Hello! This is my first Alpha and Omega story, and I promise, If it goes well, It won't be my last. I'm writing this because I saw Alpha and Omega the other day, and thought, 'Screw it, lets write a fic about it :)' I'm also going to apologize in advance to all you Kate and Garth fans out there, they will be the 'bad guys' if you like, of this story. As you can tell, My favourite couple is Humphrey x Lilly, but thats not to say I won't write stories about the other couples. Anyways, Your all getting bored of me talking, so I'm gonna shut up and get on with the story. Hope you guys enjoy it. :) Set 3 months after the film.

A/N: I don't own anything I shouldn't.

Cheaters Never Prosper

Chapter 1: Happy Days

Humphrey POV

I stood at the top of Jasper hill, eyes closed, visualising the hill, and its obstructions, in my head. As I did, the adrenalin began to kick in. It made me feel invincible, like it was me against the world. But it wasn't. Salty, Shakey and Mooch stood behind me, ready for the off.

"Are we gonna get going, or are you just gonna stand there?"

I opened my eyes, and rounded on them.

"It takes concentration this! One screw up..."

"Except you won't screw up. You never have, never will." Mooch put in.

"Whatever. Let's go for the off then."

We all clambered into our trusty log sled, that I had made myself. I climbed in back, because I drove. I always steered this thing.


Three nods in front of me. With that, I pushed off with my back legs, and we were off. None of them were taking this very seriously. Salty had his hands in the air, not even helping to steer. I was doing a good job, avoiding rocks, trees and whatever stood in my way. Suddenly, something white streaked on front of us.

"Watch it!"

I recognized the voice was Lilly's. As we flew by, I just had time to yell,


I'm sure at that moment, Lilly laughed. The end of the hill was fast approaching, and my makeshift ramp was the final test. We advanced on it, and we all lifted the sled, taking off into the air.

"WOOOOOOOOO!" we all yelled in unison. It was great to get out and do stuff with my friends again. I'd been spending a lot of time with Kate, and I had to keep putting them off. But today was different, because Kate was 'busy'. She wouldn't tell me what with though, which annoyed me. But I trusted her enough to know that she had her reasons for being secretive. But my line of thought was interuppted by Shakey's terrified scream:

"Humphrey, Look out!"

I looked over the side, and realised we were going straight into a tree.

"Pull back and turn when I say!"

All of my friends nodded. They all looked terrified. It would have been funny if our lives weren't on the line.


We all pulled back with all our strength, and swung our body weight to the left. We missed the tree, but all collapsed out of the sled. Hitting the floor hard, I hit my head on something hard. I managed to get up, but I was seeing stars.

"Everyone alright?" I asked.

3 shaky voices replied "Yep."

"Sorry about that guys."

They shook of my apology.

"Don't worry about it, just don't try and kill us next time."

"So Mooch, never screw up do I? Even the best make mistakes."

Mooch and the others all laughed hard. I couldn't help but notice the smiles on my friends faces. I smiled back, but my smile turned to a look of horror when I realised: It wasn't their nice smiles, It was their evil smiles.


I got flattened, but I couldn't help seeing the funny side. I heard 2 females laughing as well. Managing to shift my friends of me, I noticed it was Kate and Lilly. Kate's golden fur was like a shimmering waterfall in the late afternoon sun. Lilly stood there, casually flicking her hair our of her right eye, allowing you to see both of her purple eyes. Lilly's eyes were and had always been the best part of her. But I could never tell anyone I thought that. They would tell Kate, and well, lets just say I wouldn't look very pretty.

"Having fun?" Kate asked.

"Of course. We're Omegas. It's our job to have fun."

Lilly snickered at my words. Kate looked at me.

"Why did you attempt to kill Lilly?"

"That's not true! I just... didn't look where I was going." Lilly said, coming to my defence.

Kate turned to her sister.

"Maybe, if you stupid hair hadn't been in your eyes..."

"Hey! A couple of months ago you said you liked it!"

"Yeah, out of your eyes!"

I watched as the two sisters continued to bicker and argue. A big smile emerged on my face. I was watching Kate. I loved the way she reared up on the balls of her paws whenever she got ratty. I whispered to my fellow Omegas.

"OK boys, time to break this up."

"How? I ain't getting in the middle of them." Mooch said. The others nodded their agreement. I sighed.

"Fine. Wait here."

If Kate had taught me anything in the three months we had been together, it was how to hunt. Although I wasn't technically an Alpha, she thought it would be a handy skill to have. I hadn't got the hang of the flips and the like, but I had the basics mastered. I crouched down low, keeping my pawsteps small and quiet. I never took my eyes of my target, and kept my breathing shallow. I counted slowly in my head.



"3!" I pounced at Kate, who had turned around in time, to get tackled by me. She ended up on the floor, while I was on top of her, pinning her.

"See, I'm getting better. Then again, I had a great teacher."

Kate laughed.

"How can you just break up arguments like that?"

"I dunno. I've always been good at it. But I also don't like it when my girlfriend and my best friend argue."

I heard three offended coughs behind me. I turned to my friends.

"Best Girl friend."

Kate glowered at me.

"I mean, best friend who is a girl."

Kate smiled, and passed me, swatting me with her tail. She knew I liked that.

"Meet you later at the den."

I turned to see my friends had gone already. Probably having a sulk about what I had said. They would come round. I turned again to see Lilly looking at me intently.

"Happy days at Jasper Park." I commented.

Lilly laughed.

"I wouldn't worry. But Kate has been very quick to snap lately. Its like she's under a lot of pressure about something, but I couldn't tell you what." She looked at me as if to say, Do you know? I shook my head at her.

"I haven't a clue. But I've noticed Garth's been acting strangely as well. I don't think he's been the same since he broke his leg on that hunt."

"No, but Kate helped him through it. Garth's just suffered a major blow to the ego is all."

"Whoaaa, did you say KATE helped him through it?"

"Yeah, through the hunt."

"I see."

I guessed that Lilly could sense the suspicion behind my tone.

"Trust me, Kate isn't the type to cheat."

"I believe you on that. And she's never given up on me."

Lilly gave me a smile. A bright one.

"I know Humphrey. It's just..."

She looked like she wanted to say something important to me, but it was like the words were stuck in her mouth. She had a sort of glint in her eye, one I couldn't decipher. It was a difficult look.

"Just?" I said, urging her to remember.

"Don't worry. I'll see you around."

And with that, she left. I was now alone. All alone. I shrugged to myself. I followed Lilly back to the den, and found Kate in the corner. She was waiting for me. I lied down next to her, and kissed her goodnight. She didn't return the affection. She looked lost, just vacently staring into space. I shrugged again, and settled down to sleep.

Another happy day at Jasper Park, I thought as I closed my eyes.

What did you think? I thought it was OK, but the real judge of that is you guys! Please review, and I will see you soon!

P.S: I'm not advertising at all, or telling you to do this, but if you like, could you check out my other story? It's called If Only... and it's a Kung Fu Panda fic. Anyways, Thanks again!

-KovuAssassin12 :D