Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Harry Potter is owned by a successful millionaire. I am not a millionaire or JK. Rowling. I wish I was, but I'm not. No matter how many lawyers I have I will never own Harry Potter or the Marauders.

Author's Note: Here it is the first chapter to the sequel to LAAB. I appreciate the patience of my readers. Please continue to support me. I am very thrilled with the response I had with LAAB and hope that Haunted will be just as successful. Constructive criticism welcome.

Full Summary: Sirius Black is a very strange boy. He is the first Gryffindor student in a long line of Slytherin students at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. One of his best friends is a werewolf and remains in his room for the majority of his summer holiday. The Marauders go back to Hogwarts for their second year. They year doesn't get off to a good start when his best friend starts acting weird. Is his best friend in danger? Will the Marauders be able to help him? Is a Marauder distant to die young?

Ch. 1 Locked Up

Sirius Black was not having a good summer. He had been home for almost a month and he was already bored. His parents had given him the cold shoulder ever since he came home from to summer holidays from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His parents took offense to the fact that Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor over Slytherin, the family house. Sirius didn't want to be in Gryffindor and had a lot more fun in his house. Sirius was a part of a group of boys that called themselves the Marauders. Their main mission in life was to cause as much mischief and have as much fun as four twelve year old boys could possibly have. James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, were the best friends Sirius could ask for. With them, he shares a dorm in Gryffindor. Midway through last year, Sirius found out that one of the Marauders had a secret. His friend Remus turned out to be a werewolf. Not that his fellow Marauders minded but it was irritating that he kept it from them. Sirius thought of the letter he received from his friends.


How are you mate? Are your parents being awful? Not much is going on here. My parents are taking me on holiday to the United States. Dad has a mission there and wanted us to come with him. We should be back in a few weeks. My mom said that when we come back you are invited to stay with us for the rest of the summer. I can't wait, it's boring without you. Peter's mom will only let him come for a week. Remus said he might only be able to come for the beginning but might have to leave before the full moon. Hope your well. See you soon.


James Potter was probably the one person he missed the most. He was really close to all the Marauders but Sirius and he were closer. Sirius missed him and his need to give you a new nickname every day. Last Christmas he spent the holiday with the Potters. Sirius wished his parents were more like the Potters. James had written him first thing when Sirius got home. If he was excited to get a letter from James it was nothing compared to the reaction he had when he got a letter from the other two Marauders.


How are you? I hope your having a good summer. James wrote to me a few days ago and invited me over to his house. I probably won't stay the whole time (you know full moon). I transform again in a few days. I like the idea of transforming at home then in the shrieking shack. Peter's mom wanted Peter home for his birthday so James said we'll have his party when we all come. I hope you kept up with your homework. I only got a few more pages to do then I have done all done. If you need help with the history of magic essay I will help you when we go by James's. I can't wait to see you guys.


Sirius always thought of his werewolf friend on the full moon. Remus was bitten when he was seven years old. The Wizarding World had a strong prejudice against werewolves and Remus almost couldn't go to Hogwarts. Remus had a hard time last year when he was kidnapped by their former Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. Professor Rockwood was a werewolf hunter and was going to kill Remus. Remus was rescued by his fellow Marauders. Professor Rockwood was found dead a while ago and the ministry were at a loss to explain how he died. A few days after Remus's letter arrived Peter finally wrote him.

Dear Sirius,

How is your summer going? Sorry it took me so long to write, my aunt was sick and I had to go all the way to New Zealand. It was really boring. Did you get the box of treats my mom sent? Mom got me this really cool muggle object called a television for my birthday. Are you going to James's house? Hope to see you soon.


Sirius had to laugh when he read this. He knew that Peter's mom was Muggleborn and knew it would interest Sirius to hear about anything muggle. Sirius wasn't as close to Peter then he was Remus or James but he was one of them. Peter sometimes annoyed Sirius with not having any opinion of his own but was a Marauder never the less. Sirius hoped to see them soon. He was bored here at Grimmlaud Place. He was tired of never coming out of his room because he didn't want to face his family's nasty stares. Sirius had a younger brother Regulus. Regulus was starting Hogwarts this year. Right when Sirius came home he knew things were different. It was clear which boy his parent's favorite. Being the oldest Sirius got the biggest room. Right now he was busy decorating it the way he wanted to.

"What are you doing?" His brother asked.

"Don't you ever knock?" Sirius asked annoyed. Regulus ignored this.

"Mom is going to freak when she sees what you've done with you room" Regulus said.

"What I'm only putting up pictures" Sirius said.

"Why do have you hair that long?" Regulus asked annyoed

"Because I like it long." Sirius said. Regulus gave him a look of disapproval.

"Mom wanted me to tell you our cousins are coming over to dinner tomorrow" Regulus said. Sirius groaned. He hated his cousins, well only two of them. His cousin Narcissa recently got married this summer to a complete tosser named Lucius Malfoy. His other cousin Bellatrix frightens him. They only cousin he was even close to was Andromeda. She recently graduated a year before he went to Hogwarts and hasn't seen her since last summer.

"Why are you putting that up" Regulus groaned.

"Because I'm in Gryffindor" Sirius said putting up his scarf.

"What's it like" Regulus asked.

"Gryffindor?" Sirius asked. Regulus nodded.

"It's great, I love it there" He said. Regulus turned around.

"You know it's not wrong wanting to go somewhere else" Sirius called after him.. Regulus looked at his older brother. He did not respond and went down the stairs leaving Sirius in his room. He wanted Regulus with him in Gryffindor but knew his parents wouldn't be happy about it. It was one of the things that upset Sirius the most. Shouldn't parents love you even if you do go against their wishes? Sirius already knew where his brother was going to end up, and hoped it was Regulus knew the big effect if could have on his life.

Next Chapter: Dinner with the cousins. Sirius finds out that he's not the only Black breaking the mold. Sirius finally asks his parents if he could go to the Potters. Will they let him go. He gets a letter from a friend that worries him.