Bold is Draco
Italics Hermione
I am so bored.
Malfoy why are you passing notes with me?
Did you not read the last note because I'm bored.
Who cares I want to get and A and not waste time.
Your point it is?
We'll get in trouble.
I seem to recall you and your friends always get in trouble.
So it was special circumstances besides none of it's on my permanent record.
You checked your permanent record?
Can you wipe mine out?
Fine I'll keep passing notes and get you in trouble.
Hey did you know Mr. babblings babbles.
Okay spoil sport
Wow you were right this is boring.
Shush I'm trying to concentrate.
First time for everything.
You know ever since the war has ended things have been pretty boring.
What's this Granger willing passing notes the world must be ending.
Haha very funny.
You know how some girls say black is slimming.
Well it makes Mr. Babblings look fatter.
It does doesn't it.
How are we suppose to concentrate when were distracted by our teachers layers of fat.
Like you were going to concentrate anyways.
So I need an excuse to tell my mom.
I was distracted by how fat my teachers were wow.
Its better than the other five ones.
Which were.
The same I was passing notes with a cute girl and still am.
Did you just call me cute?
Can you tell Potty to hurry up and ask Loony out already before we die of anticipation.
They have names you know.
I know.
Write it with me Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood.
Wow you're a comedy you should join show business.
Your just jealous cause you have no girl that likes you.
Yeah while you have Weasel that's so awesome.
Haha very witty besides he's perfect.
Gag me with a spoon.
I was being sarcastic.
Oh trust me I know.
Guess what I wrote a haiku.
Want to hear it.
Not Really.
A red Weasel ewe.
Smash it with a heavy book.
Look no more Weasel.
I'm not talking to you any more.
As if you can resist my charm.
I'm sorry, pass notes with me.
Well since you apologized No.
Ooh harsh.
I know that's the point.
Did that poem insult your boyfriend?
Yes it did.
Good it did its job.
I hate you.
Hate you too.