I ran through the forest. The shouts of the demon hunters getting closer. I stumbled but luckily didnt fall. 'Damn! their getting closer i have to hide! and fast!' I sped up and in seconds stopped in front of a familiar mansion. I looked back at the woods before looking back at the house. I smiled ten frown. 'Theres another demon here...' My black cat ears twitched and my tail swished. I heard shouts and cursed. I lept up landing on the window seal. I looked in to see a amall boy with bluish-grey hair. I smiled and opened the window climbing in. I closed the window and walked over to the bed.

"Ciel..." I whispered. The boy jumped and sat up eyes wide. I gasped when I saw his eyes. one was blue but the other one was purple with a contract seal. "Brother... Why?" I whispered as I hugged him. He shoved me off.

"Dont touch me! Who are you?" He asked ashe glared at me.

"Ciel? It's me! Sissy! Remember? Ravenshadow! I'm your sister!' I said.

"I dont have a sister! And your a demon! Get out!" He said.

"Ciel!" I said shocked.

"SEBASTIAN!" my little brother called. I raven haired demon rushed in.

"Young Master whats wrong?" He asked He looked at me.

"So... Your the one who saved Ciel? Well I guess I should say thank you. But I wont let you take his soul. Really its disgusting what your kind do." I said.

"Well not all of us like to eat mice and rats." Sebastian said. I smiled and twitched my ear.

"Wait! Who are you?" Ciel asked me.

"Ravenshadow Phantomhive, Daughter of Vincent Phantomhive. Your sister. I'm a fullblooded cat demon." I said.

"WHAT?" Ciel yelled.

"Father was a cat demon. My mother was one also. But I'll explain later do you have a sniper here?" I asked looking at Sebatian.

"Yes.. But why?" He asked. But I was already out the door I found the sniper and ran to the roof. Sebastian and Ciel following. I pointed the sniper right as the demon hunters came into view. I took aim and fired killing one. I shot the other three and put the gun down.

"Who were they?" Ciel asked

"Demon hunters. They were chasing me" i answered.


"I went undercover and snuck into their base. I nearly killed Jack the leader, before i was caught and chased out." I said

"Why did you do that?"

"Because, they killed my mother, Rose. After they did Dad and I went into hiding. The Queen said she would keep us safe if we protected her. Dad said he would. Thats when he met your mother. He fell in love, I loved her to she was so nice. When you came along i was soo happy cause i would have a baby brother. though it was confusing cause you born a full blooded human. We stayed secret for awhile than Jack found out and killed father and your mother. I was away on slaying business at the time. When i heard that the house was on fire i rushed back but you were gone and father was dying. he told me to run. so i did. A year later I heard you were alive." I said.

"So..Father was killed by demon hunters?" Ciel asked. I nodded.

"BASSY!" Came a voicwe behind us I smirked. We turned to see a red Shinigami.

"Hey Grell long time now see." I said.

"Raven! So nice to see you again. Here brought you somthing." He said throwing a syth to me.

"OH! Nice. Sharp. Thanks." I said.

"You know each other?" Ciel asked.

"Yes. I'v known him for awhile." I said.

"Lets go in side." I said. We all headed in side. I smiled at Ciel as I ruffled his hair. He growled and pulled away.

"Sebastian get some tea." He ordered the red eyed demon bowed and left.