
Hey everyone! This is my first Darkest Powers fanfic and I would very much appreciate reviews. This was originally going to be a one-shot but I figured a two chapter story would add more suspense. I'm currently working on a Storm Hawks fanfic so if you watch the show, check it out. Well, enjoy the story and please, R and R!

I was terrified. I was running for my life. I could feel it gaining on me, its hot breath against my neck. There were sharp branches, whipping past as I tried to escape the growling behind me. My bare arms and legs stung, and I could feel the brambles catching on my clothes. Something flashed in the corner of my eye, and I heard an unearthly howl coming from somewhere behind me. Panic forces me to stumble into a clearing with a sudden burst of speed.

I stood there, panting an eerie silence settles over the dark forest. My body finally gives up and I collapse on the ground, pulling my knees into my chest. A cold wind blows through the clearing, roaring furiously in my ears and causing me to hide my face in my knees. The wind blew so hard that I was afraid it blow something my way that could hurt me. I looked up into the sky, to notice something strange. The clouds weren't moving. The wind continued to blow and I saw that the leaves on the trees remained completely still. What was going on?

I felt the wind stop and I lifted my head to find the clearing completely dark. Suddenly, I heard a noise terrifying close to me. I shut my eyes and thought about those precious moments when I felt safe. The only image that came to me was that of a certain werewolf. I imagined myself tugging at him to come do stuff with me instead of staying locked in his room, studying. The noise suddenly became loud and I felt a weight on my now outspread legs. Terror rushed through my body, causing me to freeze. I wished for light of any kind. I immediately regretted it.

The clouds that had been blocking the full moon evaporated and I clearly saw the horrifying sight that lay on my legs. A badly mangled body of a teenage boy was crawling on me. The body was ripped and torn, the smell of decay making its way into my nose. As it grew closer, I realized with utter revulsion that the part of his body that I had mistaken for eyes were just empty sockets, filled with white squirming maggots. I tried to scream and pull away, but the body held its grip. It was so rotten that it was almost unrecognizable. Almost. I had the terrible feeling in my gut that I knew this person.

My suspicions were confirmed when the body let out the two words that were said with the most anguished that I had ever heard in my life, "Help, Chloe." It was him. But, how? My feelings were so overwhelming that I opened my mouth to scream but instead I felt an icy hand slip into my throat and begin to choke me. I felt myself slipping away and the last thing I saw was the look of evil pleasure on Derek's rotting, dead faceā€¦