put some more time." He exited the room, rubbing his temples and sighing shakily, trying to dismiss the sexy thoughts that were tumbling around in his head.

He made his way back into the living room, plopping back down onto the couch next to Dr. Kimishima.

"What took you so long?" she asked, still reviewing the information on the coffee table.

"Nothing," Little Guy squeaked. Dr. Kimishima glanced over at him, leaning back into the couch.

"Something wrong Agent?"

"O-of course not."

"Oh," she said slowly, realizing what had happened. "I forgot that load was my delicates." Little Guy nodded, his cheeks turning red again. Dr. Kimishima smirked.

"You get flustered too easily Agent," she said in a sultry voice, running her finger along his jawline. "It's like you've never seen ladies underwear before." He muttered something under his breath, picking up the picture of the blood spatter and studying it. Dr. Kimishima smiled, kissing his cheek before resuming her work.

Mental note: don't check Dr. Kimishima's laundry for her.

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