That evening

"What am I going to do..?" Xion asked her self while sighing, feeling a bit depressed that she couldn't summon her keyblade like before. She felt hopeless and defenseless without it. Maybe she felt like that because the Organization needed her since she could wield it; without out it she would be worthless to them. It also saved her multiple times from the heartless in many worlds. It even carried memories of her self and Roxas. It felt like yesterday when the blonde let her use his keyblade when she couldn't summon hers at Beast's Castle and he had to fight neo shadows with a stick. The girl's ocean blue eyes glanced around the area, she was in to notice the wall covered with vines and flowers, the huge pool with a bridge over it and mini bar by it, and the glass tables with umbrellas sticked right through the middle. Of course, it had chairs around the tables so people could sit down or eat. The mansion really was amazing and it was all for herself, Axel too. Though it was so quiet with hardly any people living within it and a bit eerie. The teen crossed her arms and sat down in a chair by the table as her eyes drifted down to the calm waters of the pool. "Axel.. where are you?" she thought, still waiting for her friend's return.

"Hey, Roxas.." Sora began while entering their shared bedroom to see the blonde laying down on his own bed with his arms behind his head. The brunette sat onto his bed and looked at his nobody while leaning forward, holding his hands together. "I think you should go visit Xion or something.. she IS at that big mansion all by herself now. She might be lonely, maybe even scared. Plus, it would be good to give her company. I would do that if Kairi was her."

Roxas looked over at the Hero of Light and sighed softly while leaning up from his bed. "I don't know.." The blonde said as his eyes drifted down to his bed. He was scared to see or interact with her. Every passing day, he became more and more curious on how she even came back. What if he forced it out of her one day from being to protective and she suddenly disappears again? Xion never told him anything about how she came back or what's her purpose of being here. All he knows is that something or someone would be checking up on her. Surely one of those people is Aqua.. but why? How did she get mixed up into this? The nobody's head was filled with thoughts about his best friend- no; girl friend now since they did kiss and all, more than once.

After wards, Sora kept going on about checking up on Xion; saying what if she fell down the stairs and broke her neck or something. The teen could tell that he is worried about her too, seeing her as a sister. "Fine, fine.. I'll go.." The blonde said while pushing his self off the bed to leave the house. Sora sighed in relief, glad that he would be checking up on her and fell back upon his bed to rest. Roxas made his way down the stairs of the house to see his mother already cooking dinner. "Hey mom.." he started off while walking into the kitchen a bit.

"Yes, dear?" she asked while looking back.

"I'm going to check up on Xion, so.. I might come home late tonight." he continued on, letting her know about where he was going so she wouldn't freak out later.

"Oh okay then. I understand. Bye Roxas." she finally said, returning to slicing the food for dinner as the boy walked out of the house to walk straight into a corridor that would lead to the mansion. He really didn't want to walk up that steep hill. That's when he noticed a man with spiky red hair standing right out side of the gates with a small luggage hanging over his shoulder. The blonde couldn't believe it.. He took a step forward as Axel opened the gates with a spare key to walk up to the mansion. "Ax-" Roxas said but couldn't finish. The teen thought he was gone forever. Since, the nobody did use his limit to destroy all the dusks as he and Sora were traveling through a corridor.

The pyro slowly looked back, hearing half his name being called to see his best friend, Roxas. "ROXAS!" he yelled in excitement while walking up to him to give the boy a welcoming hug. "How are you doing? What have you been up to?" he asked while closing the gates after the teen had walked onto the same side.

The blonde finally broke down and hugged Axel tightly as tears formed within his eyes. He didn't like the feeling of losing one of his friends and actually, the man was the one that taught him about things when they were in the Organization. The pyro was the first and only friend he had until Xion came along too. The three of them then became the best trio of friends. Roxas couldn't lose him again.. "What have YOU been doing lately?" The blonde retorted after hugging him, both walking to the front door.

"Umm.. just staying with two nice ladies after they found me upon the shore lines.." Axel started while looking up at the warm colored sky. "I would have looked for you but there was so much people in Destiny Islands so I was hoping to bump into you or Sora one day.. Looks like today is my lucky day though." Roxas looked up at Axel, wondering how he even came back and how he ended up with coming over to Xion's home. Were they both a part of the same thing or experiment?

The teen shook the thought out of his head and continued to follow the pyro until they made it to the living room of the girl's home. That's when he saw the other teen sitting down in a chair, waiting for Axel's return. "XION!" Roxas yelled while opening the sliding glass door so she could hear him. The former replica looked back a big smile appeared on her face. She was glad that he actually came over. The girl quickly got out of her seat and walked over to the blonde to pull him into a big hug.

"I thought you wasn't coming!" she exclaimed as tears of happiness formed. The two then looked into each others eyes and slowly leaned in to gently kiss each other upon the lips.

There Axel stood in shock, not expecting this to happen or his two friends to be a couple now. Though he quickly got over it and clapped loudly while looking at them. "so.. where is the wedding going to be at?" he teased as the two pulled away, embarrassed. "C'mon now~ Nothing is different. I'm the same Axel, you two know and care about."

"It doesn't matter... we are all here together now." Xion finally said as her self, Roxas, and Axel was standing in a circle with her arms out, hands touching each others. Showing that they are a team and friends.

A/N:: I'm sorry that this chapter came out a bit short. I didn't proof read it also, so if it has any mistakes. SORRY~

; - ; I'm so tired when I write these stories.. Well~ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter a bit and yes it will get more interesting in the future with drama. ;]

AND of course, more romance between Roxas and Xion.