Chapter 8

Author's Note: Okay guys, this is the final chapter. Originally, I had intended a more adult love scene, but this little PG-13 wrote itself instead.

I hope you enjoyed my story.

Please leave a review, it might just encourage me to write another one

"You are my ever"

"You are my ever"

Sara's words echoed in his ears and it was as if a damn had broken inside of him, the current of emotions breaching the walls that he had erected to protect himself, spilling overtop and soaking everything in it's path. John had known since the moment he'd left Paradise that Sara would forever be inside of his heart, but secretly, unconsciously, he had guarded a part of himself, protected it by never truly believing that she could feel the same way about him, that way the inevitable disappointment would sting the less.

John had never wanted anything the way he wanted Sara, not even his own life. Yes, she was beautiful and desirable, he wanted her body, but he also wanted her to ache for him the way he ached for her. He wanted her to wake up in the middle of the night burning for him, to see stars when they touched the way that he did. But even more than that, he had wanted her heart to belong to him. Now, her words unlocked that door, sending every hidden feeling within him rushing out toward the light.

Sara's eyes bore into his, watching the storm of emotions swirling in their luminous depths, trying to read what John was thinking - - she saw his doubt suddenly replaced by certainty, no longer resignation and loneliness, but hope and happiness instead.

John released the breath he hadn't even realized that he was holding, exhaling deeply as he pulled Sara's lips to his, finally giving in to his stampeding feelings. Where his hand still lay above her heart, he could feel Sara's heart skip a beat as he reached for her.

Time seemed to stand still and speed up all at the same time. Sara had been unprepared for his sudden power. John had never kissed her like this before. She suddenly realized that he had always held back in the past, cautious that her feelings may not have matched his own.

The fire in his touch was exquisite as his lips meshed with hers. His hands threaded through her hair pulling her close, stilling her movement atop his lap. She wanted everything from him. Sara opened her mouth and John pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her waist as his tongue swept across hers. The sensations bombarding Sara's mind were too numerous to process, even if she could have found the thought to do so. John tasted like peppermint, and coffee, and heaven.

Every nerve in her body felt electrified, Sara thought her legs would have given out had they not been seated already, as John continued his thorough exploration of her mouth, his hands holding her tightly, but remaining remarkably still themselves. She moaned into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck as she tried to get even closer.

It felt as if she were flying and falling all at once, how could John be so strong and so soft all at once? So powerful and yet gentle at the same time? Passionate and yet respectful? Truly kissing John for the first time was a rush of contradictions.

Sara leaned her body down onto his, leaving only a hair's breadth between them, she could feel the evidence of his desire stirring beneath her. Suddenly, the lamp above them exploded - - the bulb shattering into a hundred pieces, giving off a blinding white flash of light before plunging the bedroom into semi-darkness.

A few milliseconds later, the power for the whole building blinked, surging off before quickly surging back on again, but Sara hardly noticed, her entire focus on the explosions that John was setting off inside of her. John noticed however, noticed that he was losing control of his growing legacies for the first time since he'd originally started to develop them back in Paradise nearly two years ago.

"Wait" he gasped, his hands shining a brilliant blue as they flashed beyond his control. Panting as he pushed Sara's lips from his, he slid her entire body backward across his lap and toward his knees, trying to place her at a safer distance.

"Are you okay?" she asked breathlessly as she perched as far from his lap as was possible without her falling to the ground, chewing on her lip in confusion at his sudden change in demeanor.

"I can't . . ." he trailed off, his breath coming in ragged gulps, the sweat beginning to shine across his forehead, soaking his hair. John suddenly felt like he was on fire, but no longer the good kind - - the kind he had felt that day in class when Mark had set him off by insulting Sam.

"Can't what?" Sara asked, reaching toward him in concern, running the back of her hand across his forehead "Oh my gosh, you're burning up" she exclaimed, John's skin was scorching to the touch.

As the back of her hand brushed innocently across his brow, Sara had leaned herself forward to reach him, brushing her body against his waist, and the whole building had gone dark again, the power blinking off longer this time before returning to normal.

"I can't control it" John whispered through strangled breath, fear of his own power creeping in for the first time in ages. His legacies had always been tied to his emotions - - even in the beginning, he had been stronger when he had grieved for Henri or feared for Sara's life, but he had learned to channel it safely over the past year, at least he'd thought he had.

"John . . ." Sara murmured, scooting closer still, trying to comfort him by placing a hand on his

cheek. He looked like he was in pain, and Sara could only deduce that she was the one causing it, though she didn't know why.

Outside her third-story window, a brilliant flash of light erupted as a transformer exploded, causing the traffic light up the street to plunge into darkness.

"Oh!" Sara gasped, finally realizing what was happening.

John's powers were linked to his emotions, earlier he'd told her all about how he and the others had been teaching themselves to control their legacies, to summon them on demand and how not to summon them by accident. Six was quite naturally the best at this skill, since she rarely bothered to have emotions in the first place, but John had become very proficient himself over the past year. He hadn't accidentally exploded anything since before he'd left Paradise.

Now, John was blinking the whole building on and off - - he couldn't seem to control himself around her. Actually, if it weren't for the fear she saw in John's eyes, Sara would have found the whole thing extremely flattering.

What if he couldn't help himself, what if he hurt Sara? The worry overtaking him, John moved to stand, intending to swivel and place her in the chair as he stood up, but Sara pushed him back down, using her body weight as leverage to prevent him from fleeing.

"Don't" she implored, kneeling with either knee to the sides if his thighs as he sat, balancing herself above him. Sara didn't know what to do, only that running wasn't the answer. She realized now that she had been waiting for John to come along for her entire life, not just the last year and a half. Whatever was happening, they would face it together.

"Look at me" she commanded, her fingers guiding his chin to face her, his eyes eventually raising to meet her gaze "Breathe, okay, just breathe."

John's impulse was to run, to close his eyes and hide, run from the raging current that had suddenly taken over and made his body an unwilling participant in it's powerplay, but something stayed him - - Sara. As the world started spinning on it's head, he had heard her voice, he could hear it now.

"Everything's okay" she murmured, caressing his cheek softly, kissing his forehead "Just breathe, in and out"

Sara kept touching him, her fingers on his cheek, her lips on his brow, the constant contact eventually allowing his body to adjust to the sensations and become used to the simultaneous firing of every nerve ending in his body. John focused on his breathing, listening to the soothing sound of her voice, letting the torrents of emotion crash over him again and again. After a few minutes, he was in-control of himself once more, his hands still warm, but no longer glowing unbidden in the darkness of Sara's bedroom.

"Hey . . ." Sara whispered, leaning forward to kiss his cheek "Are you okay?"

"Sorry" he managed quietly, reclining his head against the back of the chair and staring up at the ceiling.

"For what?" Sara asked, finally giving his lips a gentle kiss now that he was back with her "I thought that was kinda hot" she confessed, kissing him again.

"My near melt-down?" he asked, looking her in the eye and raising his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Yeah" Sara confirmed teasingly "Not that many girls get literal fireworks"

John couldn't help but smile in response, finding nothing but acceptance in her eyes; Sara wasn't afraid of him, even when he scared himself. His eyes darkened as he held her gaze a bit longer, the air between them beginning to smolder with electricity as he realized that Sara truly was right here with him in this moment.

Sara shuttered in his arms, the way John was looking at her right now made her stomach flutter. His eyes held love, and desire and the promise of things to come. Reaching for her, his kiss this time was slow, but no less powerful. His tongue stroked hers lazily, exploring every inch of her mouth before traveling slowly down her neck, leaving fire in it's wake. He sucked gently at the hollow below her collarbone, then traveled upwards again to exhale softly behind her earlobe.

John's attentions were maddening, and Sara was shivering in the most delicious way as she fisted one hand through his hair and her other made it's way under his shirt. Sara pressed her nails into John's skin as her hand skimmed across his stomach, causing the muscles there to twitch their approval.

Sara allowed herself to melt into John, sinking further down into his lap. She could feel his hardness, throbbing beneath her center, creating the most delicious burn low in her belly as his tongue set her mouth ablaze. Sara moaned as John ran his hand down her neck and between her breasts to play with the buttons on her shirt. His fingers moved quickly over the tiny buttons, releasing each one swiftly until he pulled the shirt from her shoulders tossing it to the floor.

Sara ran her hands through his hair. Gasping as the pad of his thumb flicked back and forth over one camisole-clad nipple, she let her head fall back bonelessly. Just when she thought she might come apart, he switched to the other nipple, nibbling his way back up her neck, kissing her soundly on the lips as his hands continued to knead her breasts. It felt as if molten lava were flowing through her veins, every nerve from her fingertips to the tips of her toes was alive and singing.

"Bed" she whispered, pulling her lips from his for just a moment.

Sara wrapped her legs around John's waist as he stood, moving across the room to deposit her carefully onto the bed. John stood above her for a moment, pulling off his hooded sweatshirt and letting it fall to the floor before settling beside her on the bed in only his t-shirt and jeans.

John ran his hand across Sara's cheek, brushing her bangs out of her eyes tenderly with the tips of his fingers and tucking them safely behind her ear.

"I love you" he whispered, his eyes looking deep into her own.

"I love you too" Sara promised, bringing her hand up to intertwine his fingers with her own "forever"

The End