Taking his affirmative answer as a green light, Morgan finally blurted out, "What was death like?"
Reid remembered how he had won his drinks, the night before that fateful case and grinned. "It would be impossible to discuss the subject without a common frame of reference."
It was worth it to see the looks of shock on all of their faces.
"Reid, are you saying that we would all have to die before you would discuss your insights on death?" Prentiss asked incredulously, but Reid saw a shadow of a smile in her eyes.
-Star Trek: the Voyage Home, dialogue between Dr. McCoy and Spock
"Now you tell us, what's the answer to life, death, and the universe?"
"Forty two," Reid answered promptly.
-Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Deep Thought
"Come on, Boy-Who-Lived, I think we've all had enough for tonight."
-Harry Potter
Looking back, he saw her flash a hand, palm facing forward, splayed so that the thumb was spread wide and her four fingers were grouped into pairs.
-Star Trek, general, the Vulcan hand salute paired with "Live long and prosper"; personal note, during church services at the exchange of the peace, my dad and I will do this as we are typically too far away to actually shake hands
You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Thanks again for reading my article. I'll send you a copy of the journal when it comes out. In the mean time, good night, Emily, good work. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.
-the magnificent Princess Bride, starring Cary Elwes and (surprise!) Mandy Patinkin; I couldn't resist
And despite the fear and the situation, Reid's mind supplied him with the perfect tension breaker.
"Isn't that the universal greeting when communications are down?"
Morgan looked at him in shock, as did Emily before she realized exactly what Reid had said. Then she smirked and responded, "I thought it was the universal greeting when you didn't like somebody."
-Star Trek: Insurrection, (I know, again, but I just can't stop) dialogue between Com. Riker and LaForge
"But," Emily continued. "It's not our fault that you got your hands on a Krell machine as a kid and the rest of us have to pump up our IQ's the hard way."
Reid's laugh was almost a beat too late, but he recognized the reference just in time.
"Well, I can't help you with that. And don't expect a dress with star sapphires either. They take a week to crystallize properly."
"Then you can give me diamonds or emeralds."
-Forbidden Planet of 1956; this is one of the movies of my childhood, nicknamed the Robbie Movie in honor of Robbie the Robot who can replicate any organic and inorganic matter given a sample, namely the dresses of the female heroine who is accustomed to prompt and speedy service with precious stones at her beck and call; the Krell are the native species of the planet-moon Altair who had machines designed to boost a person's intelligence, too bad it actually kills you from overload if you use it too long but it's a nice and tempting wish
"Besides," she said, with a trace of amusement which caught his attention again. "No power in the verse can stop me."
"Also, I can kill you with my brain."
-Joss Whedon's Firefly, much too short lived
"I know, I know. Just, I have to ask. How are we doing?"
He was tired, struggling to breathe properly and 78.3 percent positive he was going to die. But Reid still noted and processed the fact that Emily had said, "we" and realized what she was doing.
"Uh, same as always," Reid answered, smiling involuntarily and then coughing violently.
"That bad, huh?"
-Star Wars, 'nuff said
"Have fun storming the castle."
No one should have heard him, let alone known what to say next.
But Emily had paused in her head-long rush and turned her head back to see him, taking in his subdued mood and resentful words.
"Think it'll work?" she asked, her voice full of meaning and implication and ignoring the way the rest of the team had stopped to stare at them.
A ghost of smile forced itself on Reid's face. Of course Emily would hear him and continue the dialogue. He was surprised at himself that it surprised him.
"It'll take a miracle," he answered.
-Princess Bride, again, I just can't get away from it