Sorry I haven't updated guys! School's been hard and I did write the next chapter before, but being stupid, I didn't save it. UGHHH. Whatever here's chapter 3! I love reviews! And sorry I switch point of view a lot. I was just trying to... capture the essence? I don't know.

Rachel's POV

"I'll be right back guys." Whispered Blaine.

I guess he was afraid to break the on-going silence between the three of us. It was awfully awkward.

"So... Rachel... how's McKinley?"

Kurt seemed so desperate to start a conversation, he resorted to asking about school.

"'s slushy filled hell. But, what else is new?"

I smiled and gave a small giggle which was returned with the same from Kurt.

"Back guys!"

Blaine smiled and said as he sat down next to me"

Wasn't he sitting next to Kurt? Maybe he just forgot? No... Blaine wouldn't forget about that... I'm just paranoid.. No?

Blaine's POV

Hopefully it's not noticeable that I changed seats.

Kurt's POV

Why did he change seats?


"Ok guys so how's it going?"

Blaine said as he got comfortable.

" 'It' referring to what Blaine? Your seat change?"

Kurt just read Rachel's mind. Blaine's face turned bright red and he put his hands on his lap.

"Oh did I change seats? Silly me.."

You could tell Blaine was not very comfortable.

Blaine's POV

Dang it. I blew it. I slowly get up and sink into my seat next to Kurt. My master plan has failed.

"Here you go, guys!"

The waitress places a small coffee cup, a glass of ice water, and a large steaming gray mug on the table.

"Blaine, what is that?"

Rachel snaps almost immediately after the waitress leaves.

"Oh, just the most amazing hot chocolate you will ever have."

I grab the mug and blow slightly on the top.

"Interesting, Blaine."

Kurt also took his drink from the center of the table.

"So what was the point of this little outing, Blaine?"

"Honestly Rachel, I just wanted to catch up and just... chill you know."

What was I supposed to say? 'Honestly I'm just trying to figure out if I'm gay or straight?' That would be horrible. But how should I approach this. Darn. I should have known. Why did I invite Kurt? Separate dates would have worked much better. I guess I have next weekend planned.