A/N: SURPRISE! I updated more than once today! Don't you love how I tied in Tony Zucco? Anyway Ill quit talking so you can read the story!

Artemis's POV

I was on my way to ask Robin what his problem was when he ran past me in his civvies at a speed that would make a marathon runner quit.

"Out of my way!" he snarled as he shoved past me.

I stopped Wally when he red to run past me. "What is Robins problem?" I asked.

"Idon'tknowwewerelookingatyourfile …" he would have kept going if I hadn't stopped him.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOU MY FILE!" had Robin hacked it? Did he know about…no! He can't!

I knew I had to follow him.

I hopped on my motorcycle and began to pursue him, but then I got the idea to see where he was going first.

Robin's POV
"why didn't Bruce tell me? That explains why the staff didn't see Zucco, she took them out" I was angry, no scratch that, I was FURIOUS. I drove up to the gates of Wayne manor, ran in my room, grabbed my phone, and called Bruce.

Artemis's POV

"He lives with Bruce Wayne?" I thought as I watched to see where he was going.

He headed upstairs and threw down his jacket revealing his utility belt which he threw on his bed and stormed out. This was the opportunity I needed; I snuck into his room through the window.

He was talking to someone, and getting closer! My first instinct was to hide, so I hid in his closet. I heard him walk in a second later on the phone, and he sounded angry.

He had the volume on loud enough so that y well-trained ears could hear the whole conversation.

"We need to talk Bruce"

"Is this important?" The person on the phone asked. "Yes, it's about Artemis crock, are you alone?" at the mention of my full name I knew it was important.

"I am now, what is it?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That the same person who tried to kill me works with assassins and played a part in the death of the Flying Graysons, MY PARENTS BRUCE!" he yelled as he threw off his sunglasses.

As soon as I saw him I put two and two together, he was the crying little boy that night that I had my first mission. I let out a gasp, but Robin didn't seem to notice.

"Richard I had no idea, Ollie told me about the assassins but not the murder. It seems were going to have to have a LONG talk"

"I'm sorry I blew up on you Bruce, I have to go, I need to do a book report."

"On what?"

"The goddess of the hunt"

"I'll be there soon"

"Sounds good"

Robins POV

When I took off my glasses, I heard a gasp come from the closet. Artemis.

I used our code to tell him that there was an unwanted guest and that it was Artemis.

After I hung up, I slowly made my way over to the closet.

Artemis's POV

After he hung up, it got too quiet. Then before I knew it, the door swung open revealing a very angry Robin…or Richard.

"What are you doing here!" he demanded, I was too scared to speak. Me, Artemis, scared of a thirteen year old kid. But he had a batman-like presence when he was mad, and THAT'S what scared me.

"I asked you a question!" he growled.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?" I shouted. I knew exactly what his problem was, it was the fact that he had been on the same team with someone who helped murder his parents.

"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" he shouted back, when I didn't reply he continued.

"I'm the kid that was crying next to his parents bodies that night!" he replied a little softer.

"I didn't think…" I started to explain but was interrupted by him.

"You didn't think? You didn't think that killing two innocent acrobats would have consequences?"

"I did my time in juvie and changed!" I retorted, but what he said next would haunt me forever.

"I meant the consequence of an orphaned boy forced to live with the idea that he could have saved them, the consequence that I have to live with the image of their death in my head for the rest of my life!" after that I shut up, seeing the consequences of my actions scared me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I got hit with some type of gas, and everything went black.

Robins POV

After Batman knocked her out we carried her to the Bat-cave where Martian Man-hunter was waiting for us.

"I've asked J'onn here to erase her memories of the past few hours" he said as he laid her on the table.

While the Martian worked on Artemis, I told Batman all the details. He was clearly angry with Green Arrow for not telling him these things.

When Green Arrow arrived to pick up Artemis, Batman gave him the never-keep-secrets-from-the-Batman talk.

After they left Bruce gave me a few days to get over all this craziness.

The next time I saw Artemis, she ignored me as usual. Wally would not stop asking questions about why I ran off until I told him I had gotten an urgent call from Batman, which seemed to satisfy him.

Normal POV

While Robin was taking his "vacation", he took some time to go visit his parent's graves.

When he got there, he began to tell them all that happened in the past few days.

"…I've decided to forgive Artemis for everything, and I hope you guys are proud of me...I miss you…"

A/N: And that concludes my story. Did you like it? Robin would have been ere today but he is at the graveyard. I will be working on a cute Robin Oneshot, until then, this is SuperninjaX signing off.