Hatter woke up, and realised he was crying out and sobbing. His cheeks flamed red as he looked at Alice.

She was perched on him, straddling him, and had his arms up on either side of his head. He almost smirked then saw the scared expression on her face and noticed how she wasn't being sexual, but was pinning his wrists down.

Still, he couldn't help but notice that she was wearing his burgundy shirt, and a pair of lacy white knickers. And nothing else.

They were both breathing heavily and were looking at each other with a wary look in their eyes.

"You're awake this time?"

"There's been other times?" He croaked.

"Yes. There's been four false alarms, Hatter... Don't scare me like that again."

"Okay, love, I won't do it again..." His voice was a whisper and though they did well to hide it, they knew he was lying. He would do it tomorrow. And the night after that.

"Good." She sighed and looked down at herself "I guess I should , uh..." He knew she was embarrassed at being on top of him but he could honestly say he was enjoying the view. When she went to lift herself off, he put his hands on her hips, causing her to turn red and start stammering, and placed her back down.

"Please don't move..."

"Okay... I won't." She replied quietly and that was a lie too. Because they knew what was about to happen.

Three, two, one...

On cue, they both moved and their lips met. Dr's Dum and Dee were banished from his mind. Kitty was gone, her broken form stowed away, but waiting to come back soon. March was a fluffy rabbit he was stuffing down a rabbit hole. Even his father was locked away somewhere.

She was leaning down to kiss him, hair making a curtain around them, and tickling his cheeks and shoulders. He put his hands on the small of her back.

There was a ripping sound and then her clothes were gone. Pity, Hatter had liked that shirt. And those knickers. But they did look better shredded.

Hatter's hands were experienced. Hatter had been a ladies man and he knew how to make women tick - Not just women in general, but each woman in particular.

He knew how Alice liked him to touch her hair, knew she liked it when he wrapped it around his hand or crushed the ends lightly in his fist. He knew where she liked to be touched, what she liked hearing and he knew every inch of her body.

"Bad dreams..." He whispered against her mouth "I need a distraction." He captured her mouth with his and closed his eyes.

She was demonstrating just how well she knew him as well. Hatter groaned then rolled them over so he was on top. He kissed his way down her neck gently.

"Be my distraction." It was something like a prayer, something like a declaration of his love, something like a plea, and something like an order all in one, whispered with warm breath and a seductive, needy tone against the hollow of her throat.

Alice was only too happy to oblige.