I do not own Twilight ~ Stephanie Meyers is the owner. This is just fan fiction.


This is all human! When Bella is told that she is to marry Edward Cullen per business arrangement with her father, she believes that everyone around her is crazy. Her life as she knows it seems to be over and she is struggling to find a way out of this nightmare. Who are the Cullen's and why are they so strange?


This is Your Home ~ CH 1



It was odd that I was suddenly seeing him all over town, everywhere I went, he was there. He was suddenly talking to me as if we were old friends. Every chance encounter would turn into an impromptu date, where I would always talk about my life and never knew too anything about him. This was going on for two months, then yesterday he showed up again while I was at the deli, he asked if we could have lunch with him. I made sure I paid because I knew something wasn't right. Then right in the middle of the lunch he asked me to marry him and presented me with this huge ring. This guy was crazy! I told him he was out of his mind and needed to slow down, I was not marrying him, we didn't even have a relationship. He insisted that he knew all about me and knew we were the perfect match. In fact my father already gave his approval and the business arrangements were all made. I freaked out, I was scared something had happened to my father. So I ran out of the restaurant and raced home. I prayed that my father was okay. I was so relieved to see him sitting on the couch, his usual spot when he wanted to talk to me. I sat down with him ready to tell him about this crazy man. I started to speak when he put his hand up.


"Bella, dear" my father started, "I am so happy that you and Edward Cullen are getting married. I am sure Mrs. Cullen will plan a nice wedding." "What are you talking about?" I yelled.


"Edward asked today didn't he, I know it seems sudden, but all the arrangements have been made. He will make a good husband and you will love his family." This is some sort of nightmare, this is just absurd, "I really don't care what arrangements you made with anyone, I decide who I want to marry. This isn't some third world country. I am nineteen years old and in college!" I yelled at my father.


"Bella, you WILL marry Edward Cullen, you really don't turn down an offer from Carlisle Cullen." My father yelled at me, he rarely ever yells. I looked back at my father, "Well there's a first time for everything."


The fucking Cullen's are that freaky type of family that looks so perfection the outside, but you know they are really creepy. I mean seriously Carlisle and Esme Cullen have three sons who all came out perfect at birth. She probably didn't even raise them, I bet she had maids do that for her. No matter where you see her she is just perfect, not one hair or fabric out of place. Of course when you look like that you get to marry a man like Carlisle, who belongs on the cover of a magazine. Even their son's wives are too gorgeous to be true, they must live at a salon and never eat.


Then that Edward, he has that stupid messy hair that is meant to look messy but must take him hours to style. Why the fuck would he want to marry me? if they think I am going to become some sort of stepford wife too, they are out of their minds. Wait, a minute, I am NOT marrying him anyway!


"Dad, I don't know if this is a joke or you are losing your mind. I am an adult and can do what I want, you cannot and will not force me to marry anyone." He smiled at me, "Bella, let's not make this bigger than it is." What did that mean?


Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Edward Cullen just walked in. "What are you doing in my house?" I yelled at him. He smiled at me, "I love that my fiancé has such a great sense of humor." He put his arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug and tried to kiss me. I pushed against him with all my might. "I am sorry this is all so new for you, I have had months to prepare for you to be my wife, while you only found out now. I have to learn to take it slow with you." What? "What do you mean you had months? We are not getting married." Whatever deal you had with my father does not include me." He smiled at me, "Well, Bella you are the deal, don't worry it will all work out. We know each other so well now, you know you want to marry me"


Before I could respond he was pulling me out to the car and my father was behind us. I looked at my father, hoping to see some sort of regret or change of mind, but he opened the door for Edward to put me in the passenger side. I quickly tried to get out and get away, but my father stood there blocking me. "Go meet his family and have a nice dinner." Tears started flowing down my face, I tried hard not to cry, but didn't understand what was going on. Was I losing my mind? Did we have a relationship and I was the crazy one? NO NO NO, this is wrong, I am NOT losing my mind.


Edward got in the driver's side and leaned over me to buckle me in I took a deep breath in afraid of what he might do. He chuckled and kissed me cheek, I wanted to vomit. He quickly sped off, when he got to a red light I quickly tried to unbuckle the seat belt and jump out. He grabbed my arm and looked at me in the eyes. He took a deep breath, "Bella do not make me angry, You will meet my family and have dinner with us. That is all I am asking." He didn't let go of my arm until I relaxed sat back into the seat. Then he started smiling again and continued driving. How the fuck did I get in this situation? He was going to kill me, I know it. He is going to bring me into the woods, rape and kill me and my father is letting him?


HE stopped the car, and I looked out the window. The house was huge, no check that the mansion was huge. I didn't think places like this existed where we lived. It looked like something out of an English garden calendar. The house was surrounded by a large gate , the only opening was where we just pulled in. The land the house was on was huge, there were rolling hills in the backyard back and a huge pool and barbecue pit. The house itself looked like a hotel, what kind of business are the Cullen's in?


He walked me into he house, or rather pushed me, I felt numb all over. He guided me passed the long hallway and into the kitchen. Maybe his family was normal and could help me. I just had to get to a phone and call the police, I should have paid attention to the street signs, God I don[t even know the address of this place.


In the kitchen there were three maids preparing dinner while his mother talked to them. His mother immediately saw me and walked over. She hugged me "Welcome to our family." His father greeted me "Hello and Welcome Bella, you have made my family very happy." Oh God, this is some sort of nightmare, they are as crazy as him.


I shook my head, "I think there has been some misunderstanding. I cannot marry him, I hav..." His mother hugged me again, "Oh don't worry honey, it will all work out, come meet the rest of your family." They were all insane and I was trapped in here with them. I tried to look at one of the maids, I tried to show the terror in my eyes, but t hey all just smiled at me. I just wanted to get out of here, I am trapped in some sort of Stephford Wives Mary Poppins Hell.


She led me into the dining room which had the hugest diamond chandelier I have ever seen. I bet they eat off diamond plates and have gold utensils. In there was the rest of his family. They all looked up at me, I felt so out of place, not that I wanted to fit in, but it made me stand out more than I wanted. His mother smiled and grabbed my shoulders, "This is Bella, Edwards finance. We finally get to meet her after all this time. Well we are not going to embarrass you too much, we'll just let my sons and daughters introduce themselves and then we'll have dinner." What did she not get, I am NOT marrying her son.


Carlisle looked at one of his sons, he stood up, "Hello Bella, I am Emmett and this is my beautiful and pregnant wife Rosalie". She stood up when he said her name, smiled at me, "Hello Bella, Congratulations." She looked only a few months pregnant. He had short black hair and was very muscular and tall, he also had this huge warm smile. Rosalie was a beautiful blond, her hair was perfect around her face and shoulders, her makeup was done to perfection and she of course had that pregnant woman glow. They sat down, then the second brother stood up, he had shoulder length blond hair and almost golden eyes. He was thinner than his brother, but also quite muscular as well. "Hello Bella my name is Jasper and this is my lovely wife Alice." She also stood up when he said her name, she giggled "Welcome to the family." She had short spikey hair and was tiny but confident.


Edward gestured for me to sit and start eating, and I did. I was actually quite hungry. I watched them all eat and hoped that my food wasn't poisoned. Even though the room was very formal, they were quite casual at dinner, of course they had napkins on their laps and never spilled one piece of food, but there weren't; twenty forks, knives, and spoons on the table.


As I ate I listening to their conversation trying to figure out if one of them was sane, I needed help getting out of here. Obviously the parents were delusional,. but maybe one of the wives could help me. The conversations were about each of their days; the good and the bed. They all listened to one another and laughed at each other's jokes, it was like a tacky sitcom. Edward place his hand on my knee and I thought I would scream but felt it might not be the best time. I tried to move my leg, but then he started rubbing moving his hand higher and higher. I stopped moving my leg and he kept still. I tried my best to pretend his hand wasn't there.


Then when dinner was over and their maid removed all he dishes. I saw the men get up and pull out the chairs for their wives. As soon as Edward pulled out my chair, I knew this was the best time, "It was lovely meeting you all, but I should be getting home now. I've had a long day." Everyone just smiled at me, Esme rubbed my arm, "You are home dear." WHAT? "Excuse me?"


Edward rubbed my back, " Bella, I thought it would be a nice surprise to have all your stuff moved in while we had dinner, we have our own wing, as does everyone in this house. We have our own master bedroom and bath, three rooms for kids one day, a beautiful deck and a small kitchen. It's like a house within a house. You will love it."

I couldn't speak, it was like I was trapped in a horror movie, I wanted to scream, shout, push and kick, but only tears formed on my face. "I don't know what is going on, but I am leaving here now." I felt myself getting hotter and hotter and tried to move away, but Edward has his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. Soon my legs felt very heavy, I had to get out, but couldn't breathe. My head felt like it was exploding, Oh God, What the fuck is going on? Then the room started to spin and everything went fuzzy.



I'll have the next chapter out soon, I promise.

Please! R&R and be honest. I would love some feedback... PLEASE?