You Belong with Me

Chapter 1


It was the year 2028 on our wedding day. Everybody we knew was there, from Phineas and Ferb's side to my side, and all of our friends, sitting in lawn chairs outside, waiting for it to start. They were all in tuxes and dresses. The weather was beautiful. There was hardly any wind. The birds were singing lovely melodies and flying gracefully as Phineas and I stood at the alter, hearing the minister recite the ceremony.

"Do you Phineas Flynn," He asked. "Take Isabella Garcia-Shapiro; in sickness or health, to be your wedded wife for as long as you live?"

"I do!" He said. The minister turned to me next.

"And do you Isabella Garcia-Shapiro take Phineas Flynn, in sickness or health, to be your wedded husband as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I said, smoothly. The minister closed his book.

"Then I hereby decree you, husband and wife! You may kiss the bride!"

Phineas turned to me and leaned in for a kiss. I took down my veil. I waited patiently, eager for what I've been waiting for since the summer when we were ten; our wedding kiss!

Then Phineas opened his eyes and spoke to me. Oddly however, instead of his voice, it was our sixth grade math teacher, Ms. Plotz's voice.

"Isabella." He said in her voice. "Isabella. Isabella!"

I snapped back into reality and looked around. I was now back in my sixth grade math class in the present.

I looked at my teacher who was glaring right at me. She tapped her ruler in her hand.

"Ms. Garcia-Shapiro!" She snapped. "Quit daydreaming and answer the question!"

"I uh…" I hesitated. I leaned back in my seat as she leaned in my face. Now what was the question? I didn't hear it. My mind was still on Phineas. I looked at him

"Isabella!" The teacher scolded.

"I'm sorry Ms. Plotz," I told her. "What was the question?" She sighed deeply and moved away from my desk. I sat upright again.

"Baljeet!" She pointed to him. Baljeet put his hand down.

"Easy!" He answered. "Isosceles Triangle." I glared at Baljeet. Showoff! No wonder this is his favorite class!

"Right!" The teacher said, then came to my desk and leaned in my face again. I again leaned back. "If you weren't daydreaming, Ms. Garcia-Shapiro, I bet you would've known that."

"Rigghhht!" I laughed, nervously. She gave me my personal space, tapping the ruler. "Don't let me catch you daydreaming ever again Ms. Garcia-Shapiro."

"Yes ma'am!" I saluted. "It will never happen again." I put my hand down.

"You better not or I'll write you up!"

"Yes Mrs. P."

The bell rang then. Kids immediately got out of their seats, and put their stuff away.

"Remember the homework assignment!" Mrs. P told the class. "Problems 1-30 on pages 544 and 545."

"Yes Ms. P!" Everybody said at once. When they got their things, they headed out of the door.

"Oh, and also, there will be a new student tomorrow named Jasmine, so give her a warm welcome. Bye kids, see you tomorrow."

When I was all set, my friends and I left the classroom and headed for our lockers.

"Wow!" Phineas observed. "Jasmine is going to be in all of our classes!" I looked at him, confused.


"That's what every teacher said today after each of our classes. A new student is coming tomorrow named Jasmine. Didn't you hear?"

"No." I admitted. "I was daydreaming."

"Again?" Buford questioned. "You daydream too much, but I guess that's because you're a girl."

I didn't reply, I just looked at Phineas. He looked at me too, smiled, and continued walking.

After we got all the stuff we needed out of our lockers, we headed for the buses. Since it was spring, and all of the snow was gone, we didn't need our winter gear since the weather was perfect.

We met Ferb waiting in front of our bus. We all greeted him, and then all of us boarded the bus.

On the drive home, Phineas told his stepbrother about the new student.

"I know!" Phineas said. "We should make a card for her but not just any card, a super special jumbo card like we did for Mom's birthday." He then snapped his fingers.

"Ferb, I know what we're going to do today!"

"After our homework?" Ferb questioned.

"Yeah, yeah, after our homework." Ferb smiled.


Perry turned on the monitor when he sat in his chair at HQ. Monogram appeared on screen.

"Hello Agent P." Monogram greeted. The platypus saluted him. "Dr. Doofenshmirtz has made a machine that can suck up all bowling balls in every bowling alley in the tri-state area. A bowling ball magnet, if you will. We need you to stop him, and bring every bowling ball back. We'd like for you to do it by 4PM today, because that's when Carl and I have reservations at the Danville Bowling Alley. So, get to it Agent P!"

Perry saluted. He jumped off his chair, and went off in his hover car.

When Perry walked in his nemesis's apartment, he saw the 'bowling-ball magnet', three big cylinders attached to a large machine, each cylinder with hundreds of bowling balls in them. Each cylinder had two buttons under them. The platypus was surprised to see Pinky, Isabella's chihuahua and a fellow agent, there. He was in a small cage on the floor near the doctor, who was arguing with a tall, bony, mean-looking white-haired woman.

The platypus tiptoed in, not wanting to disturb the fight. Pinky saw him and barked excitedly. Perry tried to hush him, when the two humans looked at him.

"Aw Perry the Platypus." He said. "I'm so glad that you're here. I was right in the middle of my scheme, waiting for you to arrive, when this so-called 'evil genius' showed up, followed by her own nemesis, who also seems to be an animal. Sorry, that cage trap was meant for you, but…"

"Your nemesis is a platypus?" The woman interrupted.

"Shut up!" Dr. D snapped at her. "Your nemesis is a dog. A tiny, yappy dog, at that."

"Touché!" Dr. D looked at Perry.

"Go on Perry the Platypus," He urged him. "Tell Professor Poofenpuss…"

"Professor Poofenplotz!" Professor Poofenplotz corrected.

"Whatever!" He pointed at her. "Tell her that I'm a much better and more intelligent evil villain than her." Professor Poofenplotz's jaw dropped, and then looked mad. She put her hands on her hips.

"Intelligent? Oh pleeeaasssseee! You stole every bowling ball in the tri-state area, that's not evil. Well, it is kind of evil for the citizens wanting to bowl, but still your plot is stupid." This angered Dr. D even more.

"I am not!" He said. "Take that back!" Perry helped Pinky out of his cage while the two were arguing by sawing him out with his hat blade. When Pinky was free, Perry put his hat back on, and then the two animal agents looked at the two humans.

"Humph; I will not!" Poofenplotz scoffed. "The only reason I came here is because your stupid bowling ball magnet is interfering with my own, better evil scheme. Why would you even need all these bowling balls?"

"Very well, I'll tell you, but only because I want to explain it to Perry, too." Doofenshmirtz huffed. "I will use all these normal-sized bowling balls to make the WORLD'S LARGEST BOWLING BALL! With this massive ball at my command, I-"

"Two local kids already made the world's largest bowling ball last summer." Poofenplotz sneered. "I read about it in the World's Most Pointless Records."

"Did they use the ball for evil? Did they?" Doofenshmirtz snapped. "Anyway, I will use the bowling ball to roll over the Tri-State Area, knocking down all those who oppose me like… well, like bowling pins." He laughed evilly at his plan.

"That plan is still dumb." Professor Poofenplotz told him. Dr. D stopped laughing and looked mad at her.

"Oh yeah?" He challenged. "What's your bright idea?" Prof. Poofenplotz smiled at the doctor.

"I was in the middle of developing a new perfume that contains a hypnotic chemical that will put anyone who uses it under my control." She bragged. "I would market it, and once it became popular, I would activate my signal and take over the world with my brainwashed army! The only problem is, the hypnotic chemical smells like rotten eggs. Probably because the main ingredient is rotten eggs."

"So that explains where that smell is." Dr. Doofenshmirtz sneered, holding his nose. "Peyew! No one would buy that!"

"Bowling ball rubber is the only compound that can mask the smell. Granted, then they'd smell like a bowling alley, but I suppose that's better than rotten eggs, and I might be able to find a niche market for it." Poofenplotz explained. "But you took all the bowling balls I need to finish my hypno-perfuminizer formula!"

"Wow, that is a better idea then mine." He then realized something. "Wait, do you end all of your invention names with 'nizer."' Professor P looked confused.

"Yeah, don't you?"

"No, I end all of my inventions with 'inator', but on rare occasions I mix it up, but mostly I go with the suffix 'inator."' Prof. P snorted.

"Inator? That's a dumb way to end the names with your inventions. But I suppose it is fitting, seeing as how your inventions are dumb, too." Dr. D looked mad again.

"Well, 'nizer' is a dumb way to end the names of your inventions too." Prof. P glared at him.

"Oh really? Fine, but I'm still going to take over the world because I'm clearly the superior diabolical mastermind!"

"You take that back; I'm the eviler villain here. If there's any taking over something, it's going to be me with the Tri-State Area."

"Dream on! It's going to be me."

"No, it's going to be me!"





The two animal agents looked back and forth from their nemeses to the other. The animals stopped, and sighed. They were both thinking the same thing. This might take a while.

Perry looked at his watch. The time was a quarter to four. He then remembered MM and Carl were planning to play bowling in fifteen minutes. He went over to the machine. He looked at two buttons on it. One read 'Self Destruct," He rolled his eyes at that one. Seriously Dr. D, a self-destruct button? He looked at the next button labeled 'return to all appropriate ball returns of Tri-State", he grinned, and pushed the button. He then heard a loud sucking noise as each ball shot to the hole in the top. He saw Pinky do the same with the other two buttons underneath each cylinder. It was even louder now that the two had to cover their ears (well, Perry didn't really have ears, so he covered where they would be).

They both looked to see if Dr. D and Prof. P have heard. They didn't. They were too busy arguing too even notice. Perry and the dog both sighed with relief. That was a close one! The two animals then left the building, figuring that this fight between the two humans will last all day.

When they were outside, the two animals grabbed and strapped on their jetpacks, waved goodbye to each other, and flew to their houses.


When I came into my house I greeted my mom and Pinky who shook his whole body with excitement that I was home (well, he always shakes for no apparent reason, but this time with excitement). I bent down and petted him on the forehead. I stood up and went to do my homework in the kitchen.

After my homework was done, I decided to call Phineas on our family phone in the hallway between the stairs and the room where my mom practices her upright bass.

"Hello?" I heard Phineas' mom on the other end.

"Hi Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher." I greeted. "Is Phineas there?"

"He sure is! I'll go get him." I then heard Phineas' mom calling Phineas down. I heard somebody going down the stairs.

"Hello." Phineas greeted on the phone. I smiled.

"Hey Phineas." I said. "Are you done with your homework?"

"Sure am!" He said. "Ferb and I are making the card for the new student."

"Do you need help?" I played with the telephone cord, twisting it around my finger.

"Nah!" He answered. "I want it to be a surprise!"

"Oh Phineas, you know I won't tell."

"I know. But this way, you get to see it fresh too. Ferb and me…" I then heard someone clearing their throat. I guessed it was Ferb. "Ferb and I will present it tomorrow when she arrives."

"Okay, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow!"

"Okay, bye!"


I stopped playing with the cord, and hung up. I went towards the stairs to my room.

"Isabella!" My mom said. "Who was that on the phone; was it Phineas?"

"Yeah mom." I told her. "It was him. He's busy, so we can't get together."

"Does he have a lot of homework?"

"No, he and Ferb are working on a card for a new student that will arrive to school tomorrow." Mom then looked interested.

"A new student? Remember, be nice to him or her, Isabella, welcome her or him with generosity and open arms."

"I will, mom."

Mom and I then went our separate ways. Me, to my room, and Mom to the kitchen to make dinner.

After dinner, I went up back to my room to read some more. I only read ten minutes when Pinky entered the room. He was shaking. I put my bookmark in my book, went off the bed, and patted Pinky's head. Pinky smiled through his shaking which made me smile; my dog just loves being petted!

"Hey Pinky!" I said. "Where were you all day?" My dog of course didn't answer; instead he gave me a lick on the check. I laughed.

"Oh Pinky, I missed you too!" Pinky then laid on his back, signaling that he wanted a tummy rub. I smiled.

"You want me to rub your tummy?"

"Arf, arf!" Pinky barked. I began to rub his tummy. He especially loves that!

"You like that?" I asked.

"Arf, arf!" He answered with his tongue hanging out, panting. I could tell he was enjoying this. I then grabbed a chewed up tennis ball in the corner of the room.

"Go get it boy!" I challenged him. Pinky immediately got up, and ran for the ball. When the ball rolled to a corner, he took it in his mouth, ran back to me, and dropped it in front.

"Arf, arf!" He barked, ready for more. I laughed.

"Okay, okay!" I grabbed the ball and threw it in the corner again. "Go get it boy!" Pinky, once again, shot after it like a bullet.

We played like that for 15 minutes until Mom shouted up to me that it was my bedtime.

"Okay!" I shouted back. I walked into my bathroom to brush my teeth and go to the bathroom. I then went to my closet to put on my PJs.

When I was done with that, I climbed under my bed covers. Pinky went to lie in his dog bed.

"Night Pinky!" I told him. He yawned, barked back, and went to sleep. I laid my head on the pillow and did the same.

The next morning in homeroom, I could see that Phineas could hardly sit still at his desk. I leaned towards him.

"Excited, Phineas?" I asked, He turned to me, stopped, and looked at me like I asked him the most stupid question in the world. He then smiled at me.

"Sure am!" He said.

"Do you have the card?" Baljeet asked. He turned to him.

"Yup!" He replied. "Ferb will bring it momentarily."

Just then we saw the principal, Ms. Shelby enter the room. With her was a girl with curly black hair, and had a yellow shirt with a daisy in the middle and white laces at the bottom. When the two went to the front of the room they turned around.

"Class," The principal began. "I like you to meet your new classmate, Jasmine Preston."

I looked at Phineas. He had hearts in his eyes. I smiled dreamily at him.

"Whatcha doin?"

"I think I'm in love." I then felt hope. Could it be? Did Phineas finally realize how I feel about him? Pinch me, I must be dreamin'!

I then noticed that Phineas wasn't really looking at me. I stopped.

"Um, Phineas?" He didn't listen. "Phineas?" I waved my hand in front of his face. "Oh Phineas! Earth to Phineas, snap out of it!" I then stopped, and looked at what Phineas was gazing at. I gasped at who it was. My hopes and dreams shattering into a million pieces.

Phineas wasn't looking at me at all; he was looking straight at Jasmine!