Santana Lopez had lots of things going for her: Good looks, enough intelligence to get good grades without trying, a smokin' hot body, a daddy that spoiled her rotten, an adorably dorky boyfriend, and very regular periods. So regular, in fact, that they always came between 6 and 7 am every fourth Friday. They had been this way since she had gotten her first period at thirteen so she was always prepared. So when she woke up on Friday, March 11, she showered, put her panty-liner in place and got ready for school. By the time her first break rolled around at 10:15, she headed to the girls' bathroom with a tampon. She was sure it would be time for that, but when she checked, the liner was completely clean and dry. She knew her period had to be coming. She had had some mild cramping, she was emotional, and her breasts were sore. Those were signs of pms, right? She was just having a particularly bad case of it and Aunt Flo would be crashing the party any time, she was sure of it, sort of. She went to her next two classes and tried not to think about it. By lunchtime she still hadn't gotten it, and she was becoming more and more on edge. Her mind raced back to Rachel's party two weeks before where she and Sam got wasted and they did the deed for the first time. She had never taken "the pill" but was a smart girl and always insisted the guy she was with wore a condom. It was better anyway since she wasn't always monogamous, but she vaguely remembers Sam saying that he didn't think he could get her pregnant since he was a virgin, and in her drunken stupor, she thought that sounded accurate. She didn't even want to get her mack on with Sam or link pinkies with Brittany. Her best friend and new boyfriend were dumb, but at least Brittany could tell something was up.
Brittany caught up with her at her locker after they had finished eating, well Brittany ate, Santana didn't really feel like it. "So listen, how about you and I pop in some Sweet Valley High this evening, maybe get our cuddle on?" Brittany suggested.
"I can't tonight, Brit-Brit" the Latina replied, "I'd really like to get our sweet lady kisses on but I haven't been feeling very sexy. I think I have a bun in the oven".
The blonde's eyes went wide with shock, "did you see a stork building a nest on your roof too? I know he was just getting ready to bring me my baby, I know where they come from, I'm not stupid. I didn't want to say anything because I wanted to surprise everyone when he got dropped off. I'm pretty sure it's a boy, I hope he comes with his own little wheelchair because he'll fall out of Artie's. Oooh! I just realized our babies will be cousins or something, this is going to be so much fun!".
Even though it was Brittany speaking, Santana could not believe what she was hearing. Did she really think storks brought babies? They were both there when Quinn gave birth and Brittany did have a brother and a sister that were quite a bit younger than her so it was hard to believe. She wrote a mental note to explain the birds and the bees to her friend later, but right now she had her own problems to worry about.
"Okay, I will come over tonight, and we'll figure this out. In the mean time, just please don't tell anyone, especially Sam. Or Artie for that matter."
"Your secret's safe with me", Brittany smiled, and Santana knew it was. Brittany was a lot of things, trust-worthy was one of them.
Santana talked Sam into hanging out with Artie for the night. He had been saying he wished they were as close and their girlfriends were anyway. Poor guy really was clueless. He told her they were going to play a marathon round of Halo or watch Avatar or brush up on their Na'vi. Something adorably dorky like that, she was pretty distracted and wasn't really listening to him. She drove 30 minutes away to a neighboring county. Her dad was a well-known doctor in town and with all the volunteering she did at her local hospital, plus being a very popular former cheerleader, everyone knew her and her family. She couldn't help but notice the judgmental look the cashier gave her but she didn't really care, she had to get this over with. At 6 pm she showed up at Brittany's house with four pregnancy tests and two very large bottles of water.
By 6:30, they both had their answers. They had each taken two tests, and Brittany's were negative, not that that was any surprise. Santana, however, looked down at four very pink lines. "Shit", she muttered as her eyes filled up with tears. "My life is officially over". Brittany engulfed her best friend in a hug just as Santana began to shake and cry uncontrollably.
a/n. This is just something I thought up tonight. I'm sure this title has been done a million times, but it's all I could come up with in the moment, lol. This is my first story, and it's not Beta'd so it's probably rough.